Gazetteer of Place Names in Andreas' Atlas This file is extracted from the book, "A Contribution to Andreas' Atlas of Dakota - 1884, and G. K. Warren's Military Map of Nebraska and Dakota - 1858" by John A. Van Balen. This book is available from the I. D. Weeks Library University of South Dakota 414 E. Clark St. Vermillion, S. D. Cost is $14.75 plus $5 for shipping and handling. The book includes both the place name index and facsimile maps. This listing is uploaded with the kind permission of John Van Bolen. All rights reserved. Any use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at Placename Placename Located in Tributary of Type County State ------------------------ ---------- -------------- ---- ------------- Abercrombie Township Civil Richland N.D. Aberdeen Locale Brown S.D. Aberdeen Township Civil Brown S.D. Adams Township Civil Grant S.D. Aden (h) Locale Hutchinson S.D. Alton Township Civil Brookings S.D. Agnes Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Airy Mound (nl) Summit Sargent N.D. Akra Township (h) Civil Pembina N.D. Akron Locale Iowa Alban Township Civil Grant S.D. Albion Township (h) Civil Stutsman N.D. Alcester Locale Union S.D. Alert Lake (Albert) Lake Minnehaha S.D. Alexandria Locale Hanson S.D. Alkali Creek (nl) Stream Lawrence S.D. Alkali Flat (nl) Flat Edmunds S.D. Alkaline Lake Lake Kidder N.D. Allegeny Township Civil Ranson N.D. Allen Township Civil Beadle S.D. Allendale Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Allison Township Civil Brown S.D. Alma Locale Pembina N.D. Alpena Station & P.O. Locale Jerauld S.D. Alsen (h) Locale Clay S.D. Alta (h) Locale Day S.D. Alta Mine Stamp Mill (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Altamont Locale Deuel S.D. Altamont Township Civil Deuel S.D. Alton Township Civil Brookings S.D. Altoona P.O. Locale Beadle S.D. Alwilda (h) Locale Sanborn S.D. Amenia Locale Cass N.D. America Township Civil Brule S.D. American Creek Stream Brule S.D. Missouri River American Island (h) Island Brule S.D. Missouri River Americus Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Ancient Mound (nl) Historical LaMoure N.D. Ancient Mounds (nl) Historical Hughes S.D. Ancient Work (nl) Historical Stutsman N.D. Andover Locale Day S.D. Andover Township Civil Day S.D. Angus Township Civil Sargent N.D. Antelope Locale Stark N.D. Antelope Creek Stream Mercer N.D. Knife River Antelope Township (nl) Civil Brown S.D. Antelope Township (nl) Civil Lake S.D. Antelope Valley Township Civil Deuel S.D. Antelope Valley Township Civil Grant S.D. Antioch (h) Locale Lincoln S.D. Apple Creek Stream Burleigh N.D. Missouri River Apple Creek Township (nl) Civil Burleigh N.D. Appomattox (h) Locale Potter S.D. Arctic (nl) Locale Stutsman N.D. Argo (h) Locale Brookings S.D. Argo Township Civil Brookings S.D. Argusville Locale Cass N.D. Armadale (h) Locale Spink S.D. Arrow Wood Lake Lake Stutsman N.D. Arrow Wood Township (h) Civil Stutsman N.D. Arthur Locale Cass N.D. Artichoke Buttes Summit Sully S.D. Artichoke Creek Stream Potter S.D. Missouri River Artichoke P.O. (h) Locale Potter S.D. Arvilla Locale Grand Forks N.D. Asa (nl) Locale Miner S.D. Ashton Locale Spink S.D. Ashton (old) (nl) Locale Spink S.D. Ashton Township Civil Spink S.D. Aspen Island (nl) Island Foster N.D. Astronomical Station (nl) Bench Mark Lawrence S.D. Athol Locale Spink S.D. Athol Township (h) Civil Spink S.D. Atwill P.O. (h) Locale Stutsman N.D. Augusta P.O. (h) Locale Hughes S.D. Aurora Locale Brookings S.D. Aurora County Civil Aurora S.D. Aurora Township Civil Aurora S.D. Aurora Township Civil Brookings S.D. Avon Locale Bon Homme S.D. Avon Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Bachelor Creek Stream Moody S.D. Big Sioux River Bachelors Grove (nl) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Baconville (nl) Locale Nelson N.D. Badger Township Civil Davison S.D. Badus P.O. (h) Locale Lake S.D. Baileys Lake Lake Clark S.D. Bainbridge (h) Locale Brookings S.D. Baker Township Civil Davison S.D. Bald Hill Creek Stream Barnes N.D. Shyenne River Bald Knob (nl) Summit Lawrence S.D. Bald Mountain Summit Lawrence S.D. Baltimore Locale Pembina N.D. Bangor Township Civil Brookings S.D. Banner Township Civil Beadle S.D. Barber Island (nl) Island Charles Mix S.D. Missouri River Barnes County Civil Barnes N.D. Barney Station Locale Richland N.D. Barrett (nl) Locale Richland N.D. Barrett Township (h) Civil Beadle S.D. Barrie Locale Richland N.D Bartlett Township Civil Lake S.D. Barton (nl) Locale Brookings S.D. Bath Locale Brown S.D. Bath Township Civil Brown S.D. Bathgate Locale Pembina N.D. Battle Creek Stream Pennington S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Battle Creek (nl) Stream Lake S.D. Battle Creek P.O. (nl) Locale Custer S.D. Battle Creek P.O. (nl) Locale Lake S.D. Battle Ground (nl) Battle FieldRansom N.D. Bay Center (nl) Locale Pembina N.D. Bayou (nl) Locale Yankton S.D. Beadle County Civil Beadle S.D. Bear Butte Summit Lawrence S.D. Bear Butte Creek Stream Meade S.D. Belle Fourche River Bear Butte Township (nl) Civil Ransom N.D. Bear Gulch P.O. (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Bearborn Township (nl) Civil Beadle S.D. Bears Den Hillock Summit Ransom N.D. Beaulieu Locale Pembina N.D. Beaulieu