SOUTH CAROLINA - NEWBERRY COUNTY - PROBATE RECORDS - Simon Cary 1844 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beth Collins October 12, 2003, 10:47 am Source: Newberry County Wills, Box 72, Number 8 Written: January 20 1844 Newberry County, Estates Box 72, #8 The State of South Carolina } In the Court of Ordinary Newberry District } To William Wilson Esquire Judge of the Court of Ordinary of Newberry District. The petition of Robert W. Kary and Hiram Glasgow showeth that your petitioners have been appointed by this Court administrators of the estate of Simon Kary deceased. That the said deceased left three children namely your petitioner Robert W., John Kary, and Catherine now the wife of William Ragland who alas some years ago intermarried successively with Johnson Lowry and John Cole (and whether they or either of them is dead is unknown to your petitioners) his only heirs and next of kin. That the said deceased left two negroes and some other personalty; and your petitioners are desirous to obtain and order for the sale of said personal estate for the payment of debts and for distribution. Wherefore your petitioners pray that this court may grant to them an order authorizing them to sell the said personal property at such time and on such times as to the Court shall seem ______. 20 Jany 1844 Robert W Kary Hiram Glasgow _________________________________ Settlement on estate of Simon Cary deceased 1845 Distributees name and parts 1 John Kary 1,288.19 2/3 2 Robert W. Kary 1,288.19 2/3 3 Catharine Ragland 1,288.19 2/3 Additional Comments: Simon Cary died December 4, 1843.