REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION - JOHN McLAIN HEIRS Contributed by: Robert H. McClain, Jr. [] ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** To the Commissioner of Pensions The memorial of the undersigned Nancy McLain daughter of John McLain who was a soldier of the Revolutionary War respectfully shows that her father the aforesaid John McLain entered the service in South Carolina in Lieut. James Martin's Company in 1779 in which he served fifty seven days also seventy two days duty in Capt. James Martin's Company in Col. William Bratton's Regt in 1780 as horseman (the first fifty seven days being in Ross Regt) Also one hundred days as prisoner taken at Briar Creek Defeat from 3rd March to 11th June 1779 in all two hundred & twenty days as will be seen by reference to the Comptrollers Genls Office of South Carolina that the said John McLain departed this life in York District South Carolina on the thirty first day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine in proof which she refers to the affadavits of Dr. John Hall and Clark Robeeson herewith sent and also in proof the service of John McLain refers to the Certificate from the Comptroller Genl Office and also the affadavits of James Jamieson & Robert Wilson that there remains alive the following children of said John McLain viz your petitioner & Obadiah McLain, Arthur McLain, Martha Creekman & Louicy Stewart, they therefore claim the benefits of the Acts of Congress in such cases made and provided and request that a pension scerticate may be issued to them to be paid at Charleston in the State of South Carolina Sworn to and subscribed before me November 25th 1846 JMRoss, OYD /s/ Nancy H. MClain ________________________________________________________________________ Pension Office Dec. 15, 1846 Miss, The papers forwarded by you in the case of your deceased father, John McClain, have been examined, and I regret to say that there is no law allowing a pension to the children of a parent who died prior to 7th June, 1832. Miss Nancy H. McClain Yorkville, S.C. ________________________________________________________________________ South Carolina } York District } Personally appeared Robert Wilson before me and made oath that he was well acquainted with John McClain and served with him in the Revolutionary Wary in the years 1780 and 1781 & that he served under Co. Hill & Genl Sumter and the Army was stationed in No Ca and march into So Ca to Rock Mount Sworn to and subscribed September 8th 1846 /s/ Robert Wilson Before me Samuel G. Brown, Magst. ________________________________________________________________________ South Carolina } York District } Personally came Joseph Jameisoon before me and made oath that he was acquainted with Joh mcClain and served with him in the year 1780 that they lay quartered for osme time at Ancrums (?) Old Field in Richland District that McClain served under General Sumter Sworn to and subscribed Sept 8th 1846 his Before Me Joseph x Jameison Samuel G. Brown Magst. mark ________________________________________________________________________ Comptroller Gen'ls Office Columbia, S. C. Sept 16th, 1846 Book V } Indent 603 } Issued the 12 September 1785 to John McClain for Thirty-two pounds 13 S. 6 D. for duty in 1779 and 1780 per acct from the Commissioners Prinl L32:13:6D Int. L2:5:8D Book V } Account 603 } John McClain His account of 57 days duty as horseman in Lieut. James Martin's Company in 1779 also 72 days duty in Capt. James Martin's Company in Col. William Bratton's Regt. in 1780 as horseman (the first 57 days in Ross Regt. -- also 100 days as prisoner taken at Briar Creek Defeat from 3rd March to 11th June 1779 at 100 a day certified by Lieut. James Martin, in all 229 days Sterling L29:18:5D I certify the above to be a true copy of the Record in this Office For Comptroller Genl /s/ J Aug Black Papers in the National Archives in Washington submitted in support of a request for a pension by the survivors of John McLain, which was rejected because he had deceased and there was no pension available to survivors. [R6616]