Township Civil Pembina N.D. Beaver (h) Locale Miner S.D. Beaver Creek Stream Minnehaha S.D. Split Rock Creek Beaver Creek Stream Fall River S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Beaver Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Beaver Creek Stream Lincoln S.D Big Sioux River Beaver Creek (nl) Stream Logan N.D. Beaver Creek Stream Stutsman N.D. James River Beaver Creek Stream Yankton S.D. James River Beaver Lake Lake Logan N.D. Beaver Township Civil Stutsman N.D. Becker Township Civil Roberts S.D. Bedford Township (nl) Civil Aurora S.D. Bedford Township (nl) Civil Richland N.D. Beecher's Pillar (Rock) Rock Custer S.D. Belford (nl) Locale Aurora S.D. Belle Fourche River Stream Lawrence S.D. Cheyenne River Belle Prairie Township (nl) Civil Beadle S.D. Belleville (h) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Bellevue (nl) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Bellevyria (h) Locale Steele N.D Belmont (nl) Locale Traill N.D. Belmont Township Civil Spink S.D. Belmont Township Clvii Traill N.D. Bengal Tiger Mines (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Benner P.O. (nl) Locale Foster N.D. Benson County Civil Benson N.D. Benton Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Bentru Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Beotia (h) Locale Spink S.D. Beotia Township Civil Spink S.D. Beresford Locale Union S.D. Berlin (nl) Locale Richland N.D. Berlin Township Civil Clark S.D. Berlin Township Civil Douglas S.D. Berlin Township Civil Richland N.D. Berton (h) Locale Miner S.D. Bethel Township Civil Clay S.D. Bethel (h) Locale Clay S.D. Beulah (h) Locale Douglas S.D. Beulah Township Civil Charles Mix S.D. Beulah Township Civil Davison S.D. Beulah Township (nl) Civil Hanson S.D. Big Bend No.11 Township Civil Ransom N.D. Big Bend No.12 Township Civil Ransom N.D. Big Salt Slough (nl) Stream Grand Forks N.D. Turtle River Big Sioux River Stream Brookings S.D. Missouri River Big Sioux Township (nl) Civil Union S.D. Big Slough (h) Stream LaMoure N.D. Big Spring Spring Lawrence S.D. Big Springs Locale Union S.D. Big Stone City Locale Grant S.D. Big Stone Lake Lake Roberts S.D. Big Stone Township Civil Grant S.D. Bijou Hills Summit Brule S.D. Bismarck Locale Burleigh N.D. Bitter Lake Lake Miner S.D. Black Butte (nl) Summit Lawrence S.D. Black Earth Creek (nl) Stream McCook S.D. Black Hills Mica Mine (nl) Mine Custer S.D. Blacktone P.O. (h) Locale Sargent N.D. Blame Mine (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Blair Lake Township (nl) Civil Day S.D. Blanchard Locale Traill N.D. Blanchard Township Civil Traill N.D. Blinsman (h) Locale Moody S.D. Blom P.O. (h) Locale Deuel S.D. Blom Township Civil Deuel S.D. Bloom Creek Stream Hanson S.D. James River Blooming Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Bloomingdale Locale Clay S.D. Bloomington (h) Locale Charles Mix S.D. Blue Dog Lake Lake Day S.D. Blue Grass Locale Morton N.D. Blue Lake (nl) Lake Logan N.D. Blue Lake P.O. (nl) Locale Day S.D. Blue Lead Copper Mine (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Blue Mountain Summit Nelson N.D. Bluff Centre (h) Locale Clay S.D. Blunt Locale Hughes S.D. Blunt Township Civil Hughes S.D. Boating Lake Lake Grant S.D. Bogus Jim Creek Stream Pennington S.D. Box Elder Creek Bois Cache Creek Steam Walworth S.D. Missouri River Bon Homme (nl) Locale Bon Homme S.D. Bon Homme County Civil Bon Homme S.D. Bon Homme Township Civil Bon Homme S.D. Bond's Ferry (h) Ferry Brule (Lyman) S.D. Missouri River Bone Hill Creek Stream LaMoure N.D. James River Bonilla Locale Beadle S.D. Bonilla Township Civil Beadle S.D. Bonnersville (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Booth (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Boulder (h) Locale Lawrence S.D. Boulder Park Valley Lawrence S.D. Bowesmont (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Box Elder Creek Stream Pennington S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Box Elder Creek (h) Stream Buffalo S.D. Crow Creek Brainard Township Civil Brown S.D. Bramhall (h) Locale Hyde S.D. Brampton Locale Sargent N.D. Branch Big Head River (nl) Stream Stark N.D. Big Head River Branch Snake Creek (nl) Stream Edmunds S.D. Snake Creek Brandon Locale Minnehaha S.D. Brandon Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Brant Lake Locale Lake S.D. Brant Lake Township (h) Civil Lake S.D. Brantford Township Civil Hamlin S.D. Brenna Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Bridgewater Locale McCook S.D. Bridegwater Township (nl) Civil McCook S.D. Brightwood Township Civil Richland N.D. Brisbine (h) Locale Sanborn S.D. Bristol Locale Day S.D. Bristol Township Civil Aurora S.D. Bristol Township (h) Civil Day S.D. Britton Locale Day (Marshall) S.D. Broadland Locale Beadle S.D. Bradland Township Civil Beadle S.D. Brockway (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Brookfield (h) Locale Moody S.D. Brookfield Creek Stream Moody S.D. Big Sioux River Brookfield Township (nl) Civil McCook S.D. Brookings County Civil Brookings S.D. Brookings Township Civil Brookings S.D. Brooklyn (h) Locale Lincoln S.D. Brooklyn Township Civil Lincoln S.D. Brown County Civil Brown S.D. Brown's Butte (nl) Summit Lawrence S.D. Brownsville Locale Lawrence S.D. Bruce Locale Brookings S.D. Brule Creek Stream Lincoln S.D. Big Sioux River Brule Township Civil Brule S.D. Brule Township Civil Union S.D. Byron Township Civil Hughes S.D. Buchanan Locale Stutsman N.D. Buchanan Township Civil Stutsman N.D. Buckeye Township Civil Hughes S.D. Buckhorn Mountain Summit Custer S.D. Bue (h) Locale Nelson N.D. Bue Township (h) Civil Nelson N.D. Buffalo Locale Cass N.D. Buffalo Gap P.O. (h) Locale Custer S.D. Buffalo Lake Lake Minnehaha S.D. Buffalo Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Bull Head lake Lake Roberts S.D. Bullberry Island (h) Island Potter S.D. Missouri River Burbank Locale Clay S.D. Burdette Locale Hand S.D. Burk Township (nl) Civil Minnehaha S.D. Burleigh County Civil Burleigh N.D. Burnside (h) Locale Charles Mix S.D. Burnt Creek Stream Burleigh N.D. Missouri River Brunt Fork Stream Penington S.D. Battle Creek????? Burr Oak Township Civil Beadle S.D. Butte County Civil Butte S.D. Butte Mashue (nl) Summit Griggs N.D. Buttzville Locale Ransom N.D. Buxton Locale Traill N.D. Buxton Township (h) Civil Traill N.D. Cain Creek Stream Beadle S.D. James River Calamity Peak Summit Custer S.D. Caledonia Locale Traill N.D. Caledonia Township Civil Traill N.D. Cales Township Civil Aurora S.D. Calliope Locale Iowa Cameron Township (nl) Civil McCook S.D. Campbell Creek Stream Charles Mix S.D. Missouri River Campbell's Creek Stream Buffalo S.D. Missouri River Canistota Locale McCook S.D. Canfield (h) Locale Cass N.D. Canning P.O. Locale Hughes S.D. Canning Township Civil Hughes S.D. Canova Station Locale Miner S.D. Canton Locale Lincoln S.D. Canton Township Civil Lincoln S.D. Canty (h) Locale Aurora S.D. Carlisle (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Carlisle Township Civil Brown S.D. Carlisle Township Civil Pembina N.D. Carlton (h) Locale Clark S.D. Carlton Township (h) Civil Dickey N.D. Carlyle Township Civil Beadle S.D. Carrington Locale Foster N.D. Carrol Township Civil Charles Mix S.D. Carson (h) Locale Sully S.D. Carter's Bridge (nl) Bridge Pembina N.D. Carthage Locale Miner S.D. Cattle Ranches Ranch(s) Custer S.D. Cascade P.O. (h) Locale Fall River S.D. Casey Township Civil Ransom N.D. Cass Countv Civil Cass N.D. Casselton Locale Cass N.D. Castalia (h) Locale Charles Mix S.D. Castle Creek Stream Pennington S.D. Rapid Creek Castleton Locale Pennington S.D. Castlewood (h) Locale Hamlin S D. Castlewood Township Civil Hamlin S D. Causey (nl) Locale Mercer N.D. Cavileer Locale Pembina N.D. Cavileer Road (nl) Road Pembina N.D. Cavour Locale Beadle S.D. Celton (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Centennial Park Hotel (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Centennial P.O. (h) Locale Lawrence S.D. Centennial Prairie Flat Lawrence S.D. Central City Locale Lawrence S.D. Centre Township Civil Aurora S.D. Centreville Locale Turner S.D. Chain (of) Lakes Lake Codington S.D. Chalkstone or Johnson Creek Stream Hanson S.D. James River Chamberlain Locale Brule S.D. Chamberlain Island Island Roberts S.D. Missouri River Chamberlain Township Civil Brule S.D. Chambers Township (h) Civil Stutsman N.D. Chanka (nl) Locale Davison S.D. Chapelle Creek Stream Hughes S.D. Missouri River Charles Mix County Civil Charles Mix S.D. Chester Township Civil Douglas S.D. Chester Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Chestro Township Civil LaMoure N.D. Cheyenne Agency (nl) Locale Sully S.D. Cheyenne Island Island Sully S.D. Missouri River Childstown Locale Turner S.D. Choteau Creek Stream Bon Homme S.D. Missouri River Church's Ferry Ferry Ramsey N.D. Mouse River Civil Bend Township Civil Union S.D. Clare (nl) Locale Brookings S.D. Claremont Township Civil Brown S.D. Clark Locale Clark S.D. Clark City (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Clark County Civil Clark S.D. Clark Township (nl) Civil Clark S.D. Clay Creek (nl) Stream Hutchinson S.D. Clay Point Locale Clay S.D. Clear Lake Lake Deuel S.D. Clear Lake Lake Griggs N.D. Clear Lake P.O. (h) Locale Deuel S.D. Clear Lake Township Civil Deuel S.D. Clear Lake Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Clearwater P.O. (h) Locale Hughes S.D. Cleveland Locale Stutsman N.D. Cleveland Township Civil Brule S.D. Cliff House (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Clifton (h) Locale Sully S.D. Clifton Township (nl) Civil Beadle S.D. Clifton Township Civil Spink S.D. Climax (Mica) Mine Ntine Custer S.D. Climax Township (h) Civil Dickey N.D. Clinton (nl) Locale Bon Homme S.D. Clyde (h) Locale Kingsbury S.D. Coal (nl) Coal Lawrence S.D. Coal (nl) Coal Mercer N.D. Coal (nl) Coal Morton N.D. Coal Harbor Locale McLean N.D. Coal on Fire Coal Morton N.D. Cobb Creek Stream Deuel S.D. Codington County Civil Codington S.D. Coffee Creek Stream Hutchinson S.D. Twelve Mile Creek Coffee Flat Flat Fall River S.D. Cold Springs Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Spearfish Creek Colfax Locale Richland N.D. Colfax Township Civil Richland N.D. Colman Locale Moody S.D. Columbia Locale Brown S.D. Columbia Township Civil Brown S.D. Concord Township (h) Civil Sargent N.D. Conklin Locale McLean N.D. Constant Mining Co. (nl) Mine Custer S.D. Cooper Township (nl) Civil Aurora S.D. Cooperstown Locale Griggs N.D. Cornelian (h) Locale Potter S.D. Cornelian Lake (h) Lake Potter S.D. Cornell (h) Locale Sanborn S.D. Corral Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Box Elder Creek Coteau Lake Lake Deuel S.D. Cotter Station (nl) Locale Cass N.D. Cottonwood Lake Lake LaMoure N.D. County Poor Farm (nl) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Coven Creek (Covere) Stream Grand Fork N.D. Red River Cow Creek (nl) Stream Sully S.D. Missouri River Crandon Locale Spink S.D. Crandon Township Civil Spink S.D. Cresbard (h) Locale Faulk S.D. Crook City Locale Lawrence S.D. Crook's Tower Summit Lawrence S.D. Crooked Lake Lake Grant S.D. Crooked Oak Creek Stream Butte S.D. Belle Fourche River Crosier (h) Locale Nelson N.D. Cross Mine & Mill (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Crow Creek Stream Buffalo S.D. Missouri River Crow Creek Stream Butte S.D. Belle Fourche River Crow Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Red Water River Crow Creek Agency (nl) Locale Buffalo S.D. Crow Creek Indian Reservation Civil Buffalo S.D. Crow Lake (nl) Lake Jerauld S.D. Crow Lake Locale Jerauld S.D. Crow Peak Sumrnit Lawrence S.D. Crystal Lake Lake Aurora S.D. Crystal Lake (nl) Lake Kidder N.D. Crystal Springs Locale Kidder N.D. Cummings Locale Traill N.D. Curlew Creek (nl) Stream Morton N.D. Custer City Locale Custer S.D. Custer T. Civil Beadle S.D. Custer's Peak Summit Lawrence S.D. Cuthead Sioux Indian Reservation Civil Ramsey N.D. Dailey (nl) Locale Barnes N.D. Dailey Road Road Barnes N.D. Dakota City (h) Locale Hutchinson S.D. Dakota River Stream Yankton S.D. Missouri River Dalesburg Locale Clay S.D. Dalrymple (nl) Locale Clay S.D. Dalystown (nl) Locale Bon Homme S.D. Dana's Grove P.O. (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Daneville (h) Locale Turner S.D. Danton T. (nl) Civil Richland S.D. Danville T. (nl) Civil Turner S.D. Darlington (h) Locale Charles Mix S D Davenport Locale Cass N.D. Davidson P.O. (h) Locale Potter S.D. Davison County Civil Davison S.D Dawson Locale Kidder N.D. Dawson Creek Stream Bon Homme S.D. James River Dayton (h) Locale Day (Marshall) S.D. Dayton T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Datey Locale Barnes N.D. De Groat P.O. (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Dead Colt Creek Stream Ranson N.D. Sheyenne River Dead Man's Creek (nl) Stream Lawrence S.D. Bear Butte Creek Deadwood Locale Lawrence S.D. Deadwood Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Whitewood Creek Dean (h) Locale Hand S.D. Deep Canons Canyon Fall River S.D. Deer Creek Stream Pennington S.D. Rapid Creek Deer Lake Lake Nelson N.D. Delapre T. Locale Lincoln S.D. Delaware T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Dell Rapids Locale Minnehaha S.D. Del] Rapids T. Civil Minnehaha S.D. Dells (the) Cliff Minnehaha S.D Denver P.O. Locale Kingsbury S.D Desmet Locale Kingsbury S.D. Desmet T. Civil Kingsbury S.D. Detroit (h) Locale Brown S.D. Detroit T. (h) Civil Brown S.D. Deuel County Civil Deuel S.D. Deuel P.O. (h) Locale Deuel S.D. Devil's Heart Summit Ramsey N.D. Devil's Heart Bay (nl) Lake Ramsey N.D. Devil's Lake Devil's Island (h) Island Sully S.D. DeVillo Locale Richland N.D. Devil's Lake Locale Ramsey N.D. Devoe Locale Faulk S.D. Dexter (h) Locale Codington S.D. Diamond City Stamp Mill (nl) Mine Lawrence S.D. Diane P.O. (nl) Locale Sanborn S.D. Dickev County Civil Dickey N.D. Dickinson Locale Stark N.D. Dimock (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Dodge (h) Locale Brown S.D. Dodge's Pass (nl) Gap Custer S.D. Doland Locale Spink S.D. Doland T. (h) Civil Spink S.D. Douglas County Civil Douglas S.D. Dover (nl) Locale McCook S.D. Drayton Locale Pembina N.D. Drayton T. Civil Pembina N.D. Driscoll Locale Burleigh N.D. Dry Creek Stream Custer S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Dry Creek Stream Pennington S.D. Rapid Creek Dry Lake (h) Lake Barnes N.D. Dry Lake Lake Ramsey N.D. Dry Lake (nl) Lake Roberts S.D. DryRun T. Civil Hughes S.D. Dry Salt Lake (nl) Lake Brown S.D. Dry Wood Lake (s) Lake Roberts S.D. Duck Lake (nl) Lake Pembina N.D. Dudley T. Civil Aurora S.D. Dunbar (h) Locale Sargent N.D. Dundee (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Dundee T. Civil Walsh N.D. Dunlap (h) Locale Brule S.D. Dunn's Creek (nl) Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Durbin Locale Cass N.D. Dwight Locale Richland N.D. Dwight T. Civil Richland N.D. Eagle (h) Locale Hand S.D. Eagle Point (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Eagle T. Civil Brule S.D. Eagle T. Civil Richland N.D. Eagle's Nest Locale Morton N.D. Earlville (nl) Locale Beadle S.D. East Branch Crow Creek (nl) Stream Hand S.D. Crow Creek East Choteau T. Civil Douglas S.D. East Fork Vermillion River Stream McCook S.D. Vermillion River Eaton (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Eaton T. (h) Civil Dickey N.D. Eckelson Locale Barnes N.D. Eden Locale Lincoln S.D. Eden T. Civil Clark S.D. Eden T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Eden T. Civil Walsh N.D. Edgerton T. Civil Hanson S.D. Edinburgh Locale Walsh N.D. Edison T. Civil Minnehaha S.D. Edmunds (h) Locale Edmunds S.D. Edmunds County Civil Hanson S.D. Egan Locale Moody S.D. Egeland (nl) Locale Clark S.D. Egeland