Newberry County ScArchives Obituaries.....Sondley, David R. July 1870 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace (Teal) Gravelle August 25, 2007, 2:34 am "The Abbeville Press & Banner" Abbeville, South Carolina NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, JULY 22, 1870 DEATH OF MR. D.R. SONDLEY We regret to announce the death of Mr. D.R. SONDLEY, one of our most esteemed citizens, at his residence in this village from Consumption, on Friday last in the forty-fourth year of his age. He was a native of Newberry but had resided here for the past fifteen years and during most of which time he occupied the position of Depot Agent of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Of delicate health and frail constitution it is a matter of wonder what the vigorous will and earnest purpose kept back so long the ebbing tide, that mind triumphed so long over matter, and life resisted so long the approaches of death. At last, death came as the friend to give relief to the suffering and rest to the weary. For many years, a member of the Presbyterian church, an honorable upright man, a public spirited citizen, a faithful and efficient officer, of affable deportment and genial, companionable temper, he possessed in an eminent degree that blended harmony of character; those attributes of mind and virtues of heart, which secure respect and inspire love. In his death there is to each one of us something of personal bereavement; and we mourn not the useful citizen, but the kindly beaming face which spoke of the loveable qualities of the man. As a man he was universally popular and the people of our district generally will cherish for him a green place in their memories, whilst they drop a tear over his tomb. The funeral services were conducted in the Presbyterian church of the village on Saturday last, and impressive discources were delivered by Rev. J.O. Lindsay and Rev. W.P. DuBose; after which the remains were interred with Masonic honors in the cemetery of the Upper Long Cane church. ---------- IN MEMORIAM OF DAVID RICHARD SONDLEY Clinton Lodge No. 3 July 16, 1870 Whereas, the Great Architect of the Universe in the decrees of his all-wise Providence, has seen fit to remove from the scenes of his earthly labors, our much esteemed and worthy brother, David Richard SONDLEY, a zealous member of this Lodge. Therefore, be it Resolved; that in the death of our brother David R. SONDLEY, Masonry has sustained the loss of one of its bright and shining lights; this Lodge one of its most devoted members; the community one of its best citizens, and the church a valuable member. Resolved; that we tender to the widowed mother and orphan children our heartfelt condolence and sympathy and trust that He who "tempers the wind to the shorn lamb" may sustain them in this their great affliction, and "pour in the oil of joy for mourning and give the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness." Resolved; that the Secretary be directed to dedicate a blank page to the memory of our deceased brother upon his record book and append thereto a copy of these resolutions. Resolved; that this Lodge be clothed in mourning and that the members be requested to wear the usual badge for the next thirty days, as a tribute of respect to the memory of our deceased brother. Resolved; that the Secretary be instructed to send a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased, and also furnish a copy to the Press and Banner for publication. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb