SPARTANBURG COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA - FINGERVILLE METHODIST CEMETERY ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Contributed to The USGenWeb Archives by: W. D. Floyd ( 22 January 1999 ---------------------------------------- FINGERVILLE METHODIST CEMETERY Spartanburg County, SC By W. D. Floyd This cemetery should be easy for anyone to find since it is located on the south side of Highway SC 11 between Chesnee, SC and the SC 11 and SC 9 intersection at New Prospect, SC. I did the audit August 6, 1998 and I started in the northwest corner of the cemetery. THE SURNAMES ATKINS, AVERY, BELL, BISHOP, BLACKWELL, BRIDGES, BRIGHT, BROWN, BULLMAN, BURTON, CARSON, CARTEE, CASH, CHILDRESS, CLARK, COLLINS, CORN, COTHRAN, COUCH, CULBRETH, DAVIS, DONNAHOO, DOVER, DUNCAN, DURHAM, ERVIN, FINGER, FLOYD, GARREN, GEORGE, GOINGS, GOINS, GREENE, GREENWAY, GREGORY, HALL, HENDERSON, HOOD, HUGHEY, HULLETT, HUTCHINS, JOHNSON, KIMBRELL, KINLEY, KIRK, LANCASTER, LEE, LEWIS, LOFTIS, MABRY, MAHAFFEY, MALONE, MANLEY, MARTIN, MATTHEW, MATTHEWS, MCCLURE, MCCOMBS, MCDONALD, MCKELVEY, MCMILLAN, MEREDITH, MILLER, MORROW, NEWTON, PADGETT, PAINTER, PITTMAN, POPE, PERTER, PRICE, PRINCE, PRUITT, PURVINE, RIDING, RIDINGS, ROACH, ROBBINS, RODGERS, ROGERS, SHIELD, SHIPMON, SMITH, STEADMAN, TAPP, THOMPSON, WILKERSON, WILSON Hughey, Robert Lee May 9, 1927 s/o Horace & Ella Hughey, Ella C. Sep 16, 1899 May 18, 1927 w/oHorace d/o Dock & Leslie Price Price, Mary L. May 21, 1873 January 9, 1948 Price, David A. April 23, 1878 January 13, 1959 Duncan, Helen M. June 10, 1921 July 31, 1996 Duncan, Ralph February 17, 1918 April 6, 1978 Duncan, Joyce A. May 13, 1944 March 12, 1945 d/o Helen & Ralph Bishop, George M. October 5, 1877 February 2, 1968 Bishop, Lou Ella August 30, 1881 March 1, 1965 Bishop, Pearl M. Loftis March 20, 1906 ----- Bishop, Grady Oliver July 8, 1906 September 21, 1939 Rodgers, R. Wellington March 9, 1879 March 17, 1910 Newton, Rowena No Dates Rodgers, Baby No Dates Rodgers, Baby No Dates Rodgers, Martha No Dates B. R. B. R. Rogers, D. C. July 14, 1901 July 14, 1927 Prince, Samuel L. November 5, 1888 December 8, 1946 Prince, Ada G. December 29, 1892 ------ Greenway, Johnnie W. c1880 c1958 Grenway, Thomas L. c1872 c1943 Greenway, Lillian Nance c1919 ------ Greenway, Sam B. July 17, 1903 October 31, 1927 Wilkerson, Lula Hood c1868 c1955 Hood, John Edgar c1860 c1912 Hood, Lilah May c1894 c1977 George, Mary McMillan October 26, 1878 August 1, 1968 McMillan, Edward H. November 6, 1857 February 27, 1932 McMillan, Lollie Ann April 26, 1868 June 2, 1902 McMillan, Willie E. October 10, 1885 January 2, 1895 Carson, Infant March 14, 1911 s/o JF & MT McClure, Nancy D. March 21, 1846 September 26, 1910 McMillan, Lorena Shields c1870 c1931 McMillan, R. R. September 11, 1860 August 24, 1936 McMillan, Ella Trout c1867 c1895 McMillan, Ella Reid April 21, 1895 September 28, 1895 d/o RR & ME McMillan, William Ralph August 31, 1889 June 24, 1968 Meredith, Nannie McMillan June 4, 1892 July 19, 1922 w/o SL Meredith Meredith, Nancy July 16, 1922 June 9, 1923 d/o SL & NJ Rodgers, Grover April 22, 1906 May 13, 1909 s/o ZB & Clara Rogers, S. B. February 23, 1852 June 13, 1903 Rogers, M. J. October 17, 1842 August 30, 1917 Wilson, R. Dwight April 30, 1922 October 4, 1965 Wilson, John Max February 14, 1914 August 8, 1962 McMillan, Harriet Finger June 18, 1839 March 15, 1922 McMillan, William H. September 13, 1820 March 6, 1905 Padgett, Infant February 22, 1952 d/o LL & MB Ervin, Thomas M. May 20, 1849 August 8, 1919 Ervin, Octavia A. December 15, 1853 October 23, 1922 Dover, Alice W. September 2, 1878 July 13, 1949 Dover, John H. February 5, 1872 May 18, 1952 Hullett, John M. April 17, 1872 July 9, 1950 Hullett, Minnie H. September 16, 1879 March 4, 1950 Colier, Gurtrude Gaines February 14, 1883 November 2, 1926 Collier, Lawrence C. August 6, 1904 December 26, 1933 Davis, Marion Collier October 30, 1906 October 21, 1987 Robbins, Lois November 20, 1902 July 7, 1929 Unmarked Finger, S. Elizabeth June 4, 1838 August 24, 1913 w/o Marcus P. Finger, Marcus P. December 9, 1833 March 23, 1907 Wilson, Annie B. December 13, 1900 October 3, 1906 d/o JB & Hattie Wilson, Elsie C. January 18, 1905 October 18, 1906 d/o JB & Hattie Wilson, Hattie A. McMillan October 12, 1879 February 15, 1907 w/o Dr. JB Wilson, Dr. J. B. October 15, 1867 September 25, 1926 Wilson, Iris McMillan May 24, 1888 May 9, 1971 w/o Dr. JB Wilson Burton, Beomie A. R. May 23, 1906 August 28, 1907 d/o AR & BL Unmarked Manley, Harriett J. October 31, 1838 March 15, 1927 Manley, H. D. October 9, 1848 ----- Manley, Gracie L. August 16, 1899 July 17, 1901 d/o JH & ME Morrow, Georgia M. June 16, 1912 ------ m 10/6/32 Morrow, William C. April 1, 1909 August 31, 1957 WW II Morrow, William C., Jr. August 16, 1933 August 18, 1933 Morrow, George T. December 25, 1875 July 29, 1927 Morrow, Nancy A. July 20, 1878 January 21, 1953 w/o George T. Clark, M. E. September 2, 1866 June 9, 1920 Clark, J. F. April 12, 1854 May 16, 1923 Morrow, Alice Elizabeth November 16, 1897 January 7, 1900 d/o GT Morrow Morrow, Nancy April 21, 1836 February 25, 1894 w/o JS Morrow Morrow, John S. July 15, 1846 October 4, 1928 CSA Greene, J. I. June 8, 1856 August 26, 1916 Greene, Susie November 2, 1854 December 29, 1928 Atkins, William A. No Dates Atkins, William Perry c1842 c1910 Atkins, Mary Elizabeth c1842 c1910 Unknown Bell, Luevinie Atkins February 17, 1884 July 6, 1916 w/o NL Bell Bell, Noah L. May 23, 1874 January 26, 1958 2 Unmarked Atkins, Doyle c1892 c1975 Unknown Smith, Grover C. August 4, 1885 July 14, 1886 Mabry, Nannie Smith October 7, 1894 July 17, 1915 Smith, Fannie M. October 28, 1880 September 14, 1896 Smith, Dorcus E. March 13, 1887 July 26, 1897 Smith, Bert D. October 22, 1889 March 29, 1952 WW I Smith, Laura E. May 22, 1856 April 10, 1916 w/o WM Smith Mahaffey, Ben August 9, 1856 April 14, 1918 Mahaffey, Martha Jane Atkins April 17, 1865 August 8, 1916 w/o Ben Unknown Bishop, Carry Jane August 9, 1899 May 22, 1900 d/o MG & LE Bishop, Furman November 7, 1901 January 20, 1902 s/o MG & LE Bishop, Annie Bell June 2, 1904 October 21, 1904 Unknown Mahaffey, Thurman March 5, 1922 March 15, 1922 Mahaffey, Dean B. May 23, 1898 January 16, 1937 Mahaffey, Sunnie C. December 29, 1896 ------ Matthews, Maggie No Dates Bishop, Vennie Lee February 21, 1930 June 21, 1930 d/o GO Bishop Loftis, Effie November 6, 1912 November 25, 1926 d/o WA & E Loftis, Ruby March 8, 1925 May 6, 1927 d/o FM & LM Shipmon, Minnie Belle Zora Loftis December 7, 1897 October 20, 1940 Collins, Harvey May 14, 1875 July 1, 1927 Collins, Viney July 20, 1875 October 10, 1963 Cothran, Virginia October 3, 1922 January 4, 1923 d/o TM & EL Unknown Henderson, Christopher C. January 19, 1862 June 15, 1926 Henderson, Julia Westbrooks December 6, 1865 September 5, 1929 7 Unknowns Pope, Alpha L. December 26, 1892 November 9, 1903 d/o BF & Lizzie 5 Unknowns Martin, Ardell c1879 c1905 Martin, Maggie Porter No Dates 2 Unknowns Robbins, Robert c1887 c1953 Thompson, Ruth Robbins April 21, 1910 April 3, 1928 w/o RL Thompson 3 Unknowns Smith, Elex May 17, 1879 May 10, 1949 Donnahoo, Murray Co. K 16NC Inf. CSA c1840 c1897 Donnahoo, Angeline Johnson September 3, 1847 February 22, 1926 Unknown Smith, William Miller October 27, 1869 July 2, 1940 Smith, Martha Ann Donnahoo August 16, 1868 August 14, 1942 Smith, Carrie Leola December 12, 1909 February 3, 1947 Matthews, William c1858 c1937 Matthews, Elizabeth c1863 c1939 Unknown Unmarked Roach, Louise M. November 12, 1918 February 21, 1962 Mahaffey, Infant February 16, 1948 s/o HW & HB Mahaffey, Hughey November 1, 1926 June 18, 1928 s/o WP & Rhoda Garren, Rachel Matilda September 12, 1857 March 29, 1926 Matthews, Arkansas Garren August 19, 1883 February 6, 1926 Matthews, James Burton June 10, 1876 February 20, 1841 Matthews, Floyd A. November 25, 1904 July 4, 1927 Matthews, Alice Pauline October 28, 1906 JUly 4, 1927 Unmarked Johnson, O. L. March 1, 1891 October 30, 1941 Cothran, Tom January 2, 1900 July 24, 1926 Kinley, Azzie C. April 25, 1905 May 11, 1970 Wilson, Fannie Cothran June 8, 1872 May 9, 1943 Gregory, Judy Marie August 1, 1946 September 15, 1950 Couch, James W. June 10, 1872 February 8, 1928 Unknown Matthew, Susia November 22, 1859 November 25, 1939 Matthew, Andy December 15, 1844 November 29, 1929 Ridings, Volney Elmore May 25, 1922 February 19, 1951 WW II Ridings, Bloom June 5, 1896 August 18, 1938 Ridings, Offie July 14, 1897 April 19, 1929 Ridings, James W. December 21, 1919 July 7, 1921 s/o GB & OM Riding, C. B. June 1896 August 1938 Shields, Helen October 4, 1923 November 2, 1925 d/o GE & Nannie Tapp, Vivian August 23, 1909 June 27, 1910 d/o JS & JC Shields, Emily Elizabeth December 15, 1844 July 3, 1907 w/o CA Shields Price, Annie Lila Mae May 11, 1913 d/o Dock & Lesslie Price, Triplets, Rufus, Ruby, Reba May 13, 1906 May 14, 1906 s&d/ Dock& Leslie 5 Unknowns Kirk, Ruth C. March 19, 1909 ----- Shields, Debra Ann November 16, 1958 November 20, 1958 d/o Samuel & Peggy 2 Unknowns Smith, Nettie C. October 27, 1888 May 16, 1946 Smith, John C. February 23, 1871 April 5, 1939 Smith, Carrie April 13, 1876 September 24, 1904 w/o JC Smith Smith, Klem April 21, 1876 January 8, 1896 w/o JC Smith Unknown