1930 Federal Census Oconee County, South Carolina (ED 37-1: File 1 of 8) ************************************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwcensus.org/notices/ http://www.usgwcensus.org/ http://www.usgwcensus.org/cenfiles/ ************************************************************************** Abstracted by Ross Jones from public records. Proofreader Needed. Submitted by Ross Jones. Edited and formatted by Maggie Stewart. ************************************************************************** All above information must remain when copied or downloaded. ************************************************************************** NOTE: For more information on Oconee County Please visit the SCGenWeb page at http://www.usgenweb.org/sc ========================================================= ALSO visit the SCGenWeb archives at http://www.usgwarchives.net/sc/ ************************************************************************** --- Year: 1930 State: South Carolina County: Oconee ED: 37-1 Stamped Page No: 1A Reel No: T626-2207 Division: Center Twp. (part of), North SD: 1 Sheet No: 77B Incorporated Place: *** Ward: *** Institution: *** Enumerated on: Apr 2-May 14, 1930 by: Daniel T. Daly Reference: X Transcribed by by Ross Jones for the USGenWeb Archives. Copyright: 2009 ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== LINE | STREET HOUSE | DWELL FAMIL | LAST NAME FIRST NAME | RELATION | OW MO RAD FAR | S COL AGE MA FI | SCH REA | BIRTHPLACE FATHER MOTHER | LANGUAGE | IMMI N ENG | TRADE INDUSTRY EM | WOR U | VET WA | SOUN | REMARKS ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== 1 | State Highway 18 | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. 2 | State Highway 18 | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. 3 | State Highway 18 | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. 4 | State Highway 18 | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. 5 | State Highway 18 | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. 6 | State Highway 18 | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. 7 | State Highway 18 | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== 8 | State Highway 18 | 3 3 | Walker Sylvester | Head | R yes | M Neg 34 M 22 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | yes WW | W426 | 9 | State Highway 18 | 3 3 | Walker Ana | Wife H | X | F Neg 29 M 18 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | W426 | 10 | State Highway 18 | 3 3 | Walker Ovaline | Daughter | X | F Neg 4 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | W426 | 11 | State Highway 18 | 3 3 | Walker Edd, Jr. | Son | X | M Neg 3/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | W426 | 12 | State Highway 18 | 4 4 | Edgar Clyde R. | Head | R yes | M W 41 M 31 | no yes | Georgiia South Carolina Georgia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | yes WW | E326 | 13 | State Highway 18 | 4 4 | Edgar Drucie J. | Wife H | X | F W 32 M 22 | no yes | Georgiia Georgia Georgia | | yes | none | | | E326 | 14 | State Highway 18 | 4 4 | Edgar Audrey J. | Daughter | X | F W 9 S | yes | South Carolina Georgia Georgia | | | none | | | E326 | 15 | State Highway 18 | 4 4 | Edgar Robert L. | Son | X | M W 5 S | no | South Carolina Georgia Georgia | | | none | | | E326 | 16 | State Highway 18 | 5 5 | Medlin Daisy | Head - H | R yes | F W 35 M 16 | yes yes | South Carolina Georgia Georgia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | | M345 | 17 | State Highway 18 | 5 5 | Campbell Marie | Daughter | X | F W 13 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C514 | 18 | State Highway 18 | 5 5 | Medlin Jay N. | Son - H | X | M W 8 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | M345 | 19 | State Highway 18 | 5 5 | Medlin John W. | Son | X | M W 5 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | M345 | 20 | State Highway 18 | 6 6 | Kinsey Henry C. | Head | R yes | M W 27 M 22 | no yes | Tennessee Tennessee Georgia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | K520 | 21 | State Highway 18 | 6 6 | Kinsey Amanda J. | Wife H | X | F W 24 M 19 | no yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | K520 | 22 | State Highway 18 | 6 6 | Kinsey Dorothy W. | Daughter | X | F W 4 S | no | Georgiia Tennessee Georgia | | | none | | | K520 | 23 | State Highway 18 | 6 6 | Kinsey Henry C., Jr. | Son | X | M W 2 2/12 S | no | Georgiia Tennessee Georgia | | | none | | | K520 | 24 | State Highway 18 | 7 7 | Hunt Lee D. | Head | O yes yes | M W 41 M 21 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | H530 | 25 | State Highway 18 | 7 7 | Hunt Ellen F. | Wife H | X | F W 39 M 20 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H530 | 26 | State Highway 18 | 7 7 | Hunt Ralph W. | Son | X | M W 16 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H530 | 27 | State Highway 18 | 7 7 | Hunt Sarah Lee | Daughter | X | F W 15 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H530 | 28 | State Highway 18 | 7 7 | Hunt Harrold D. | Son | X | M W 14 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H530 | 29 | State Highway 18 | 7 7 | Hunt Alfred C. | Son | X | M W 12 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H530 | 30 | State Highway 18 | 7 7 | Hunt Eleanor | Daughter | X | F W 4 4/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | H530 | 31 | State Highway 18 | 8 8 | Simpson Frank | Head | R yes | M Neg 40 M 21 | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | S512 | 32 | State Highway 18 | 8 8 | Simpson Dora | Wife H | X | F Neg 39 M 20 | no yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | yes | none | | | S512 | 33 | State Highway 18 | 8 8 | Simpson Louise | Daughter | X | F Neg 13 S | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | yes | none | | | S512 | 34 | State Highway 18 | 8 8 | Simpson Will C. | Son | X | M Neg 10 D | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | yes | none | | | S512 | 35 | State Highway 18 | 8 8 | Simpson Helen | Daughter | X | F Neg 5 S | no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | | none | | | S512 | 36 | State Highway 18 | 8 8 | Simpson Woodrow | Son | X | M Neg 3 4/12 S | no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | | none | | | S512 | 37 | State Highway 18 | 9 9 | Myers Dewey | Head | R yes | M W 30 M 22 | no yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | M620 | 38 | State Highway 18 | 9 9 | Myers Ethel | Wife H | X | F W 24 M 18 | no yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | yes | none | | | M620 | 39 | State Highway 18 | 9 9 | Myers Mary Lou | Daughter | X | F W 6 S | no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | | none | | | M620 | 40 | State Highway 18 | 9 9 | Myers William T. | Son | X | M W 4 2/12 S | no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgia | | yes | none | | | M620 | 41 | State Highway 18 | 10 10 | Queen Charley L. | Head | R yes | M W 54 M 27 | no yes | South Carolina Ohio South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | Q500 | 42 | State Highway 18 | 10 10 | Queen Sally C. | Wife H | X | F W 29 M 23 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | Q500 | 43 | State Highway 18 | 10 10 | Queen Harold R. | Son | X | M W 27 S | no yes | Georgiia South Carolina Georgia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | Q500 | 44 | State Highway 18 | 10 10 | Queen Emma L. | Daughter | X | F W 16 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina Georgia | | yes | none | | | Q500 | 45 | State Highway 18 | 10 10 | Queen Ralph W. | Son | X | M W 13 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina Georgia | | yes | none | | | Q500 | 46 | State Highway 18 | 10 10 | Queen Charles, Jr. | Son | X | M W 5 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | Q500 | 47 | State Highway 18 | 10 10 | Queen Wilmer F. | Daughter | X | F W 4 1/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | Q500 | 48 | State Highway 18 | 10 10 | Queen Geter A. | Son | X | M W 1 4/12 S | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | Q500 | 49 | State Highway 18 | 11 11 | Hays John R. | Son | yes | M Neg 25 M 14 | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | H200 | 50 | State Highway 18 | 11 11 | Hays Lois | Wife H | X | F Neg 25 M 14 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H200 | ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== --- Year: 1930 State: South Carolina County: Oconee ED: 37-1 Stamped Page No: 1B Reel No: T626-2207 Division: Center Twp. (part of), North SD: 1 Sheet No: 78A Incorporated Place: *** Ward: *** Institution: *** Enumerated on: Apr 2-May 14, 1930 by: Daniel T. Daly Reference: X Transcribed by by Ross Jones for the USGenWeb Archives. Copyright: 