Newberry-Kershaw County ScArchives Wills.....McKee, Elizabeth March 9, 1861 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Milisia Hanlin February 10, 2009, 11:36 am Source Citation and Source Information: South Carolina Department of Archives and History 8301 Parklane Road Columbia, SC 29223 Tele: 803.896.6100 Fax: 803.896.6198. Will of Elizabeth McKEE, of Newberry District, South Carolina. Will Typescript (MSS: Book 2, Pages 403-405) (2 Frames). Series: S108093; Reel: 0020; Frame: 00520; Item: 000. Names indexed: ALICE (SLAVE); BISHOP, SARAH; DENSON, ALFRED; DICK (SLAVE); GORE, ANN; HANNAH (SLAVE); HUGHES, SARAH; JOHNSON, ELIZABETH; LEGAR (SLAVE); MARTHA (SLAVE); MCCRACKIN, MARGARET; MCKEE, ELIZABETH; MCKEE, JAMES; MCKEE, JOSEPH; MCKEE, MARGARET; MCKEE, ROBERT; MCKEE, SAMUEL; MCKEE, WILLIAM; MILTON (SLAVE); MINERVA (SLAVE); RAY, WILLIAM,SCOTT, WILLIAM; ROSS (SLAVE); SUSAN (SLAVE); WADE (SLAVE); Locations: NEWBERRY DISTRICT; Document type: WILL (TYPESCRIPT); Topics: SLAVES, NAMED. imageNumber=S108093002000520000a.jpg&recordId=300849. Will Book No. 2, pages 403-405 "Record of Wills" Written: March 9, 1861 Proven: August 26, 1861 Recorded August 27, 1861 E. P. Lake, Ordinary Newberry District Box No. 121—Pkg. No. 329. Est. No. ---- “Will of Elizabeth McKee, of Newberry District, South Carolina The State of South Carolina Newberry District In the name of God Amen I Elizabeth McKee of the District of Newberry and State of South Carolina being blessed by a kind providence with some of the good things of this life, and feeling myself to be of sound and disposing mind and memory and feeling desirous to make disposition of my property do dispose of It by this my last Will and testament in Manner and form following To Wit 1st First I commend my Immortal soul to God Who gave it 2d Secondly I desire that after my decease that My body be buried in christian like manner 3d Thirdly It is will and desire that after my Funeral Expenses Doctors Bills and Just Debts are all paid and satisfied; that my Brother Samuel McKee have my servants Minerva and her three children, Alice, Wade and Susan 4th Fourth To My Niece Elizabeth Johnson I Will and bequeath my servants Martha and Milton, and If she my Niece should die without heirs. It is my Will and desire that the said servants and their increase be sold and the proceeds of the said sale money be Equally divided between my nearest relatives on the McKee side 5th Fifthly. I will and bequeath to my Niece Margaret McCrackin My Servants Dick and Hannah and their increase 6th I do will and bequeath to my Nephew Joseph McKee son of William McKee My servant boy Ross 7th It is my will and desire and I do hereby bequeath to Margaret McKee Daughter of James McKee my servant Girl Legar and her increase 8th I will and bequeath to Sarah Bishop formerly Sarah Hughes, One Hundred Dollars to be paid her out of the sale of my property 9th It is further my will and desire that all balance of my property in Negroes together with my Lands, Farming tools, Stock of All Kinds, Household furniture, and every thing Else I own, be sold and after all all Just claims against my Estate are satisfied ^ then^ the residue be equally divided between my Brothers Samuel McKee, James McKee and William McKee, or their children Except…” [End of Page One] [Start of Page Two] “…Robert, son of William McKee, to whom I only bequeath One Dollar. And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint William Ray of said state and District Executor to this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills and codicils heretofore by me made In testimony whereof I hereby affix my mark to my name this twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and sixty One Signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of-- Elizabeth ^her mark^ McKee (L.S.) Alfred Denson William Scott Ann Gore Additional Comments: She was the daughter of Robert McKee, of Newberry District, South Carolina, enumerated in the will attached below: “Will of Robert McKee South Carolina Newberry District I Robert McKee planter of the District and State aforesaid being of perfect sound mind and memory do make and declare this and no other to be my last will and testament Item 1 I order my funeral expences all just debts to be paid Item 2 In consideration of the services of my daughter Elizabeth has rendered me since the death of her mother I will to her and her heirs the tract of land where on I now live containing one hundred and ninety nine acres more or lefs and her choice of any of my negro girls which I may have at the time of my death over and above her equal share in the residue of my estate real & personal. Item 3 My children to wit Joseph, James, Samuel, Elizabeth, and William all being of full age and wishing to have all my estate both real and personal equally divided between them with out any cost or expence do hereby order and direct the whole of my estate real and personal be appraised by three disenterested persons to be chosen by my executor here in after named and divided in five equal portions an equal portion of which I will to each of my aforesaid children and the heirs of each Item 4 My son Samuel not having received a horse from me and the rest having done so, I order and direct a horse to be valued at forty dollars, or forty dollars in cash to be paid to him by my executor before the aforesaid division is made. Item 5 I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my eldest son Joseph McKee Sole executor of this my last will and testament hereby ratifying allowing confirming, declaring and publishing this and none other to be my last will in testimony where of I here unto set my hand and Seal 22rd.. of September Anno Domini 1830. Robert McKee (L.S.) Jno. Caldwell Thomas Duckett James Atkins Recorded in Will Book “L” Page 442 Proved Jan 27 – 1831 Recorded Jan. 27 – 1831 W. Wilson, O.N.D. Box 49. Pkg. 114; Est. No. 1194.” Source Citation and Source Information: South Carolina Department of Archives and History. 8301 Parklane Road. Columbia, SC 29223. Tele: 803.896.6100; Fax: 803.896.6198. S108093: South Carolina Will Transcripts (Microcopy No 9) McKee, Robert of Newberry District, Will Typescript (MSS Will: Estate Record Book L. Page: 422) (1 Frame). Series: S108093; Reel: 0019; Frame: 00576; Item: 000. Names indexed: ATKINS, JAMES; CALDWELL, JOHN; DUCKETT, THOMAS; MCKEE, ELIZABETH; MCKEE, JAMES; MCKEE, JOSPEH; MCKEE, ROBERT; MCKEE, SAMUEL; MCKEE, WILLIAM; Locations: NEWBERRY DISTRICT; Document type: WILL (TYPESCRIPT); Topics. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.4 Kb