Smith, Otis B. June 7, 1895 June 3, 1896 Malone, Minnie M. December 27, 1901 April 23, 1908 d/o WT & LE 2 Unknowns Malone, W. T. February 22, 1878 May 15, 1936 Malone, Newton July 11, 1911 September 27, 1936 Malone, Lou S. July 16, 1871 March 7, 1960 Cash, Marshall June 26, 1920 August 8, 1951 WW II Cash, Eva H. c1900 c1965 Cash, Nely C. c1890 c1970 Unknown Kimbrell, Roay C. January 29, 1887 October 13, 1943 5 Unknowns Bright, Mary August 12, 1800 October 10, 1897 Unknown Greenway, Harold October 17, 1921 August 3, 1982 WW II Greenway, John L. c1885 c1966 Greenway, Nannie M. c1890 c1972 J.H.G. L.G.G. N.R.G. F.M.G. J.B.G. Unknown Ridings, Allene July 15, 1921 August 1, 1939 Ridings, Millie H. May 5, 1888 February 27, 1927 Ridings, Albert L. February 4, 1892 October 14, 1926 Ridings, Cletus June 7, 1916 June 7, 1917 Ridings, Thelma c1911 ---- Lancaster, Winnie S. January 7, 1893 November 23, 1918 Lancaster, Troy c1913 s/o RR Lancaster Lancaster, Gladys c1918 d/o RR Lancaster Unknown Goins, Kitty March 7, 1879 June 21, 1949 Goings, Grady Lee August 21, 1924 June 7, 1965 WW II Matthew, Nellie C. September 10, 1910 February 11, 1966 Couch, Summey W. July 5, 1897 ------ Couch, America M. June 9, 1886 May 4, 1963 Price, Sophia July 5, 1906 June 23, 1933 w/o Hyder Price Price, Estelle c1909 ---- Price, Robert C. c1904 c1968 Price, John P. June 6, 1917 May 14, 1950 WW II Childress, Charles H. c1876 c1936 Childress, Cornelia Infant No Dates Childress, Clyde Infant No Dates Painter, Sarah F. December 16, 1853 March 26, 1911 Painter, L. A. March 15, 1861 August 7, 1933 Miller, Shirley Kay September 28, 1956 October 11, 1956 d/o Harold E. Miller, Pauline H. January 31, 1905 January 20, 1987 Miller, Wofford E. April 9, 1905 March 18, 1986 Miller, Jeff E. July 22, 1973 April 15, 1997 Bell, Ibra C. September 22, 1883 November 27, 1959 Bell, Alice M. February 2, 1883 September 15, 1953 Bell, Curtis Jefferson, May 16, 1906 September 3, 1925 Bell, Infant B&D September 6, 1914 d/o IC & MA Bell, Sammie B. March 2, 1913 March 17, 1913 s/o IC & MA Pittman, Mary Francis B&D April 22, 1926 d/o WO & fannie M. Steadman, Clyde April 16, 1906 November 18, 1906 s/o WC & NC Unknown Steadman, William C. c1875 c1927 Steadman, Nettie Bell c1890 c1942 Brown, Infant August 8, 1902 s/o JQ Brown Cartee, Mary Ellen Price April 12, 1908 September 9, 1967 w/o Floyd A. Cartee, F. E. March 20, 1939 July 14, 1939 s/o Floyd Cartee, Infant No Dates s/o Floyd Hutchins, Maud Ella September 13, 1911 ----- Hutchins, Canie H. January 16, 1897 August 24, 1970 m 10/15/38 McKelvey, Onie Shields April 28, 1904 February 15, 1989 Shields, Judson L. May 4, 1903 February 26, 1949 Wilson, Lizzie B&D March 25, 1918 Culbreth, Infants July 4, 1946 i/o CO & MR Culbreth, Clarence O. October 8, 1908 August 27, 1952 Culbreth, Maggie R. July 7, 1911 ----- Culbreth, Infant November 19, 1944 s/o Curtis Culbreth, Bessie A. September 15, 1888 May 6, 1938 Culbreth, William B. May 22, 1883 July 28, 1961 Culbreth, Mossie E. July 2, 1893 December 22, 1962 3 Unknowns Purvine, Ben c1838 c1935 77th PA Reg. US Cav. CSA Purvine, Lydia Ann c1857 c1943 Porter, Zeb V. April 26, 1919 June 9, 1919 s/o FB & Bessie Porter, Fred B. January 27, 1888 June 5, 1951 Porter, Bessie P. October 25, 1888 April 9, 1976 Unknown Hall, Grady V. c1902 c1958 Hall, Helen D. c1907 c1977 Hall, Rosa Lee July 4, 1944 September 28, 1944 Lewis, Edgar W. August 13, 1875 June 2, 1946 Lewis, Carrie Donnahoo August 13, 1877 ----- Durham, Norma Jean April 8, 1946 October 17, 1946 d/o Vanlue & Linner Durham, J. L. “Billy” February 25, 1930 May 25, 1960 s/o Vanlue Durham, Josie C. August 23, 1883 July 22, 1969 Durham, Plaice July 17, 1903 ----- Durham, E. Lawrence December 25, 1918 November 15, 1978 Floyd, Jesse James December 1, 1916 August 3, 1949 Bullman, J. Gibson October 7, 1896 December 7, 1942 Bullman, William A. November 14, 1860 July 12, 1940 Bullman, Sarah Cothran September 17, 1879 April 12, 1940 Bullman, Annie July 1, 1903 February 27, 1967 Sister Pruitt, Neely B. March 7, 1911 November 29, 1994 Sister Bullman, J. D. August 16, 1937 April 7, 1977 Unknown Lee, Elmedia Grasty March 23, 1879 May 27, 1946 Lee, Chas. McDowell October 8, 1878 August 23, 1968 Lee, Charlie Burgin November 24, 1918 August 7, 1946 Pruitt, Michael and Mitchell August 12, 1949 August 13, 1949 Henderson, Lyn J. March 30, 1908 August 27, 1966 WW II Henderson, Willie M. February 11, 1913 September 5, 1963 Henderson, Will E. December 29, 1882 April 12, 1968 Henderson, Emma S. November 22, 1886 April 21, 1947 Henderson, Julia P. August 26, 1923 August 11, 1934 d/o EE & WE Henderson, Louis C. December 23, 1936 April 18, 1937 s/o EC & LM Smith, Jack May 22, 1929 March 13, 1943 Avery, Minnie L. September 26, 1902 June 23, 1991 Avery, Lee Roy August 3, 1900 December 4, 1961 WW I McDonald, Alberta A. September 1, 1920 August 21, 1979 McCombs, Carl William August 28, 1926 September 22, 1982 WW II McCombs, Fannie B. March 10, 1902 ----- McCombs, Pose September 16, 1902 January 8, 1977 McCombs, Ella Brown c1877 c1983 McCombs, Armpy B. c1853 c1938 McCombs, Will B. June 22, 1911 May 11, 1972 McCombs, Ila C. April 3, 1913 April 14, 1975 Bridges, Fester February 17, 1889 January 28, 1958 Blackwell, Elmer October 7, 1903 November 9, 1986 Blackwell, Clearcy C. December 2, 1907 October 11, 1963 Malone, Claude May 20, 1900 January 15, 1973 Malone, Mae C. May 6, 1900 July 2, 1990 2 Unknowns Mahaffey, Walter J. April 5, 1912 September 10, 1988 Mahaffey, Fannie L. October 31, 1915 May 22, 1989 Blackwell, Howard September 7, 1911 ----- Blackwell, Polly December 20, 1909 February 16, 1982 Matthew, Lollie Wilson December 22, 1910 March 3, 1982 WW II Matthew, Lucille O. May 23, 1940 ----- Greenway, John Abner December 31, 1913 April 23, 1977 Greenway, Luna A. June 27, 1923 ----- Greenway, Freddy Allen September 27, 1947 July 14, 1994 Corn, Shania Rae April 23, 1996 October 28, 1997 Price, Steve Delano October 20, 1943 July 25, 1980 Vietnam Bullman, Ruth E. November 11, 1918 ----- Bullman, John May 19, 1913 February 24, 1980 **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. 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