Newberry-Kershaw County ScArchives Wills.....McKee, Robert September 22, 1830 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Milisia Hanlin February 10, 2009, 9:31 am Source Citation and Source Information: South Carolina Department of Archives and History 8301 Parklane Road Columbia, SC 29223 Tele: 803.896.6100 Fax: 803.896.6198. S108093: South Carolina Will Transcripts (Microcopy No 9) McKee, Robert of Newberry District, Will Typescript (MSS Will: Estate Record Book L. Page: 422) (1 Frame). Series: S108093; Reel: 0019; Frame: 00576; Item: 000. Names indexed: ATKINS, JAMES; CALDWELL, JOHN; DUCKETT, THOMAS; MCKEE, ELIZABETH; MCKEE, JAMES; MCKEE, JOSPEH; MCKEE, ROBERT; MCKEE, SAMUEL; MCKEE, WILLIAM; Locations: NEWBERRY DISTRICT; Document type: WILL (TYPESCRIPT); Topics. Recorded in Will Book “L” Page 442 W. Wilson, O.N.D. Box 49. Pkg. 114; Est. No. 1194. Written: September 22, 1830 Proven and Recorded: January 27, 1831 “Will of Robert McKee South Carolina Newberry District I Robert McKee planter of the District and State aforesaid being of perfect sound mind and memory do make and declare this and no other to be my last will and testament Item 1 I order my funeral expences all just debts to be paid Item 2 In consideration of the services of my daughter Elizabeth has rendered me since the death of her mother I will to her and her heirs the tract of land where on I now live containing one hundred and ninety nine acres more or lefs and her choice of any of my negro girls which I may have at the time of my death over and above her equal share in the residue of my estate real & personal. Item 3 My children to wit Joseph, James, Samuel, Elizabeth, and William all being of full age and wishing to have all my estate both real and personal equally divided between them with out any cost or expence do hereby order and direct the whole of my estate real and personal be appraised by three disenterested persons to be chosen by my executor here in after named and divided in five equal portions an equal portion of which I will to each of my aforesaid children and the heirs of each Item 4 My son Samuel not having received a horse from me and the rest having done so, I order and direct a horse to be valued at forty dollars, or forty dollars in cash to be paid to him by my executor before the aforesaid division is made. Item 5 I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my eldest son Joseph McKee Sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby ratifying allowing confirming, declaring and publishing this and none other to be my last will in testimony where of I here unto set my hand and Seal 22rd.. of September Anno Domini 1830. Robert McKee (L.S.) Jno. Caldwell Thomas Duckett James Atkins Source Citation and Source Information: South Carolina Department of Archives and History. 8301 Parklane Road. Columbia, SC 29223. Tele: 803.896.6100; Fax: 803.896.6198. S108093: South Carolina Will Transcripts (Microcopy No 9) McKee, Robert of Newberry District, Will Typescript (MSS Will: Estate Record Book L. Page: 422) (1 Frame). Series: S108093; Reel: 0019; Frame: 00576; Item: 000. Names indexed: ATKINS, JAMES; CALDWELL, JOHN; DUCKETT, THOMAS; MCKEE, ELIZABETH; MCKEE, JAMES; MCKEE, JOSPEH; MCKEE, ROBERT; MCKEE, SAMUEL; MCKEE, WILLIAM; Locations: NEWBERRY DISTRICT; Document type: WILL (TYPESCRIPT); Topics. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb