SOUTH CAROLINA - NEWBERRY COUNTY - WILLS - James WALDROP 1798 ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ----------------- Submitted by: Mildred Wright "Mickey" Fournier ******************************************************************************************* In the name of God, Amen.  I James WALDROP of the State of South Carolina in Newberry County being in perfect mind and memory Thanks be given unto God for his mercy but calling unto mind the certainty of Death and the uncertainty of life do Constitute and Ordain this my last will and Testament.  In the first place I give up my immortal Soul in to the hands of the Almighty God who gave it me and and my body of Flesh to the grave to be Decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter mentions and as for my worldly goods that God hath in mercy been pleased to bless me with I dispose of in the form and manner following (Viz:). Imprimis in the first place I give to my beloved son John WALDROP one hundred and twenty five acres of land where he now lives also what property I have given him heretofore is to remain his. I also give to my son David WALDROP one hundred forty five acres of land where he now lives and all the property that I have heretofore given him is to remain his.  I also give to my son Solomon WALDROP two hundred and fifty acres of land more or less where he now  [lives] and all the property I have heretofore given him to remain his.  I also give unto my Samuel WALDROP all the remainder of my lands on corner that is joining to the land above willed to my son Solomon WALDROP and all the property that I have heretofore given him to remain his.  I also give to my son Richard Henderson WALDROP one hundred and thirty eight acres of land adjacent to where he now lives and all the other property that I have heretofore given him is to remain his.  I also give unto my son James WALDROP one hundred and thirty eight acres of land bounded on land belonging to Charles GRIFFIN, William ?DODSON? and Rich'd WALDROP and William ANDERSON Senr and Junr also one bay mare which he now hath. I also give unto my son Elisha WALDROP [the page has been mended with tape at this point which has turned black leaving most of three lines illegible] to Elijah WALDROP taking in spring [mended] with these acres of land [mended] to a large bottom thence up said bottom till he gets one hundred and twenty five acres. I also give to my son Abraham WALDROP one hundred and twelve acres of land lying in the heart of lying on the West Side of of Carson Creek joining land belonging to Charles GRIFFIN and John SIMPSON.  I also give to my son Isaac WALDROP all the rest of my land in total.  I give to my son Elisha one young bay mare being a colt of a mare called Little Diamond one cow and calf and one sow and pigs also one pewter dish one basin six plates one case of knives and forks.  I also give to my son Solomon WALDROP one pewter dish one basin half dozen plates and case knives and forks.  I also give to my son Solomon WALDROP one pewter dish one basin six plates one case of knives and forks.  I also give to my son David WALDROP one dish one basin six plates one case knives and forks.  I also give to my son Richard WALDROP one dish one basin six plates one case of knives and forks. I also give to my son Abraham WALDROP one young bay mare called ?Eclipse? [another mend at this point obliterating part of three lines] I also give to my son Isaac WALDROP on brown horse [mended] one basin six plates one case of knives and forks [mended] I also give to my daughter Mary PITTS one dish one basin six plates one case of knives and forks.  I also give to my daughter Ritter WALDROP one bay horse colt called Dart one basin six plates and one bed and furniture one iron pot.  I also lend to my beloved wife Mary WALDROP [illegible] the parcel or tract of land above willed to my son Isaac WALDROP during her natural life or widowhood privilege by my son Isaac when [illegible] he comes of age to clear and cultivate on said lot of land where is most [mended] land.  To my wife Mary WALDROP all the rest of my property that is not above willed including Negroes horses cattle hogs sheep all the rest of my Household furniture of all sorts all my plantation tools of all kinds and all the rest of my estate both in the field and in the house and on the dung hill during her widowhood and my will is that my wife marry that then she is to have her choice of all the Negroes that is then belonging to my estate [another large mend here] my daughter Mary PITTS [mend] of my wife [mend] that one half of all my property that I lent to my wife shall be sold by my executors except [mend] Negroes giving twelve months credit requiring bond and approved security [ a mend making three lines totally illegible] still be continued lent to her and she and her husband complying with the conditions following that is to say if her husband shall and will be bound in a sufficient bond with [illegible] securities satisfactory to my executors that they will return at the death of my wife Mary WALDROP all the property that is lent to them with its [illegible] to my executors that then and in that case my will is that the Negroes or Negroes above reserved with the other half of the property first lent shall continue to be lent to her during her life except the land which shall at her marriage be given to my son Isaac WALDROP with all its profits and privileges and at her death my will is that all the property that was continued to be lend and then returned shall be sold by my Executors at publick (sic) vendue (sic) giving twelve months credit requiring bond and security and the money thence arising to be equally divided among all my children above mentioned. And my will is that if my wife does marry and her husband does not comply with the premises above described or not to the satisfaction of my executors that then and in that case my will is that all the property belonging to my estate which was first lent to my wife Mary WALDROP except the Negroes above willed to my daughters shall be sold at publick (sic) vendue (sic) giving twelve months credit requiring bond and security and the money thence arising paid into the hands of my executors and equally divided among all my children above named.  I constitute and appoint my well beloved sons Solomon WALDROP and James WALDROP to be my lawful executors to see to the execution of this my last will and testament setting all other wills void and [illegible] effect.  Witness my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of May annodom (sic) one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and in the 22nd year of the Independence of the United States. James WALDROP (seal) Signed in presence of us Charles GRIFFIN Mary (her mark) GRIFFIN Stephen JOHNSON =============== This will is in really bad shape.  In addition to the tape mentioned above, there are three or four places where it appears to have been spattered with water causing the ink to run. I did the best I could to copy it exactly as it appears.  I will be happy to provide a copy of the original to any interested party. I did not copy the recording date but the Order for Appraisal was entered 4 Nov 1799. ================ Mary had also died before 23 October 1804 for on that date is recorded: Received of Solomon WALDROP, Executor, five shillings sterling the balance (sic) of our dividend and full share of the estate of James WALDROP, Sen'r dec'd and also Mary WALDROP dec'd estate which is in full of all demands against the said estate as above mentioned and is ?ince? settlement and all clames (sic) against the said estate whether in land or equity as witness our hands and seals this 23rd October Eighteen Hundred & Four. Richard H. WALDROP John PITTS & Rita (her mark) PITTS Charles PITTS Abraham WALDROP Elijah WALDROP Elisha (his mark) WALDROP ?Abia? GRIFFIN [illegible word] Isaac (his mark) WALDROP Mary (her mark) PITTS John WALDROP David WALDROP **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************