T. (nl) Civil Clark S.D. Eldorado T. Civil Traill N.D. Eldridge Burton P.O. Locale Stutsman N.D. Eldrid (h) Locale Cass N.D. Elgin Locale Cass N.D. Elgin (nl) Locale Pembina N.D. Elis Island (nl) Island Charles Mix S.D. Eliza (h) Locale Hutchinson S.D. Elk Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Elk Gulch (nl) Valley Lawrence S.D. Elk Horn Prairie Region Custer S.D. Elk Island (nl) Island Yanicton S.D. Elk Lake Lake Richland N.D. Elk Point Locale Union S.D. Elk Point T. Civil Union S.D. Elkhorn (h) Locale Hamlin S.D. Elkhorn (h) Locale Lawrence S.D. Elkhorn Prairie Region (nl) Flat Custer S.D. Elkmount T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Elkton Locale Brookings S.D. Elkton T. Civil Brookings S.D. Elkwood (nl) Locale Pembina N.D. Ellendale Locale Dickev N.D. Elliott Locale Ranson N.D. Ellsworth Station Locale Richland N.D. Elm Coulee Vallev Grand Forks N.D. Elm Creek Stream Buffalo S.D. Missouri River Elm Grove T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Elm River Stream Brown S.D. James River Elm River Stream Traill N.D. Red River Elm River T. Civil Traill N.D. Elmer P.O. (nl) Locale Jerauld S.D. Elmira P.O. (h) Locale Grant S.D. Elrod Locale Clark S.D. Elsler P.O. (h) Locale Stutsman N.D. Emanuel Creek Stream Bon Homme S.D. Emden (h) Locale Cass N.D. Emery Locale Hanson S.D. Emery T. Civil McCook S.D. Emmet Locale Union S.D. Emmons County Civil Emmons N.D. Empire P.O. (nl) Locale Butte S.D. Emsley (nl) Locale Davison S.D. Enemy Creek Stream Davison S.D. Englevale P.O. (nl) Locale Ransom N.D. Enterprise T. (h) Civil Dickey N.D. Erie Locale Cass N.D. Ernest (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Erwin Locale Kingsbury S.D. Esmond Locale Kingsbury S.D. Estelline Locale Hamlin S.D. Estelline T. (h) Civil Hamlin S.D. Etta Mine (h) Mine Lawrence S.D. Eureka Nlica Mine Pennington S.D. Eureka T. Civil Aurora S.D. Eureka T. Civil Brookings S.D. Everest Locale Cass N.D. Fairbank (h) Locale Sully S.D. Fairfield T. Civil Beadle S.D. Fairfield T. Civil LaMoure N.D. Fairmount Locale Richland N.D. Fairmount T. Civil Richland N.D. Fairview (h) Locale Kingsbury S.D. Fairview Locale Lincoln S.D. Fairview T. Civil Clay S.D. Fairview T. Civil Hanson S.D. Fairview T. (nl) Civil Kingsbury S.D. Fairview T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Fairview T. (h) Civil Ranson N.D. Falconer T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. False Bottom Creek Stream Butte S.D. Spearfish Creek Fanny's Peak (nl) Summit Custer S.D. Fargo Locale Cass N.D. Farmington T. Civil Day S.D. Farmington T. Civil Dickey N.D. Farmington T. Civil Walsh N.D. Farwell Locale Sanborn N.D. Faulk County Civil Faulk S.D. Faulkton Locale Faulk S.D. Ferguson Creek (nl) Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Ferry T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Fertile T. Civil Walsh N.D. Finlay T. (h) Civil Turner S.D. Firesteel (nl) Locale Aurora S.D. Firesteel Creek Stream Davison S.D. Firesteel T. Civil Aurora S.D. First District (nl) Civil Lawrence S.D. First Sully (old) Locale Hughes S.D. Fish Lake Lake Deuel S.D. Five Mile Creek (5 Mile) Stream Charles Mix S.D. Missouri River Flandreau Locale Moody S.D. Flandreau Creek Stream Moody S.D. Big Sioux River Fleetwood Locale Minnehaha S.D. Florence (h) Locale Hand S.D. Florence (h) Locale Pennington S.D. Florence (h) Locale Sanborn S.D. Flowerfield (h) Locale Hamlin S.D. Flynn (nl) Locale Aurora S.D. Foot Creek Stream Brown S.D. Moccasin Creek Fordham T. Civil Clark S.D. Forest City (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Forest City (h) Locale Potter S.D. Forest River (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Forest River Stream Walsh N.D. Red River Forest River (nl) Stream Grand Forks N.D. Forest River T. Civil Walsh N.D. Forestburg Locale Sanborn S.D. Forman Locale Sargent N.D. Fort Abercrombie Locale Richland N.D. Fort Abraham Lincoln Locale Morton N.D. Fort Bennett (h) Locale Stanley S.D. Fort Clark (nl) Locale Mercer N.D. Fort George (old) (h) Locale Stanley S.D. Fort Hale (h) Locale Lyman S.D. Fort Keogh Stage Road (nl) Road Morton N.D. Fort Lookout (h) Locale Lyman S.D. Fort Mandan (nl) Locale Mercer N.D. Fort Meade (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Fort Meade Wood Reservation Civil Lawrence S.D. Fort Pembina (nl) Locale Pembina N.D. Fort Randall Locale Gregory S.D. Fort Ranson Locale Ransom N.D. Fort Ransom & Fort Abercrombie Road Road Ransom N.D. Fort Ransom & Fort Wadsworth Road Road Ransom N.D. Fort Ransom (old) (nl) Locale Ransom N.D. Fort Ransom T. Civil Ransom N.D. Fort Rice Locale Morton N.D. Fort Rice Military Reservation Locale Burleigh N.D. Fort Sisseton (nl) Locale Day S.D. Fort Sully (h) Locale Sully S.D. Fort Sully (old) (nl) Locale Hughes S.D. Fort Thompson Locale Buffalo S.D. Fort Totten Locale Bensen N.D. Fort Totten Road (nl) Road Cass N.D. Fossil Stumps (nl) Rock Morton N.D. Fossil Wood (nl) Rock Lawrence S.D. Foster County Civil Foster N.D. Foster Creek Stream Beadle S.D. Foster T. Civil Beadle S.D. Fountain (h) Locale Brookings S.D. Frankfort Locale Spink S.D. Frankfort T. (h) Clvii Spink S.D. Frederick Locale Brown S.D. Frederick T. Civil Brown S.D. Free People's Lake Lake Ramsey N.D. Freeman Locale Hutchinson