WILL OF PHILIP KIRTON SR. In the name of God Amen I Philip Kirton Senr of the District of marion and Sate of South Carolina being weak in body but of Sound and disposing minde and memory and understanding do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form as follos to wit all my Jest debts to be paid Item I also gave and bequeath to my be- and loved children Henry Phillip/Samuel one half of all my land not other wise disposed of to be Equally divided I also lone to my three daughters mary Elizabet and olive the other half of all my lands not otherwise disposed of as followes I lone to Mary one third of Said land during her naterl life and at her death I gave Said Shear to her//daughter Rebecca I also lone To my at daughter Elisabeth one third of said Land during her nateral life and/her death I gave It to the heirs of her boddy I also lone to my daughter olive one third of Said lands in the Same manner as Elisabeth and if Said land cant be divided my Executors is impowered To Sell for a division I Gave to my Son Samuel all my black Smiths tools but the part I baug Baught of Samuel them I Gave to my Son Phillip all th ballance of my of my working toles and waring appearil I gave to my three Sones Henry Philip and Samuel to be Equal- ly divided all my Beds and Bedstide to be Equally divided Betwene all my children and the firnetu of Said Beds to be Equally divided betwen my three daughters mary Elisabeth and olive also I gave to my daughter olive my loom and firneture all the ballance of my personel Estate I lone to my five chil- dren Philip,Samuel, mary, Elisabeth,and olive during there nateral lives to be Equally divided and at thear //////// death I gave ach ones Shear to thear children except mary her part to her daughter Rebecca and if any of my children die without leaving children or child it is to return to my this 23d day of July heirs Share of I have Set my hands and Seal in the year of our lord one thousan eight hundred and thirty Four and of americas independance fifty ninth ///// year Samuel Kirton )Exors Philip Kirton (SEAL) Philip Kirton, Jr ) in the third line from bottom the words "this 23.rd day of July inserted before Signed also the last line in bottom the word "ninth. inserted in place of Eight Sealed, Signed a delivered in presince of Wm. B. Rowell Hugh Giles Jefee Wiggins PHILIP KIRTON,SR.'S Will Page 2 Recorded in Will Book 1, Page 299 Recorded July 13th 1839 Ed. B. Wheeler, R.M.C. Roll No. 428 -------------------------- Transcribed by Carlton C. Kirton Jr. 12 November 1996