OPDGS CEMETERY SURVEY SUPPLEMENT #1 SURVEY LISTING FOR "L" SURNAMES Surveyed by: Robert G. Dodson Filename: S1-L.txt Effective: 01-Nov-2007 Compiled by: Paul M. Kankula, GoldenCorner SC GenWeb Project Coordinator Typing Assistance By: Robert G. Dodson, MaryClyde Mungo & Jennie Boggs Proofreading: Lyla Taylor & Paul Kankula This Surname Index DOES NOT provide you with an individual's Date of Birth or Death. The Surname Index will only tell you what Old Pendleton District Genealogical Society publication your surname is located in and on what page number. If you want to purchase the Survey Book that contains the dates, contact LaMarr Brooks, thomasbrooks1@bellsouth.net, 108 Elfwing Lane Central, SC 29630. Non-ordering questions should be directed to Anne Sheriff, claytonroom@swu.edu, OPDGS Clayton Room, 907 Wesleyan Dr., Southern Wesleyan University, Central, SC 29630, 864-644-5000 (call Wednesday mornings). This surname compiling made available via this document, is copyrighted by the Old Pendleton District Genealogical Society in Central SC. Copyright is not claimed on any surnames, just the compiling of such. It's recommended that you should not reproduce, republish or sell-for-profit, this compiling without permission from OPDGS management. Acknowledging the source of this copyrighted material, does not substitute for obtaining permission. You may electronically store this compiling on your personal PC or print a single copy per the copyright "fair use" doctrine. Visit the US Copyright Office at http://www.copyright.gov/ for more copyright enlightenment. > S1-118, LaBoon, Dorothy E. S1-096, Laboone, Annette S1-096, Laboone, J. West S1-132, Lackey, Jaimee Leigh S1-149, Lackey, Katherine S1-142, Lackey, Mae Bell S. S1-028, Ladd, Annie M. S1-034, Ladd, Evelyn C. S1-028, Ladd, Fred E. S1-028, Ladd, Susie H. S1-034, Ladd, W.F. S1-156, LaGrone, John Wallace S1-156, LaGrone, Mary Anderson S1-154, LaMasters, Edna Earle S1-028, Land, Annie H. S1-028, Land, Edith S1-029, Land, Ernest, Jr. S1-028, Land, Fair S1-026, Land, Marvin S1-001, Land, Ruth E. S1-029, Land, Sarah Mae S1-029, Land, Thomas B. S1-029, Land, William D. S1-085, Landreth, Bessie C. S1-085, Landreth, Herbert W. S1-101, Lands, Lawrance A. S1-101, Lands, Nathalee R. S1-015, Lane, Barbara J. S1-155, Lane, Bessie Mell S1-156, Lane, Carl Leaton S1-015, Lane, Howard Linton S1-156, Lane, Wilma Davis S1-014, Langley, Ida Lucille Shepperd S1-120, Langley, Ina C. S1-157, Lanham, William Joseph S1-174, Laning, Lois Waldrop S1-081, Lark, Katherine C. S1-082, Lark, May Alexander S1-092, Lathem, Boyce W. S1-092, Lathem, Nancy J. Ferguson S1-120, Latour, Helen S1-120, Latour, Lillian M.S. S1-092, Lawrence, Christopher L. S1-039, Lawrence, Clyde Ray S1-038, Lawrence, Corinne E. S1-039, Lawrence, Edna F. S1-038, Lawrence, Louise M. S1-038, Lawrence, Lula M. S1-039, Lawrence, Martha Heirs S1-039, Lawrence, Norman M. S1-038, Lawrence, William L. S1-125, Laws, Paul Borden S1-125, Laws, Sybil Marie S1-077, Lawson, Beulah K. S1-077, Lawson, Doyle H. S1-095, Lawson, Irene Marion Sightler S1-023, Lawson, James M. S1-095, Lawson, Kenneth Donnan S1-024, Lawson, Marie S. S1-175, League, Janett T. S1-175, League, Wyatt E. S1-135, LeCroy, Thomas W. S1-135, LeCroy, Zelma F. S1-105, Ledford, Alverta B. S1-151, Ledford, Charles H. S1-073, Ledford, Ella L. S1-046, Lee, Agnes