Laurens County ScArchives Wills.....Garrett, Ambrose May 9, 1940 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Golowka July 13, 2024, 2:17 pm Source: Will Book A, Page 3, Bundle 83, Package 18 Written: May 9, 1940 Recorded: July 1940 Will of Ambrose Garrett In the name of God Amen. I Ambrose Garrett of the district of Laurens in the State of South Carolina being of Sound and disposing mind and memory but weak and afflicted in body and Calling to mind the uncertainty of Life and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as it has been pleas God to bless me with do make and ordain this my Last will in manner following that is to say I desire my black smith tools together with a part of my stock of cattle and if any thing more my wife thinks proper to spare to immediately sold after my decease and out of the money arising there from all my Just debts and funeral expenses be paid after my debts and funeral expenses is paid I give to my wife, Nancy Garrett, all the balance of my estate both real and personal during her natural life or widowhood in order that she may be able to raise and school my children and give to each of them at their becoming of age or day of Marriage equal to what I have given the most of my children that has left me and after her death I give the same to my children and direct my Executor to sell the same and make equal distribution among them having respect tot what has or may be given out and I give the sums to them their heirs executors administrators and assigns forever provided never the less if my said wife Nancy Garrett should marry then and in that case my will is that my Executor expose all my estate both real and personal to sale and make distribution as above directed giving to her one third part and Lastly I do constitute my said wife Executrix and my friend Fountain Martin Executor of this my las will and testament hereby revoking all other former wills and testaments by me heretofore made in testimony I have here hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 9th day of May 1840 Ambrose Garrett {seal} Signed, sealed, published & declared as & for the last will& testament of the above named Ambrose Garrett in the presents of us Stephen Garrett Jesse Davis Breenden Davis Proven date July, 1840 W D Watts Ordy Original will page 3, Book A Bundle 83, package10 Recorded date not available File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb