Lancaster County ScArchives Military Records.....Perdue, William January 10, 1837 Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Janet King March 15, 2009, 8:47 pm Pension Application State of South Carolina ) Lancaster District ) On the Tenth day of January 1837 Personally appeared before James H. Witherspoon Judge of the Court of Ordinary for Lancaster District So. Ca. at it, regular depose - William Pardue, a resident of the District and State aforesaid aged near Seventy seven years, who being first duly sworn according to law, dothe make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress of the 7th June 1832 --- That he enlisted under Capt. Geo. Hicks of the continental army in the month of November 1778 in Warren County, North Carolina as Capt Hicks was on his return to the army from a visit to his friends in Virginia - This declarant believes that the army was stationed at Savannah, GA. as it was at this place that he was regularily enrolled, He only gave his name to Capt Hicks in Warren County (- -) and mounted his horse and followed Capt Hicks, to where his command was (Savannah) Declarant was but a very short time under the command of Capt. Geo. Hicks. it being necessary to make a draft in that Company for the purpose of supplying an Infantry Company under the command of Captain Clint Nash - he was drafted and placed under the command of Capt Nash and shortly afterwards marched to Gulfshores, Old Town under a detachment Commanded by Col. McIntosh, from this place he returned to Savannah - From Savannah he was ordered to Midway distance 30 miles at which place they were stationed, his officers were Capt, Nash, Majr. Joseph Lane & Col. McIntosh. I suppose I had at this time been about twenty months in the service from the time of my Enlistment - at midway we acertained that the British were preparing to attack Fort Sunbury - and a draft was ordered to go and strengthen and garrison that Fort. Majr Joseph Lane was appoined to this command and Declarant in consequence of his being drafted to garrison Fort Sunbury followed him to that Post - This place was called nine miles from Midway = Sunbury was attacked by the British = and after with standing the assault of the enemy for three days & nights the garrison was surrendered = and the applicant from that time became a prisoner of War - In this engagement the declarant recd. a wound on the side of his face. A ball passing right across his face - from Sunbury the declarant was taken to Savannah whence he was kept two or three days when he with other American Prisoners were taken on board a prison ship where he was confined seven months (----) days - At Savannah he (declarant)and four others were supposed to go ashore for the purpose of repairing a vessel and they made good their escape - The vessel that declarant was confined in and inprisoned lay below Savannah at or near a Island Called Cockspur - Declarants period of enlistment in the time from which he enlisted having ended previous to his draft to go to Sunbury to help garrison that Fort, and he applied to Maj Jas. Lane his commander for his discharge; but as the enemy was near at hand and daily expected Maj. Lane refused his demand and addressed his men appealing very strongly to their patriotism and valor and they consented (as also did declarant) to terms for a short time until they could go to reenforcements and engage the enemy, which caused declarant to not get his discharge - declarant continued to do his duty, as a soldier up to the time of his being taken a prisoner, a period of more than two years from his enlistment - delcarant at the time of his capture as a prisoner of War at the surrender of Fort Sunbury, was separated from his officers in whom he never more saw after his escape from the Enemey at Savannah were he was suffered to work on the vessel and from the prison ship where he was confined seven months. He hereby relinquishes any claims whatever to a pensioner anmity, except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension file of this or any other state - To the interrogations proposed he answers as follows - Ans. 1. Born in Chesterfield County, Virginia March 28, 1760 Ans. 2. I have in my house a collection of sermons by Welch & Nelson Ans. 3. In North Caroline, Warren County. - In Lancaster District South Carolina - Ans. 4. Enlisted - Ans. 5. Genl. Elbert, Col. McIntosh, Majr. Joseph Lane, Capt. Geo. Hicks & Capt. Clint. Nash Sworn & Subscribed Before me Jany 10, 1837 J. H. Withersppon Judge of the Court of Ordinary for the Distict of Lancaster In the Court of Ordinary Lancaster District And the said Court of Ordinary do hereby declare his opinion that William Perdue applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and Served as he States. Given undo my Hand & Seal of Office the 10 Jany 1837 Jas. H. Withersppon O.L. Additional Comments: This William Perdue was probably the son of William and Francis Perdue and grandson of John Perdue who left a Will in Bute Co., NC 1769. William (Jr) applied twice for a pension and both were denied. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.5 Kb