E. S1-127, Lee, Annie Laurie Harrison S1-058, Lee, Clyde W. S1-073, Lee, Jimmy S1-058, Lee, Leroy A. S1-073, Lee, Mac C. S1-058, Lee, Mary H. S1-073, Lee, Rachel G. S1-057, Lee, William Loyde S1-165, LeFevre, Christine Jones S1-165, LeFevre, John Robert S1-156, Lehotsky, Josephine Beals S1-172, Lenhardt, Edith R. S1-150, Leopard, Bertie I. S1-144, Leopard, J. Harley S1-144, Leopard, Lila O. S1-034, Leopard, R. Travis S1-137, Leopard, Stella P. S1-041, Leroy, Brenda Faye S1-124, Leroy, David R. S1-150, LeRoy, James Cliff S1-041, Leroy, Keith Jonathan S1-150, LeRoy, Pauline Gossett S1-040, Leroy, Rosa Lee S1-040, Leroy, Sammie B. S1-041, Leroy, William Paul S1-118, Lesesne, Marion Hollingsworth S1-118, Lesesne, Ruth Quattlebaum S1-019, Lesley, Adell S. S1-019, Lesley, Alton Leroy S1-035, Lesley, Arie Morton S1-171, Lesley, Blanche Hughey S1-020, Lesley, Clay S1-005, Lesley, Cyrus S1-132, Lesley, Dorothy Mae S1-019, Lesley, Ellie B. S1-098, Lesley, Essie Hawkins S1-066, Lesley, Ethel S1-169, Lesley, Eula S. S1-084, Lesley, Frances E. Harrison S1-090, Lesley, Frank L. S1-084, Lesley, Hoyle S1-005, Lesley, Ira Brewington S1-066, Lesley, J. Marvin S1-004, Lesley, James C., Jr. S1-004, Lesley, James H. S1-084, Lesley, Janice B. S1-003, Lesley, Jasper Pharoah S1-004, Lesley, John Tate S1-052, Lesley, Josie Nabors S1-018, Lesley, Lang S1-020, Lesley, Leola P. S1-019, Lesley, Licus S1-003, Lesley, Lloyd N. S1-003, Lesley, Lois N. S1-004, Lesley, Marilyn Merrill S1-003, Lesley, Mary Etta Turpin S1-005, Lesley, May G. S1-004, Lesley, Myrtie F. S1-005, Lesley, Myrtle W. S1-018, Lesley, Nora Ansley S1-171, Lesley, Pearl Stokes S1-004, Lesley, Ruth Woods S1-090, Lesley, Sarah N. S1-052, Lesley, William David S1-019, Lesley, Willie Grace Eades S1-090, Lesley, Willie Mae F. S1-052, Leslie, Charlie G. S1-154, Leslie, Christine S. S1-099, Leslie, Claude V. S1-067, Leslie, Dola May S1-099, Leslie, Elizabeth S. S1-154, Leslie, Ernest Eugene S1-164, Leslie, Floyd R. S1-097, Leslie, Guy E. S1-164, Leslie, Helen Cannon S1-097, Leslie, Mary Ann S1-158, Lever, Asbury Francis, Jr. S1-158, Lever, Mary Catherine S1-010, Lewis, Agnes Gray S1-104, Lewis, Barney B. S1-111, Lewis, Berce W. S1-111, Lewis, Bertie M. S1-129, Lewis, Carlyle C. S1-003, Lewis, Daniel A. S1-112, Lewis, Dewey W. S1-053, Lewis, Eugenia L. S1-001, Lewis, Helen L. S1-001, Lewis, J. Carlos S1-112, Lewis, Jim A. S1-143, Lewis, John W. S1-112, Lewis, L.C., (Buck) S1-111, Lewis, Lois S. S1-060, Lewis, Louise N. S1-060, Lewis, Margaret Valley S1-133, Lewis, Mark Shane S1-111, Lewis, Mildred B. S1-112, Lewis, Nalmer R. S1-010, Lewis, Ralph Lee S1-129, Lewis, Reba P. S1-143, Lewis, Ruth L. S1-111, Lewis, Virgil J. S1-060, Lewis, William Bird S1-060, Lewis, William Bird, Jr. S1-155, Liberty, Alice P. S1-155, Liberty, Earl S. S1-155, Liberty, William S. S1-120, Ligon, Zoe Smith S1-157, Lindenmeyer, Carl R. S1-158, Lindenmeyer, Karen L. S1-123, Linder, Hattie Mae Moore S1-012, Lindley, Pauline Nalley S1-156, Lindsay, James Todd S1-156, Lindsay, Myrtle Burton S1-120, Lindsey, Charles F., Sr. S1-154, Lindsey, Joseph S1-103, Lingfelt, Ada Clark S1-053, Litman, Don Cletus S1-053, Litman, Frances Hunter S1-033, Littlejohn, Aunt Felecie M. S1-008, Littlejohn, Avenelle H S1-008, Littlejohn, Lee S. , Jr. S1-145, Littleton, John W. S1-073, Livimgston, Chanie