2009 ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== LINE | STREET HOUSE | DWELL FAMIL | LAST NAME FIRST NAME | RELATION | OW MO RAD FAR | S COL AGE MA FI | SCH REA | BIRTHPLACE FATHER MOTHER | LANGUAGE | IMMI N ENG | TRADE INDUSTRY EM | WOR U | VET WA | SOUN | REMARKS ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== 51 | State Highway 18 | 11 11 | Hays Nute | Son | yes | M Neg 8 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | H200 | 52 | State Highway 18 | 11 11 | Hays Azel | Son | X | M Neg 6 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | H200 | 53 | State Highway 18 | 11 11 | Hays Mary L. | Daughter | X | F Neg 3 2/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | H200 | 54 | State Highway 18 | 11 11 | Hays Lenda | Daughter | X | F Neg 1 6/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | H200 | 55 | State Highway 18 | 11 11 | Hays Elnora | Daughter | X | F Neg 1 6/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | H200 | 56 | State Highway 18 | 11 11 | Brown Willie, M. | Lodger | X | M Neg 25 S | no no | South Carolina South Carolina Georgia | | yes | none | | no | B650 | 57 | | 12 12 | Singleton Paul S. | Head | O yes | M Neg 54 M 24 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | S524 | 58 | | 12 12 | Singleton Hattie M. | Wife H | X | F Neg 46 M 16 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S524 | 59 | | 12 12 | Singleton John L. | Son | X | M Neg 25 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Undertaker General Undertaker W | yes | no | S524 | 60 | | 12 12 | Singleton Naomi E. | Daughter | X | F Neg 23 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S524 | 61 | | 12 12 | Singleton Lydia M. | Daughter | X | F Neg 21` S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S524 | 62 | | 12 12 | Singleton Joseph A. | Son | X | M Neg 18 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Drive Truck For Produce W | yes | | S524 | 63 | | 12 12 | Singleton Camilla E. | Daughter | X | F Neg 15 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S524 | 64 | | 12 12 | Singleton Lurlie S. | Daughter | X | F Neg 13 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S524 | 65 | | 12 12 | Singleton Calridge D. | Son | X | M Neg 11 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S524 | 66 | | 12 12 | Singleton Eugene L. | Son | X | M Neg 8 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | S524 | 67 | | 12 12 | Webb Tabor W. | Brother-in -law | X | M Neg 54 M | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | yes | no | W100 | 68 | | 13 13 | Thompson Cezal | Head | R yes | M Neg 75 M 23 | no no | South Carolina Africa Virginia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | T512 | 69 | | 13 13 | Thompson Joanna | Wife H | X | F Neg 74 M 18 | no no | Georgiia Virginia Maryland | | yes | none | | | T512 | 70 | | 13 13 | Thompson Frank | Grand Son | X | M Neg 23 S | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | T512 | 71 | | 13 13 | Devley Sandy | Grand Son | X | M Neg 20 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | | D140 | 72 | | 13 13 | Devley Tossie | Grand Son | X | M Neg 15 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | D140 | 73 | | 13 13 | Harper Allice | Grand Daughter | X | F Neg 5 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | H616 | 74 | | 14 14 | Prater William J. | Head | O yes | M W 32 M 23 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | P636 | 75 | | 14 14 | Prater Louise | Wife H | X | F W 28 M 19 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | P636 | 76 | | 14 14 | Prater Lillie F. | Daughter | X | F W 8 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | P636 | 77 | | 14 14 | Prater Rufus W. | Son | X | M W 6 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | P636 | 78 | | 14 14 | Prater Dorthey M. | Daughter | X | F W 4 8/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | P636 | 79 | | 15 15 | Thompson Luke | Head | R yes | M Neg 26 M 21 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | yes WW | T512 | 80 | | 15 15 | Thompson Ola | Wife H | X | F Neg 35 M 22 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T512 | 81 | | 15 15 | Thompson Josie | Daughter | X | F Neg 21 S | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T512 | 82 | | 15 15 | Thompson Jessie M. | Daughter | X | F Neg 18 