Pickens County ScArchives History .....Petition Of Females Against the Sale of Liquor 1871 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/sc/scfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 August 11, 2009, 8:22 pm PETITION OF THE FEMALES OF PICKENS COUNTY PACK 181 NO. 7 CLERK OF COURTS OFFICE, PICKENS, S. C. To the County Commissioners of Pickens County South Carolina. Your humble Petitioners a portion of die females of your County respectfully represent that when we take a retrospective view of the eventful ten years that have just passed, we are alarmd at the awful increase of crime in our midst, and feel constrained to raise our humble voice in behalf of suffering humanity. Scarcely a day passes but we hear of some horrid crime having been perpetrated by some one while under the baleful influence of intoxicating drinks. The sad tragedy that has recently occurred in our immediate vicinity should nerve every one of our feebleses to sound the tension of alarm, that it may be heard throughout hill and dale of our sunny clime. While we stood near the lifeless form of that youthful officer of the law on last Sabbath listening to the heart rending shrieks of that motherless sister and affectionate wife, and heard the loud lamentations of that bereaved father, when we beheld the burning tears streaming down the manly cheek of so many whom we never knew before to weep, our fortitude well nigh forsook us, but when that prattling boy too young to realize his great loss, and to his widowed mother as they passed from the grave, "Ma! are you not going with Pa?" what heart could fail to have melted into tenderness, while thus reflecting on the scene before us. Our minds could but carry us to that mountain grave yard where he who fell simultaneously with our neighbor was lowered in the silent tomb surrounded by the weeping widow, mother, sisters and brother, and a large concourse of sympathizing friends. We need not tell you the cause of all this wo; but permit us to humbly request you to refuse the granting of license to any one, to retail that "liquid fire" which is so rapidly consuming the very vitals of our County, our State and even our entire nation. Thousands of our Citizens annually sink to the drunkards grave. It is not the SELFISH that so often and so readily fall victims to intemperance, but remember, Oh? we pray you remember that many of our noblest, our highly gifted young men sink prematurely to the drunkards tomb. We appeal to you in this sad extremity in behalf of the lonely widow, the sorrowing parent, and weeping orphan, and implore you as conservators of the peace, as lovers of your race, and as immortal beings accountable to God for your actions, to arrest to the utmost extent of your power this one fruitful source of crime by granting no license to sell intoxicating drinks. Think us not unreasonable. We and our children are the principle sufferers. Though manj' of us are blessed with sober husbands, fathers, sons and brotliers, we can but deeply sympathize with those of our sex who see their dearest friends on the road to destruction. We are not in sane on this subject, as Paul said, "We are not mad but speak the words of truth and soberness." Shut down we pray you, this one dire flood gate, and obstruct as far as practicable that stream of woe now flowing through the length and breadth of our land hurling thousands of our fellow beings into the grave of the drunkard. Suffering wives, mothers and sisters will repay in tears of gratitude and prayers to God for his blessings on you and your families, and Heavens Dome will echo with angels shouts of rejoicing o'er the great good you shall have accomplished. For this as in duty bound we will ever pray. March 1871. Elizabeth Jones Jessie L. Gilliam Mary Dickson Carrie C. Gillam Ann Dickson Delia Folger Sarah Lesley Mary Smith Justina Lesley Elizbaeth Hendricks M. A. Mims Martha A. Clayton E. R. Mims Laura M. O'Dell H. Jones Martha O'Dell Louisa Jones Corrie Folger Sarah Hughes M. C. Briggs Mary Hughes E. Smith Mary S. Gillam M. P. Folger Additional Comments: Extracted from: A GENEALOGICAL COLLECTION OF SOUTH CAROLINA WILLS AND RECORDS VOL. I Compiled By MISS PAULINE YOUNG South Carolina Genealogist Box 129 Liberty, S. C. Copyright 1955 By PAULINE YOUNG PRICE $ 10.00 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/sc/pickens/history/other/petition10nms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/scfiles/ File size: 4.8 Kb