SPARTANBURG COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA - WILL - George BREWTON - 1815 ********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, material may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material, AND permission is obtained from the contributor of the file. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for non-commercial purposes, MUST obtain the written consent of the contributor, OR the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Contributed to The USGenWeb Archives by: Brian Nilsson ( 8 May 1999 ---------------------------------------- South Carolina Department of Archives and History Spartanburg Wills, Volume 1, Sec. A, pp. 60-62 Will of George Brewton In the name of God Amen. I George Brewton of the State of South Carolina, Spartanburgh District being unwell in body but perfect and sound in Memory do make this my last will and Testament revoking all others - Resigning myself to the divine Providence of Heaven, hoping for a Joyful resurrecton - In the first place my will and desire is to be decently Inter'd and all my Just and lawful debts paid. Secondly I leave and bequeath to my beloved wife Catherine Brewton the House and plantation whereon I now live and my riding Chair with Lewion and Batty his wife Biddy Grace Dick Mary & Violet - and also a Negro boy named Dick which I bid off at the sale of the estate of Daniel Bragg decd. at three hundred and five dollars if the legatees fail to settle up the price and keep him with as much of the stock and household furniture as seemeth her good during her life and at her death the above Negroes and stock to be desposed of at hereafter directed, thirdly my eldest daughter Elizabeth Bragg has received of my estate two Negroes Grace and Reuben and land some stock and household furniture my will is she receive nothing more till a division hereafter directed. Fourthly, whereas my second daughter Polly Grace has received of my estate a Negro woman named Mill with her increase some stock and household furniture. My will is that she receive nothing till a division hereafter directed. Fifthly, I leave to my eldest son John Brewton a negro boy Bob and the tract of land whereon he now lives containing two hundred and forty two acres with some stock and furniture already received. Sixthly I leave to my third daughter Abigail Bragg two negroes Girls Sinai and Milley and the tract of land whereon Peter Bragg now lives containing one hundred and nineteen acres with stock and furniture which she has already received. Seventhly, I leave to my fourth daughter Catherine Gambrell a negro woman Salley with her two children both boys and a negro girl named Chaney with all their increase as long as she the said Catherine lives and after her death her children to heir the same by equal division. Eightly, I leave to my fifth daughter Delilah Ott the tract of land whereon William Ott now lives containing two hundred and ten acres with stock and furniture which she has received and also a negro woman named Leak and her child Hannah which she is to keep during her life time and at her death her children to have them by equal division with the whole of their increase. Ninthly, I leave to my sixth daughter Naomi Acker the stock and furniture which she has received, and as long as she said Naomi shall live I leave her one Negro woman named Milley and her child Vitate and a girl named Lydia with the whole of their increase and at her death her children to heir them all by equal division. Tenthly, I leave to my second son George Brewton a tract of land where he settled containing two hundred and seventy three acres forty five of which lies on the south side of the Georgia Road also a negro boy named Primus with stock and furniture which he has already received. Eleventhly, I leave to my seventh daughter Cassander Brewton one Featherbed and furniture and my bay Mare and a Saddle and a good Cow and Calf and a walnut chest also as long as she the said Casander shall live I leave her one Negro woman named Beck and her three youngest children Grace, Allen, and Anderson with all their increase And at her death if she should have children, the said negroes to be equally divided amongst them if she has none the said negroes with the whole of their increase to be returned to my heirs and equally divided amongst them. Twelfthly, I leave to my third son Joel Brewton the tract of land whereon I now live being a part of seven tracts including my still with all the utensils belonging to them / his mother to have the Houses plantation and conveniencies with necessary privileges during her life / containing in the whole four hundred and eighty six acres together with the plantation and smith tools and waggon and rifle gun and his choice of two negro boys when he becomes of age Dick or Ned and a yearling Colt which he now Claims and two Cows and Calves and one feather bed and furniture and Dick and a reasonable part of the Household and Kitchen furniture and the half of my stock of hogs sheep and Goats. Fifteenthly, my will is that if any of the above Negroes which is left to my wife during her lifetime should prove refractory that they be sold by my Executors for the use of my legatees and at her death the whole of them with all other property not otherwise desposed of to be equally divided among my legatees Exclusive of Joel and Casander, the division to be made without a sale if it can to satisfaction Elizabeth Braggs part to be enjoyed by her during her lifetime And then be equally divided among her children except Polley Clayton: Nevertheless any alteration made by me either written or Verbal shall stand good And lastly I nominate and appoint John Brewton, George Grace, George Brewton, and Joel Brewton Executors to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this 6th day of July in the year of our Lord 1815. Signed Seal'd and acknowledged in presence of us: Philip Brewton, John Bragg, Enoch Brewton, Casander Brewton. George Brewton (L.S.) Recorded in Will Book A, pages 69, 70, 71, and 72. Box 140, Pkg. 100 Recorded 23rd day of October 1815 W. Lancaster O.S.D. **************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. Files may be printed or copied for personal use only. ****************************************************************