SPARTANBURG CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITS - CANNON, LARKIN W. ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Cadace (Teal) Gravelle ************************************************ "The Jacksonville Republican" Jacksonville, Calhoun County, Alabama NEWSPAPER Issue of Saturday, October 30, 1880 OBITUARY OF HON. LARKIN W. CANNON Hon. L.W. Cannon, Probate Judge of Calhoun county, died at his residence in Jacksonville on the 4th day of October, A.D., 1880. At the time of his death he was sixty years of age. He had been almost a constant sufferer for several years previous to his death, but without murmuring and was never failing in the fulfillment of every day duty. He was born in Spartanburg District, S.C. and spent his boyhood there, and when only 18 years old, cast his lot in with the noble men and women who first moved to the northern portion of Alabama and who brought no capital save their brain and muscle, and who knew no role of business in their dealings but that of "honesty for honesty's sake." He won their confidence and good will and retained them to the end, insomuch that not one of them surviving will withhold the plaudit "Well done friend of our earlier days, sleep in death the well earned peaceful sleep that the noblest of God's creation alone can claim." And now, we that came after these that soon will lie down beside you, and who knew you as counselor, friend, father, would in this notice render our feeble tribute to your memory. A christian character without blemish, moral worth, let the records speak. Unquestionable intregity, 'twere base ingratitude to doubt it. Of paternal affection and devotion to his offspring, the feeblest tongue that lisped "Grandpa" could in volumes speak. Thou hast left us but so long as human hearts beat, and thy blood shall through them flow, thy virtues will not be untold. We miss you and your uneering counsels shall no more be to us the friend in need, but with obedient hearts we commit thee to the full enjoyment of that hope that stayed thy soul on Him who gave it, and in patience wait the end that will find thee in the blissful field of Paradise, rich reward to faithful servant given. No bitter scoffings can stir thy heart, no treacherous tongue beguile thy way, but in the Eden of God's love, thy soul in endless peace will stay. S.