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T512 | 83 | | 15 15 | Thompson James | Son | X | M Neg 11 S | yes no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T512 | 84 | | 15 15 | Thompson Emace | Son | X | M Neg 9 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | T512 | 85 | | 15 15 | Thompson Bessie | Daughter | X | F Neg 5 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | T512 | 86 | | 16 16 | Smith Jay | Head | R yes | M Neg 20 M 18 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | S530 | 87 | | 16 16 | Smith Emma | Wife H | X | F Neg 28 M 17 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S530 | 88 | | 16 16 | Smith Ponkus | Daughter | X | F Neg 13 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S530 | 89 | | 16 16 | Smith Toss | Son | X | M Neg 11 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S530 | 90 | | 16 16 | Smith Henry G. | Son | X | M Neg 7 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | S530 | 91 | | 16 16 | Smith Jay C. | Son | X | M Neg 5 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | S530 | 92 | | 16 16 | Smith Gignillist | Son | X | M Neg 2 6/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | S530 | 93 | | 16 16 | Smith Macy | Daughter | X | F Neg 8/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | S530 | 94 | | 17 17 | Lecroy John | Head | R yes | M W 49 M 21 | no no | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | L260 | 95 | | 17 17 | Lecroy Sarah T. | Wife H | X | F W 48 M 19 | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | L260 | 96 | | 17 17 | Lecroy Ruby L. | Daughter | X | F W 19 S | no yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | L260 | 97 | | 17 17 | Lecroy Rena J. | Daughter | X | F W 17 S | no yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | L260 | 98 | | 17 17 | Lecroy Clarence W. | Son | X | M W 14 S | no yes | South Carolina Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | L260 | 99 | | 17 17 | Lecroy Inez L. | Daughter | X | F W 10 S | no yes | South Carolina Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | L260 | 100 | | 17 17 | Lecroy Acee | Son | X | M W 7 S | no | South Carolina Georgia South Carolina | | | none | | | L260 | ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== --- Year: 1930 State: South Carolina County: Oconee ED: 37-1 Stamped Page No: 2A Reel No: T626-2207 Division: Center Twp. (part of), North SD: 1 Sheet No: 78B Incorporated Place: *** Ward: *** Institution: *** Enumerated on: Apr 2-May 14, 1930 by: Daniel T. Daly Reference: X Transcribed by by Ross Jones for the USGenWeb Archives. Copyright: 2009 ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== LINE | STREET HOUSE | DWELL FAMIL | LAST NAME FIRST NAME | RELATION | OW MO RAD FAR | S COL AGE MA FI | SCH REA | BIRTHPLACE FATHER MOTHER | LANGUAGE | IMMI N ENG | TRADE INDUSTRY EM | WOR U | VET WA | SOUN | REMARKS ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== 1 | | 18 18 | Gainer Edward | Head | R yes | M Neg 44 M 26 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | G560 | 2 | | 18 18 | Gainer Cora | Wife H | X | F Neg 40 M 21 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | G560 | 3 | | 18 18 | Gainer Aree | Son | X | M Neg 18 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | | G560 | 4 | | 18 18 | Gainer Everlene | Daughter | X | F Neg 14 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | G560 | 5 | | 18 18 | Gainer Susie | Daughter | X | F Neg 11 S | yes no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | G560 | 6 | | 18 18 | Gainer Jessie | Son | X | M Neg 9 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | G560 | 7 | | 18 18 | Gainer Louise | Daughter | X | F Neg 7 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | G560 | 8 | | 18 18 | Gainer Edward | Son | X | M Neg 5 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | G560 | 9 | | 19 19 | Talley Allen O. | Head | R yes | M Neg 41 M 28 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer & Teacher School Teacher O | yes | no | T400 | 10 | | 19 19 | Talley Hestelle | Wife H | X | F Neg 42 M 23 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T400 | 11 | | 19 19 | Talley Glenn E. | Son | X | M Neg 16 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | np | | T400 | 12 | | 19 19 | Talley Webster D. | Son | X | M Neg 14 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | np | | T400 | 13 | | 19 19 | Talley Mildred L. | Daughter | X | F Neg 11 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T400 | 14 | | 19 19 | Talley Pansey T. | Daughter | X | F Neg 9 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T400 | 15 | | 20 20 | Talley Ashmore O. | Head | Un yes | M Neg 18 M 17 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | | T400 | 16 | | 20 20 | Talley Sadie L. | Wife H | X | F Neg 19 M 18 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T400 | 17 | | 20 20 | Debose Edward, Jr. | Nephew | X | M Neg 3 6/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | D120 | 18 | | 21 21 | Holland John | Head | Un yes | M Neg 60 M 25 | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | H453 | 19 | | 21 21 | Holland Mattie | Wife H | X | F Neg 45 M 25 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H453 | 20 | | 21 21 | Holland James | Son | X | M Neg 14 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H453 | 21 | | 21 21 | Holland Diddie | Sister | X | F Neg 65 S | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H453 | 22 | | 22 22 | Jackson Mollie | Head | Un Un No | F Neg 60 Wd | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | J225 | 23 | | 23 23 | Taylor James | Head | Un yes | M W 83 M 26 | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | T460 | 24 | | 23 23 | Taylor Sarah C. | Wife H | X | F W 87 M 25 | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | T460 | 25 | | 24 24 | Burdett James P. | Head | R yes | M W 36 M 31 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | B633 | 26 | | 24 24 | Burdett Leila L. | Wife H | X | F W 21 M 16 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B633 | 27 | | 24 24 | Burdett Roy P. | Son | X | M W 4 5/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B633 | 28 | | 24 24 | Burdett Hillburn M. | Son | X | M W 9/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B633 | 29 | | 25 25 | Smith Hattie M. | Head | O yes | M W 54 Wd | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S530 | 30 | | 25 25 | Banks Amanda S. | Mother- H | X | F W 74 Wd | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B520 | 31 | | 25 25 | Banks Bernard O. | Brother | X | M W 45 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | B520 | 32 | | 25 25 | Banks Isreal | Head | R yes | M B 44 M 20 | no yes | South Carolina Georgia South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | B520 | 33 | | 25 25 | Banks Annie | Wife H | X | F Neg 31 M 14 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B520 | 34 | | 25 25 | Banks Sallie M. | Daughter | X | F Neg 18 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B520 | 35 | | 25 25 | Banks Joseph F. | Son | X | M Neg 16 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B520 | 36 | | 25 25 | Banks Floyd B. | Son | X | M Neg 15 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B520 | 37 | | 25 25 | Banks Missoree B. | Daughter | X | F Neg 14 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B520 | 38 | | 25 25 | Banks Ena B. | Son | X | M Neg 11 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B520 | 39 | | 25 25 | Banks John B. | Son | X | M Neg 5 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B520 | 40 | | 25 25 | Banks Marvin | Son | X | M Neg 3 1/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B520 | 41 | | 25 25 | Banks Ruby | Daughter | X | F Neg 1 7/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B520 | 42 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Edward | Head | R yes | M Neg 50 M 21 | no yes | Georgiia Georgia Georgia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | C414 | 43 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Florence | Wife H | X | F Neg 46 M 18 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C414 | 44 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Mattie | Daughter | X | F Neg 20 S | no yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C414 | 45 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Benson | Son | X | M Neg 18 S | yes yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C414 | 46 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Emma | Daughter | X | F Neg 16 S | yes yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C414 | 47 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Burrell | Son | X | M Neg 14 S | yes yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C414 | 48 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Worley | Son | X | M Neg 12 S | yes yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C414 | 49 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Henry | Son | X | M Neg 9 S | yes | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | | none | | | C414 | 50 | | 26 26 | Cleveland Edward L. | Son | X | M Neg 6 S | no | Georgiia Georgia South Carolina | | | none | | | C414 | ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== --- Year: 1930 State: South Carolina County: Oconee ED: 37-1 Stamped Page No: 2B Reel No: T626-2207 Division: Center Twp. (part of), North SD: 1 Sheet No: 79A Incorporated Place: *** Ward: *** Institution: *** Enumerated on: Apr 2-May 14, 1930 by: Daniel T. Daly Reference: X Transcribed by by Ross Jones for the USGenWeb Archives. Copyright: 2009 ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== LINE | STREET HOUSE | DWELL FAMIL | LAST NAME FIRST NAME | RELATION | OW MO RAD FAR | S COL AGE MA FI | SCH REA | BIRTHPLACE FATHER MOTHER | LANGUAGE | IMMI N ENG | TRADE INDUSTRY EM | WOR U | VET WA | SOUN | REMARKS ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== 51 | State Highway 18 | 27 27 | Brown Lillie | Head | R yes | F W 39 M 12 | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | | B650 | 52 | State Highway 18 | 27 27 | Nelms Lissie | Daughter - H | X | F W 20 S | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | none | | | N452 | 53 | State Highway 18 | 27 27 | Nelms John C. | Son | X | M W 18 S | no yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | yes | | N452 | 54 | State Highway 18 | 27 27 | Nelms Harvey | Son | X | M W 16 S | no yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | yes | | N452 | 55 | State Highway 18 | 27 27 | Nelms Deres B. | Daughter | X | F W 11 S | yes yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | none | | | N452 | 56 | State Highway 18 | 27 27 | Nelms Verby B. | Daughter | X | F W 7 S | yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | | none | | | N452 | 57 | State Highway 18 | 27 27 | Nelms Gladys | Daughter | X | F W 5 S | no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | | none | | | N452 | 58 | State Highway 18 | 28 28 | Wright Richard O. | Head | R yes | M W 48 M 24 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | W623 | 59 | State Highway 18 | 28 28 | Wright Sallie | Wife H | X | F W 44 M 21 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | W623 | 60 | State Highway 18 | 28 28 | Wright May | Daughter | X | F W 17 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | W623 | 61 | State Highway 18 | 28 28 | Wright Sadie | Daughter | X | F W 15 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | W623 | 62 | State Highway 18 | 28 28 | Wright John C. | Son | X | M W 10 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | W623 | 63 | State Highway 18 | 28 28 | Wright Warron D. | Son | X | M W 6 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | W623 | 64 | State Highway 18 | 29 29 | Norman William L. | Head | R yes | M Neg 28 M 19 | no yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | yes | no | N655 | 65 | State Highway 18 | 29 29 | Dennis Reed B. | Lodger | X | M Neg 22 S | no yes | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | yes | no | D520 | 66 | State Highway 18 | 30 30 | Cain Jane | Head - H | R yes | F W 74 Wd | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | yes | | C500 | 67 | State Highway 18 | 30 30 | Cain Dessie E. | Daughter | X | F W 39 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | yes | | C500 | 68 | State Highway 18 | 31 31 | Thrasher Pink | Head | R yes | M W 60 M 30 | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | Farmer General Farm W | yes | no | T626 | 69 | State Highway 18 | 31 31 | Thrasher Mary J. | Wife H | X | F W 50 M 20 | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | none | | | T626 | 70 | State Highway 18 | 31 31 | Thrasher Ethel | Daughter | X | F W 21 S | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | none | | | T626 | 71 | State Highway 18 | 31 31 | Thrasher George | Son | X | M W 18 S | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | none | | | T626 | 72 | State Highway 18 | 31 31 | Thrasher Glenn | Son | X | M W 15 S | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | none | | | T626 | 73 | State Highway 18 | 31 31 | Thrasher Dewit | Son | X | M W 11 S | no no | Georgiia Georgiia Georgiia | | yes | none | | | T626 | 74 | State Highway 18 | 32 32 | Clayton Theodore | Head | R yes | M Neg 26 M 20 | no no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | C435 | 75 | State Highway 18 | 32 32 | Clayton Earlean | Wife H | X | F Neg 25 M 19 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C435 | 76 | State Highway 18 | 32 32 | Clayton Oze | adopted Son | X | M Neg 5 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | C435 | 77 | State Highway 18 | 32 32 | Debouse Rossie | Mother-in-law | X | F Neg 46 Wd | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | D120 | ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== 78 | | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. 79 | | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. 80 | | Note: Entries crossed out by enumerator. ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|============================================== 81 | State Highway 18 | 34 34 | Ligon Joseph B. | Head | O yes | M W 55 M 34 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | L250 | 82 | State Highway 18 | 34 34 | Ligon Ovaline V. | Wife - H | X | F W 45 M 25 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | L250 | 83 | State Highway 18 | 34 34 | Harris Mary L. | Sister | X | F W 45 Wd | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Teacher In Public School W | yes | | H620 | 84 | State Highway 18 | 34 34 | Sloan Raney J. | lodger | X | M Neg 43 M 35 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Laborer on Farm W | yes | no | S450 | 85 | State Highway 18 | 35 35 | Campbell Ephraim N. | Head | O yes | M W 80 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | C514 | 86 | State Highway 18 | 35 35 | Campbell Marion F. | Niece - H | X | F W 39 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | C514 | 87 | State Highway 18 | 35 35 | Burwell Willie E. | Niece | X | F W 23 S | no yes | Alabama Alabama South Carolina | | yes | Teacher In Public School W | yes | | B640 | 88 | State Highway 18 | 36 36 | Woolbright Pery O. | Head | O yes | M W 69 M 24 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | W416 | 89 | State Highway 18 | 36 36 | Woolbright Lime S. | Wife - H | X | F W 59 M 29 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | W416 | 90 | State Highway 18 | 36 36 | Woolbright Benjamin W. | Son | X | M W 18 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm np | yes | | W416 | 91 | State Highway 18 | 36 36 | Hayes Julia A. | Boarder | X | F W 85 S | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | H200 | 92 | State Highway 18 | 37 37 | Brown Gordon | Head | R yes | M W 35 M 22 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | B650 | 93 | State Highway 18 | 37 37 | Brown Marth | Wife - H | X | F W 30 M 17 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B650 | 94 | State Highway 18 | 37 37 | Brown Adaline | Daughter | X | F W 10 S | yes yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | B650 | 95 | State Highway 18 | 37 37 | Brown Elizabeth | Daughter | X | F W 8 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B650 | 96 | State Highway 18 | 37 37 | Brown Beatrice | Daughter | X | F W 6 S | yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B650 | 97 | State Highway 18 | 37 37 | Brown Ola | Daughter | X | F W 4 1/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B650 | 98 | State Highway 18 | 37 37 | Brown Nelle | Daughter | X | F W 12/12 S | no | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | | none | | | B650 | 99 | State Highway 18 | 38 38 | Snipes Floyd B. | Head | R yes | M W 26 M 20 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | Farmer General Farm O | yes | no | S512 | 100 | State Highway 18 | 38 38 | Snipes Irene G. | Wife - H | X | F W 18 M 13 | no yes | South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina | | yes | none | | | S512 | ======|============================|=============|==================================|=====================|===============|======================|=========|===================================================|=================|============|==================================================|=======|========|======|==============================================