SPARTANBURG CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITS - BRIGGS, H. Clyde ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Darlene Brookins-Brooks ************************************************ The Augusta Chronicle Friday – 10-7-1904 – The Augusta Chronicle Spartanburg, S. C., - Oct. 6, 1904, H. Clyde Briggs, a machinist who is employed at Pacelot Mills, met instant death yesterday afternoon. During a few minutes shut down of the machinery Briggs took occasion to adjust the rope belt which is connected with the main fly wheel and the machinery suddenly starting the man was hurled with great force against the face of the giant wheel. Death ensued instantly, his head and shoulders being crushed. He was a married man and had been employed by the Pacelot Company for about 16 years.