SPARTANBURG CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITS - McELRATH, John ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Valerie (Johnson) Freeman ************************************************ "The Jacksonville Republican" Jacksonville, Calhoun County, Alabama NEWSPAPER Issue of Saturday, September 13, 1879 OBITUARY of John McElrath Died, of dropsey, John McElrath, Sept. 4th, after a long and lingering illness. He was born in Spartanburg, S.C., Nov. 25,1814, moved to Calhoun county in December 1845, where he has lived ever since. In his early years he joined the Presbyterian church at Nazarath, S.C. Many have been the toils and trials of his life in Alabama, but at last he died in peace with his God and all mankind. His last words were "They are wanting me." He was a kind and loving father, ever ready to take upon himself the toils and care of his children. There is no doubt of his triumph in death. Kind friends were with him during his sickness. They never forsook him until the last. A thousand thanks are not sufficient to express the feelings of his family towards the kind hearted neighbor who came and remained with him day and night. J.