B. S1-073, Livingston, Benjamin F. S1-073, Livingston, Ella C. S1-168, Lloyd, Margaret Holliday S1-140, Loftis, Carrie Lee S1-176, Loftis, Earl Ansel S1-174, Loftis, Jack E. S1-168, Loftis, Minnie Lee S1-149, Lofton, Charles V. S1-059, Lollis, Ansel C. S1-162, Lollis, Ethel B. S1-162, Lollis, William Ray S1-162, Lollis, Willie H. S1-146, Long, Alene Barrett S1-107, Long, Betty Eloise S1-107, Long, Cecil D. S1-010, Long, Hattie Mae S1-010, Long, James Luther S1-041, Looman, Jack Ford S1-093, Looper, Alice H. S1-075, Looper, Amos M. S1-088, Looper, Annabel, (Ann) S1-090, Looper, Annie F. S1-088, Looper, Asilee, C. S1-075, Looper, Authula G. S1-089, Looper, Bertie Pace S1-058, Looper, Bessie Anderson S1-058, Looper, Cathy S1-075, Looper, Charles E., (Billy) S1-089, Looper, Christina Curtis S1-098, Looper, Daniel W. S1-075, Looper, Dean M. S1-076, Looper, Dee E. S1-089, Looper, E. Clyde S1-075, Looper, Effie Lee S1-092, Looper, Elizabeth H. S1-075, Looper, Ellen B. S1-167, Looper, Ernest L. S1-065, Looper, Estelle P. S1-089, Looper, Frank M. S1-026, Looper, Gertrude Lucy Caroline Cossington S1-059, Looper, Gladys N. S1-075, Looper, Illa Lee S1-098, Looper, Inez T. S1-075, Looper, J. Clayton S1-059, Looper, James M S1-088, Looper, James Russell S1-091, Looper, Jennie Farr S1-078, Looper, Jennie Griffin S1-065, Looper, Joann H. S1-093, Looper, Joe Ed S1-090, Looper, John M. S1-088, Looper, Joseph Larkin, Jr. S1-088, Looper, L. Bolt S1-075, Looper, Lake W. S1-091, Looper, Leonard P. S1-089, Looper, Lillian, (Inez) S1-097, Looper, Lillian Eva S1-073, Looper, Lillian S. S1-065, Looper, Lloyd C. S1-099, Looper, Lou Ellen C. S1-098, Looper, Louise Y S1-073, Looper, Mack W. S1-167, Looper, Mary S. S1-088, Looper, Mathew M. S1-001, Looper, Mattie M.W. S1-089, Looper, Melissa Williams S1-088, Looper, Nancy Mary S1-076, Looper, Ola Mae S1-091, Looper, Pearl L. S1-026, Looper, Pearl R. S1-094, Looper, Rachel Z. S1-098, Looper, Ray W. S1-075, Looper, Robert Amos S1-033, Looper, Ruth O'Dell S1-088, Looper, Sallie F. S1-087, Looper, Sybil Martin S1-065, Looper, Wallace R. S1-026, Looper, Wayne C. S1-094, Looper, Wayne D. S1-087, Looper, Wayne Findley S1-088, Loveland, Joseph H. S1-088, Loveland, Joseph H., Jr. S1-088, Loveland, Mary Lou G. S1-088, Loveland, Pamela Loving S1-130, Lovell, Allene G. S1-130, Lovell, Charley William S1-127, Lovell, Clem L. S1-126, Lovell, James Flint S1-126, Lovell, Johnnie W., 126 S1-133, Lovell, Lillie Bryant S1-133, Lovell, Roy Lee S1-126, Lovell, Ruby K. S1-153, Lucas, Maria Garlington Martin S1-049, Lusk, C.T. S1-049, Lusk, Faye Adams S1-082, Lusk, Herbert H. S1-049, Lusk, Joseph Rufus S1-082, Lusk, Mayme M. S1-049, Lusk, Rufus M. S1-040, Lusk, Ruth M. S1-049, Lusk, Sallie Holden S1-082, Lusk, Samuel H. S1-082, Lusk, Thelma Lark S1-040, Lusk, William Daniel S1-148, Lyda, Clarence Ray S1-136, Lyda, Ethel E. S1-014, Lyda, Gary P. S1-141, Lyda, Gerald Aaron S1-072, Lyda, Grover Ray S1-141, Lyda, Kenneth Eugene S1-136, Lyda, Mattie Smith S1-072, Lyda, Opel B. S1-148, Lyda, Rosa Lee S1-090, Lyday, Henry J. S1-090, Lyday, Hoke J. S1-090, Lyday, Martha W. S1-101, Lynch, Alma H. S1-102, Lynch, Carl F. S1-027, Lynch, Frances R. S1-057, Lynch, Melissa P. S1-101, Lynch, Morris H. S1-113, Lynch, William David S1-173, Lyons, Ann Spearman S1-173, Lyons, David Joseph S1-173, Lyons, Robert David