Newberry County ScArchives Obituaries.....Fowler, Cecelia (Chalmers) [Mrs. James W.] December 25, 1868 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace (Teal) Gravelle August 17, 2007, 5:38 pm "The Abbeville Press" NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, JANUARY 8, 1869 OBITUARY OF MRS. CECELIA FOWLER "And her last fond lingering look is given, to the love she leaves and then to Heaven, As if she would bear that love away, to a purer world and a brigher day." An apt illustration of these touching lines was furnished at the closing scene in the life of Mrs. Cecelia FOWLER, the beloved wife of Mr. James W. Fowler of Abbeville district and the daughter of Dr. A.W. and Mrs. Frances CHALMERS of Newberry district, who fell asleep in Jesus on the 25th of Dec. 1868 in the 27th year of her age. Her lustrious eyes and cheeks of rosey hue and robust form, and gleesome spirit, gave bright promise of lengthening years. But yelding to the primeval decree, "in sorrow thou shalt bring forth", she sank beneath the exhausting throes that so often emperil the life of woman. Reared in the bosom of the Associate Reformed Church and a member of it from girlhood, she was sustained in the final conflict by faith in the Saviour, to whom she had so early learned to love. To her agonized husband she said, "My love, I could wish to live for you, but I am ready to go." Her last words were, "Jesus, I am coming." "So pass the beautiful away." The funeral services were performed on Sabbath in the Presbyterian church by Rev. Dr. Turner, in the presence of a sympathizing congregation. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb