SPARTANBURG CO., SOUTH CAROLINA - OBITS - SPRINKLE, Elizabeth Ann ************************************************ SCGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed to the SCGenWeb Archives by: Candace (Teal) Gravelle ************************************************ "The Jacksonville Republican" Jacksonville, Calhoun Co., Alabama NEWSPAPER Issue of Saturday, SEPTEMBER 4, 1886 ALABAMA State News CALHOUN County Local News OBITUARY OF ELIZABETH ANN SPRINKLE Elizabeth Ann Sprinkle died in Calhoun county, Ala., June 14, 1886. She was born Jan. 17, 1808 in Spartanburg, Dist., South Carolina and moved from there to Calhoun County, Ala.. in October 1858. She joined the Baptist church in 1833 and lived a consistent member until her death. Her age was 78 years, 4 months, and for fifty-three years of that time, she was engaged in the service of her Lord, in which she delighted and found much happiness. The last year of her life she was a great sufferer, but she bore her afflictions with the meekness and patience of a saint of the most high God and was victorious in death. She leaves a devoted husband and two daughters to mourn her loss. May the God of all grace guide and comfort them that they may not sorrow as those that have no hope. J.F. Potter.