REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION - HENRY CANNON Contributed by: Charles Tate ( ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. 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I do not nor can, I recollect the precise day on which I entered the service. I resided, when I volunteered, in Culpeper County state of Virginia. I was marched to a place called the long Bridge in the State of Virginia where I was in a small engagement, the regiment was commanded by Col. Stevens. I do not recollect the officers present on that occasion, except a Captain Fountain from ------. The killed and wounded amounted to 26 or 28 in number. I was then marched to Norfolk where I continued till about the last of April, 1776 where during the winter we were much harassed by Lord Dunmore who left his castle and together with the enemy lay in the vessels from which they would frequently fire on the Americans. About the last of April, 1776 the Americans set fire to about half the town and left it; the other half having been previously burned by the Brittish. I then returned home where I think I staid about the space of two months perhaps not so long. I then was marched to old James Town Virginia, still under the command of Captain McClannihan nothing material occurred and about the last of november we were dismissed. I do not recollect that at this time any of the regular troops were present it being the commencement of the Revolution as I distinctly recollect we run Lord Dunmore from his castle as it was then termed into the vessel, where he remained until we left Norfolk. I was in actual service about 13 months. I have no documentory evidence, and I know of no person whose testimony will be of service to me or who can testify to my service. I was born in Stafford County Virginia on the 11th of April 1752 as I have been informed and believe. I have no record of my age. I was living in Culpepper County Virginia when I volunteered. I lived in the same County after the end of the Revolutionary War till 1784 when I moved to the State of South Carolina Spartanburgh District where I resided till about 22 years ago when I went to Greenville District State of South Carolina not far from the line between Greenville and Spartanburgh. I volunteered. I do not believe the Continental Army was in existence when I was in the service as it was at the beginning of the war. I never received any written discharge. I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any State. To the questions proposed by the Court I answer --- 1st I was born in Stafford County Virginia, 11th April 1751. --- 2nd I have no Record of my age, and only know, by the information of my Elder Brother who knows of my birth. --- 3rd I resided in Culpepper Virginia when I went into service and have resided in South Carolina since the war. --- 4th See the written declarations. --- 6th I never had a written discharge. --- 7 I refer to the Reverend Ellis Cannon to Jesse Green and Jesse Rector who will know my Character for truth and moral deportment. Sworn to and subscribed 11th day --- April Signature of Henry Cannon John --Neall Pres Judge South Carolina Spartanburgh District We- Ellis Cannon a clergyman residing in the District of Spartanburgh and Jesse Rector and Jesse Green residing in Greenville district, do hereby certify, that we are well acquainted with Henry Cannon who has subscribed and sworn to to the forgoing Declaration. That we believe him to be Eighty one years of age, that he is reputed and believe in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier in the Revolution and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn to and subscribed Ellis Cannon 11th day ----April Jesse Rector John ?Neall Jesse Green Pres Judge And to said court does hereby declare its opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interogatory prescribed by the war department. That the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states. And the said court further further certifies that it appears this Ellis Cannon who has signed the forgoing certificate is a clergyman resident in the said District and that Jesse Rector and Jesse Green who has also signed the same, are resident said District are credible persons and that their statement is entitled to credit. John ?Neall Pres Judge The State of South Carolina Spartanburgh District Personally appeared before me, the under signed, a Justice of the Peace, Henry Cannon, who being duly sworn, --------------, that by reason of old age, and consequent loss of memory, he cannot swear positively as to the precise length of his service but according to the best of his recollection he served not less than the period mentioned below and in the following grade I volunteered my service as a private for the term of twelve months to the best of my knowledge and belief in Culpepper County Virginia on the first of October 1775 under Captain McClannahan. I was discharge the last of november 1776 having served thirteen months. In answer to the fifth Interrogatory I do not believe the Continental Army was in existence at the time I volunteered and served. If it did then exist is was not at Norfolk to the best of my knowledge and belief. My services were rendered at the commencement of the Revolution. Sworn to and Subscribed before me Henry Cannon the 23rd day of September 1833. H. J. Dean J.P. State of South Carolina Spartanburg District I Elishu ----- Clerk of the Court of Sessions and Common Pleas in and for said District, do hereby certify that H. J. Dean is a magistrate, as above duly authorized by law to administer oaths. And ------ that the foregoing signature purporting to be his is genuine. In testimony where of I have license to set my hand and seal of office this 23rd day of September 1833. E. -------- Clerk 23870 Order to pay 5th April 1839. South Carolina ------------------------------------- Henry Cannon of Spartanbg in the State of So Ca who was a private in the cavalry commanded by Captain McC-----gham of the Va line for 11 months. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Inscribed on the Roll of So. Carolina at the rate of 33 Dollars 33 Cents per annum, to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831.