REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION - WILLIAM STROUD Contributed by: Leatha A. Betts [] ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. *********************************************************************** Chester Co., SC To the Honorable The President, and members of the Senate of So. Carolina. The petition of William Stroud humbly herewith. That your petitioner was a friend to his country and faithfully served the same both in the regular and militia service of the State during the struggles of the Revolutionary War. That he was wounded at the Congaree Fort, under the command of Gen. Sumpter when going the tour of duty called the rounds, by a musket ball from the British, which entered near the point of his left shoulder Blades, and ranged down the oin of his back and loged and was cut out with considerable difficulty and great pain. but your petitioner being then a man of a robust constitutionwho considerably advanced in life, did not find so much advantage therefrom, untill that his is now arriving at an old age of above 80 years, he has for a considerable length of time felt the serious effects thereof, so that his left arm the side on which he was wounded has become very much enfeebled from the effects thereof, and which unfits him for almost any kind of labour to support himself, and being entirely destitute of property, and no means of support but from the goodwill of others, he therefore throws himself upon the bounty of the country, and hopes that an honorable leglislature will grant him the benefit of that public relief for time to come which is usually extended to the War worn soldier in such cases. With such a sum for bakc arrears that he might have been justly entitled had he but made sooner application. And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. William (His Mark) Stroud, 9 Nov 1811. We whose names are hereunto Subvented do hereby certify that we are acquainted with the within petitioner William Stroud, and believe that the contents of his petition is just and true and recommend bring to the attention of the Legislature agreeable to the Major thereof. Given under our hands this 22 Nov 1811. John Cherry, Major J.J. Gaston James Markeson, I.B. Joseph Karr B.M. John Douglas, Capt. Geo. Gill, Cl. Joseph Gaston J.P. Wm. Paul Jas. Anderson, Esqr. Jos. Johnston David Patton Capt. Isaac McFadden, Major John Thomson, Capt. James Marton Samuel Ferguson Rob. Stinson, Capt. Daniel Green Jacob Westbrook I Certify the within named petitioner together with three of his sons, did in Aprl 1776, enlist in the 6th Regiment, and served faithfully, and that , about the last of July 1780, int eh Vicinity of Rockey Mount the day after the action. With Col. Turnbull at this place, the petitioner and three sons, joined their countrymen in the Army and again continued to act worthily in Mary 1781 at Granby, the petioner received a serious wound*but still continued to serve. Thos. Sumpter 26 Nov 1811 *********** To the Honrb. the President and Members of the Senate of the State of So. Carolina. The Petiton of Hardy Stroud of Chester Dist. hunbly herewith. That your petitioners father William Stroud was placed on the pention list of this state December 1811, in consequence of wounds received during the Revolutioanry War. That the said William died the 10 day of December 1812 at which time there cut about one years anuiety due him. That pr*** cause to his receiving a pention and afterwards he resided with your petitioner and died, possessed of no property worth administering on, not even to pay the expenses and had contracted several small debts for which you4 petitioner is liable. He therefore prays the honorable Legislature would denote the Treasurer the said one year annuity due his father to your petitioner, as some reimbursement for his trouble and expences and the debts which he has to pay on his account. And your petitoner as in duty bound will ever Pray. Hardy Stroud. The petition of Hardy Stroud, praying that one years arears of pension unto his father Wm. Stroud, Decd. may be paid to him. W. McCreary Rev. Aud. Account of William Stroud AA7495, pg. 1v to 13v. South Car. Arch.