S.D. Freeman T. (h) Civil Hutchinson S.D. French Creek Stream Custer S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Freya (h) Locale Turner S.D. Friesland (h) Locale Charles Mix S.D. Frisby (h) Locale Clark S.D. Furlong's Creek Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Gage City (nl) Locale Logan N.D. Gair T. (h) Civil Spink S.D. Galena Locale Lawrence S.D. Galesburg Locale Traill N.D. Galla (h) Locale Moody S.D. Gallatin T (h) Locale Griggs N.D. Gallatin (h) Locale Griggs N.D. Galt (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Gardar Locale Pembina N.D. Garden City Locale Lawrence S.D. Garden Prairie T. Civil Brown S.D. Garfield (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Garfield T. Civil Brown S.D. Garfield T. Civil Clay S.D. Garfield T. Civil Hamlin S.D. Garfield T. Civil Roberts S.D. Garfield T. Civil Traill N.D. Garfield T. (h) Civil Walsh N.D. Garman Road (nl) Road Barnes N.D. Garretty's Point (nl) Point Ramsey N.D. Devil's Lake Gary (nl) Locale Burleigh N.D. Gates P.O. (nl) Locale Foster N.D. Gayville Locale Yankton S.D. Gem Locale Brown S.D. General Sibley's Trail (nl) Road Ransom N.D. General Sibleys Battlefield Battle Field Geneva (nl) Locale Burleigh N.D. Geneva Locale Roberts S.D. Georgia T. Civil Grant S.D. Germania Locale Lawrence S.D. Geroux Bridge (nl) Bridite Pembina N.D. Gettysburg Locale Potter S.D. Gilbert T. Civil Ransom N.D. Gilby T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Gilman (nl) Locale Lake S.D. Gimlet Creek Stream Pennington S.D. Rapid Creek Gladstone Locale Stark N.D. Glen Ullin (nl) Locale Morton N.D. Glenview T. (nl) Civil Burleigh N.D. Glenwood (nl) Locale Clay S.D. Glenwood T. Civil Walsh N.D. Glenwood T. Civil Clay S.D. Gold Mine (nl) Mine Lawrence S.D. Gold Star Mine (nl) Mine Custer S.D. Good Sheep Country Region Fall River S.D. Goodwin Locale Deuel S.D. Goodwin T. Civil Deuel S.D. Goose Lake Lake Codington S.D Goose River (nl) Locale Steele N.D. Goose River (nl) Stream Grand Forks N.D. Red River Goose River Road (nl) Road Grand Forks N.D. Gothland (nl) Locale Union S.D. Grafton Locale Walsh N.D. Grafton T. (h) Civil Richland N.D. GrattonT. Civil Walsh N.D. Gragreen (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Graham's Island Island Ramsey N.D. Devil's Lake Grand Forks Locale Grand Forks N.D. Grand Forks County Civil Grand Forks N.D. Grand Forks T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Grand Junction Stamp Mill (nl) Mine Custer S.D. Grand Meadow (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Grand Meadows T. Civil Minnehaha S.D. Grand Rapids Locale LaMoure N.D. Grand Rapids T. Civil LaMoure N.D. Grand T. (nl) Civil Douglas S.D. Grand View Mica Mine (nl) Mine Custer S.D. Grandin Locale Cass N.D. Grandview (h) Locale Douglas S.D. Grandview T. (nl) Civil Kingsbury S.D. Granite Region (nl) Area Custer S.D. Grant (h) Locale Brookings S.D. Grant Centre T. Civil Grant S.D. Grant County Civil Grant S.D. Grant T. Civil Beadle S.D. Grant T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Grant T. Civil McCook S.D. Grass Lake Lake Minnehaha S.D. Gray Green & Valley Road (nl) Road Barnes N.D. Great Basin Region Fall River S.D. Greel's Bay (nl) Lake Ramsey N.D. Devil's Lake Green Lake Lake Potter S.D. Green Mountain Summit Lawrence S.D. Green River Stream Stark N.D. Heart River Greendale T. (h) Civil Griggs N.D. Greene Locale Cass N.D. Greenfield Locale Clay S.D. Greenfield Locale Traill N.D. Greenfield T. (h) Civil Brown S.D. Greenland T. (nl) Civil McCook S.D. Greenwood Agency Locale Charles Mix S.D. Greenwood T. (h) Civil Griggs N.D. Griffin Station (nl) Locale Richland N.D. Griggs County Civil Griggs N.D. Griswold (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Grizzly Bear Gulch (nl) Valley Lawrence S.D. Grizzly Gulch Valley Lawrence S.D. Grizzly Stamp Mill (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Grobe (h) Locale Spink S.D. Groton Locale Brown S.D. Groton T. Civil Brown S.D. Grove Hill (nl) Locale Union S.D. Groveland (h) Locale Moody S.D. Gumbo Flat Flat Hughes S.D. Hackett (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Hague P.O. (nl) Locale Traill N.D. Hague T. Civil Clark S.D. Hall T. Civil Sargent N.D. Hallson Locale Pembina N.D. Hamilton Locale Pembina N.D. Hamilton T. Civil Charles Mix S.D. Hamilton T. (h) Civil Pembina N.D. Hamlin County Civil Hamlin S.D. Hamlin P.O. (nl) Locale Sargent N.D. Hamlin T. Civil Sargent N.D. Hanchett (h) Locale Miner S.D. Hancock T. (h) Civil Bon Homme S.D. Hand (h) Locale Hand S.D. Hannaford Locale Griggs N.D. Hannaford P.O (nl) Locale Benson N.D. Hanson County Civil Hanson S.D. Hanson T. (h) Civil Brown S.D. Haram (h) Locale Lincoln S.D. Harlem (h) Locale Sargent N.D. Harney City Locale Pennington S.D. Harney Peak Summit Pennington S.D. Harney Tin Mine (nl) Mine Fall River S.D. Harrington (h) Locale Faulk S.D. Harris T. (nl) Civil Burleigh N.D. Harrisburg (h) Locale Nelson N.D. Harrison Locale Douglas S.D. Harriston T. Civil Walsh N.D. Harrold Locale Hughes S.D. Hartford Locale Minnehaha S.D. Hartford T. (nl) Civil Day S.D. Hartford T. Civil Minnehaha S.D. Hartland T. Civil Beadle S.D. Hartland T. Civil Kingsbury S.D. Harwood Locale Cass N.D. Hat Creek Stream Fall River S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Hatton Locale Traill N.D. Havanna T. Civil Deuel S.D. Hawks Nest Summit Foster (Wells) N.D. Hay Creek Stream Butte S.D. Belle Fourche River Hay Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Box Elder Creek Hayti (nl) Locale Hamlin N.D. Hayward Locale Pennington S.D. Hayward City (nl) Locale Pennington S.D. Hazleton Locale Davison S.D. Hazleton (h) Locale Hanson S.D. Heart Butte (nl) Summit Morton N.D. Heart River (nl) Stream Stark N.D. Hegton T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Heavily Timbered Region Pennington S.D. Heigstadt Locale Walworth S.D. Heimus Road (nl) Road Barnes N.D. Helena Locale Griggs N.D. Helena Township (h) Civil Griggs N.D. Hefi's Cannon Valley Custer S.D. Henrietta Township Civil LaMoure N.D. Henry Locale Codington S.D. Henry Township Civil Brown S.D. Hensler Locale Mercer (Oliver) N.D. Hermann's Landing (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Devil's Lake Herrick Township Civil Deuel S.D. Hickman Township Civil Day S.D. Hicson Locale Cass N.D. High Divide Summit Pennington S.D. High Prairie Table Land Region Custer S.D. High Ridge Summit Pennington S.D. Hide Wood Creek (nl) Stream Deuel S.D. High Timbered Hills (nl) Summit Lawrence S.D. Highland (h) locale Minnehaha S.D. Highland Township Civil Brule S.D Highland Township Civil Lincoln S.D. Highland Township (h) Civil Sargent N.D. Highmore Locale Hyde S.D. Hill City Locale Pennington S.D. Hillsboro Locale Traill N.D. Hillsboro Township Civil Traill N.D. Hillsdale (h) Locale Moody S.D. Hiram Wood Island (nl) Island Charles Mix S.D. Missouri River Hoiland Township (h) Civil Nelson N.D. Holland Township Civil Douglas S.D. Home (h) Locale Turner S.D. Home Stake Co's Narrow Gage R.R. (nl)Railroad Lawrence S.D. Homer T. Civil Stutsman N.D. Hooker T. (h) Civil Turner S.D. Hope Locale Steele N.D. Hopper T. Civil Aurora S.D. Horace Locale Cass N.D. Horace Station (nl) Locale Cass N.D. Horse Creek Stream Butte S.D. Belle Fourche River Horsehead Lake Lake Kidder N.D. Horseshoe Lake Lake Richland N.D. Hot Spring Island (h) Island Charles Mix S.D. Missouri River Hot Springs Locale Fall River S.D. Howard City Locale Miner S.D. Howard T. (h) Civil Miner S.D. Howell (h) Locale Hand S.D. Hudson (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Hudson T. (h) Civil Dickey N.D. Huffman Locale Kingsbury S.D. Huffton Locale Brown S.D. Hughitt Locale Hyde S.D. Humbolt T. Civil Minnehaha S.D. Hummel T. (nl) Civil Pembina N.D. Hunter Locale Cass N.D. Hurley Locale Turner S.D. Hurley T. (h) Civil Turner S.D. Huron Locale Beadle S.D. Huron City (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Huron T. (h) Civil Beadle S.D. Hurricane Lake Lake Roberts S.D. Huston T. (h) Civil Douglas S.D. Hutchinson Civil Hutchinson S.D. Hyde County Civil Hyde S.D. Hyde Park (nl) Park Pembina N.D. Hyland T. (h) Civil Lake S.D. Idlewild (h) Locale Turner S.D. Independence T. Civil Douglas S.D. Indian Church (nl) Church Grant S.D. Indian Creek Stream Butte S.D. Belle Fourche River Indian Monument (nl) Historical Kingsbury S.D. Indian Trail (nl) Road Day S.D. Inkster Locale Grand Forks N.D. Insane Asylum (nl) Locale Yankton S.D. Interlaken (h) Locale Steele N.D. Iowa T. Civil Beadle S.D. Iowa T. Civil Douglas S.D. Ipswich Locale Edmunds S.D. Iron Creek (nl) Stream Fall River S.D. Battle Creek Iron Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Spearfish Creek Iron Mountain Summit Pennington S.D. Iroquois Locale Kingsbury S.D. Irving (h) Locale Spink S.D. Irvine T. Civil Traill N.D. Isham Lake Lake Aurora S.D. Island Park T. Civil Ransom N.D. Jackson T. Civil Charles Mix S.D. James River Stream Beadle S.D. Missouri River Jamestown Locale Stutsman N.D. Jamesville Locale Yankton S.D. Jasper (h) Locale Charles Mix S.D. Jasper T. Civil Hanson S.D. Jefferson Locale Union S.D. Jefferson T. (nl) Civil McCook S.D. Jefferson T. Civil Union S.D. Jenney's Gulch Valley Pennington S.D. Jerusalem (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Jim Creek (nl) Stream Lawrence S.D. Box Elder Creek Jim Lake Lake Stutsman N.D. Johnson Creek Stream Hanson S.D. James River Johnstown Locale Grand Forks N.D. Joliette (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Joliette T. Civil Pembina N.D. Jones Peak (nl) Summit Lawrence S.D. Joubert T. Civil Douglas S.D. Julian (h) Locale Clark S.D. Junction City Locale Custer S.D. Kampeska Locale Codington S.D. Kampeska Lake Lake Codington S.D. Kandiotta (nl) Locale Sargent N.D. Kane T. (h) Civil Nelson N.D. Keefton (h) Locale Clark S.D. Kellerton (h) Locale Hamlin S.D. Kellogg T. Civil Beadle S.D. Kelly's Gulch Valley Pennington S.D. Kelso Locale Traill N.D. Kelso T. Civil Traill N.D. Kensington (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Kensington T. Civil Walsh N.D. Keogh Road (nl) Road Lawrence S.D. Kettle Lakes Lake Day S.D. Keystone (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Keystone T. Ci~il Dickey N.D. Kibby (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Kibby (nl) Locale Cass N.D. Kidder (h) Locale Lincoln S.D. Kidder County Civil Kidder N.D. Kiddville Locale Custer S.D. Kilborn P.O. (h) Locale Grant S.D. Kimball Locale Brule S.D. Kimball T. Civil Brule S.D. Kindred Locale Cass N.D. King Solomon Stamp Mill (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Kingsbury County Civil Kingsbury S.D. Kingston T. (nl) Civil Kingsbury S.D. Knife River Locale Morton N.D. Knife River Stream Mercer N.D. Komstad (h) Locale Clay S.D. Kongsberg Locale Richland N.D. Kranzburgh Locale Codington S.D. LaDelle (h) Locale Spink S.D. LaDelle T. (h) Civil Spink S.D. LaFoon (h) Locale Faulk S.D. LaGrange (h) Locale Yankton S.D. Lake Addie (nl) Lake Griggs N.D. Lake Albert (nl) Lake Grant S.D. Lake Albert (nl) Lake Kingsbury S.D. Lake Alice (nl) Lake Deuel S.D. Lake Altamont (nl) Lake Deuel S.D. Lake Andes Lake Charles Mix S.D. Lake Badger (nl) Lake Kingsbury S.D. Lake Badus (nl) Lake Lake S.D. Lake Betzler (nl) Lake Steele S.D. Lake Brant (nl) Lake Lake S.D. Lake Byron (nl) Lake Beadle S.D. Lake Byron T. Civil Beadle S.D. Lake Campbell (nl) Lake Brookings S.D. Lake Campbell (nl) Lake Moody S.D. Lake Center (nl) Locale Lake S.D. Lake City (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Lake Cochrane (nl) Lake Deuel S.D. Lake Columbia (nl) Lake Brown S.D. Lake Dill (nl) Lake Sargent N.D. Lake Emily (nl) Lake Logan N.D. Lake Etta (nl) Lake Kidder N.D. Lake George (nl) Lake Ramsey N.D. Lake Hendricks (nl) Lake Brookings S.D. Lake Hendricks T. Civil Brookings S.D. Lake Henry (nl) Lake Deuel S.D. Lake Herman (nl) Lake Lake S.D. Lake Isabel (nl) Lake Kidder N.D. Lake Jessie (nl) Lake Griggs N.D. Lake Kandiota (nl) Lake Sargent N.D. Lake Laretta (nl) Lake Nelson N.D. Lake Milwaukee (nl) Lake Lake S.D. Lake Nilson Lake Day S.D. Lake Parker Lake Day S.D. Lake Poinsett (nl) Lake Hamlin S.D. Lake Preston Lake Kingsbury S.D. Lake Preston T. (nl) Civil Kingsbury S.D. Lake Sibley (nl) Lake Griggs N.D. Lake Sinai (nl) Lake Brookings S.D. Lake Sinai T. Civil Brookings S.D. Lake St. John (nl) Lake Hamlin S.D. Lake T. (nl) Civil Aurora S.D. Lake T. (nl) Civil Miner S.D. Lake T. Civil Roberts S.D. Lake T. (nl) Lake Ramsey N.D. Lake Tetonkaha (nl) Lake Brookings S.D. Lake Tewaukon (nl) Lake Sargent N.D. Lake Thisted (nl) Lake Kingsbury S.D. Lake Thompson (nl) Lake Kingsbury S.D. Lake Whitewood (nl) Lake LaMoure N.D. Lake Willard (nl) Lake Richland N.D. Lakeport (h) Locale Yankton S.D. Lakeside (nl) Locale Beadle S.D. Laketon T. Civil Brookings S.D. Lakeville (nl) Civil Grand Forks N.D. Lakota Locale Nelson N.D. Lame Johnny Creek Stream Fall River S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Lamoreaux's Bay (nl) Lake Ramsey N.D. Devils Lake LaMoure Locale LaMoure N.D. LaMoure T. Civil LaMoure N.D. Lampton (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Lampton T. Civil Walsh N.D. Lansing Gold Mine (nl) Mine Custer S.D. Lansing T. Civil Brown S.D. Larimore Locale Grand Forks N.D. Larimore T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Laroche T. Civil Charles Mix S.D. Larrabee P.O. (nl) Locale Foster N.D. Last Find Mica Mine (nl) Mine Custer S.D. Laughing Water Creek (nl) Stream Custer S.D. French Creek Laura and Luray Mines (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Lavalley T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Lawrence County County Lawrence S.D. Lead Locale Lawrence S.D. LeBeau (h) Locale Walworth S.D. LeBeau Road (nl) Road Walworth S.D. Lee (h) Locale Nelson N.D. Lee T. (nl) Civil Nelson N.D. Lees T. (h) Civil Stutsman N.D. Leet Locale Sanborn S.D. Lennox Locale Lincoln S.D. LeSeuer T. Civil Kingsbury S.D. Lesterville Locale Yankton S.D. Letcher Locale Sanborn S.D. Levant Station (nl) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Levant T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Lewiston (h) Locale Sully S.D. Lilly (h) Locale Clark S.D. Limestone Peaks (nl) Summit Custer S.D. Lincoln (nl) Locale Clay S.D. Lincoln Centre Locale Lincoln S.D. Lincoln County Civil Lincoln S.D. Lincoln T. (nl) Civil Burleigh N.D. Lincoln T Civil Clay S.D. Lincoln T. Civil Douglas S.D. Lincoln T. (h) Civil Lake S.D. Lincoln T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Lincoln T. Civil Pembina N.D. Lind T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Lisbon Locale Ransom N.D. Lisbon T. (nl) Civil Davison S.D. Litchville T. Civil LaMoure N.D. Little Bend Bend Sully S.D. Missouri River Little Cheyenne River (nl) Stream Potter S.D. Missouri River Little Heart Butte Summit Morton N.D. Little Heart River Stream Morton N.D. Missouri River Little Pembina River Stream Pembina (Cavalier) N.D. Pembina River Little Pleasant Lake (nl) Lake Aurora S.D. Little Rapid Creek (nl) Stream Lawrence S.D. Little Spearfish Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Spearfish Creek Little Vermillion River Stream McCook S.D. East Fork Vermillion Locke (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Lockwood (h) Locale Roberts S.D. Lockwood T. Civil Roberts S.D. Lodi Locale Clay S.D. Logan County Civil Logan N.D. Logan T. Civil Beadle S.D. Logan T. Civil Hughes S.D. Logan T. Civil Minnehaha S.D. Lone Star (h) Locale Potter S.D. Lone Tree Creek Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Lone Tree Lake Lake Deuel S.D. Lonetree T. (h) Civil Pennington S.D. Long Creek (h) Stream Lincoln S.D. Long Lake (nl) Lake Burleigh N.D. Long Lake Lake Codington S.D. Long Lake Lake Hanson S.D. Long Lake Lake Sanborn S.D. Long Lake City (nl) Locale Burleigh N.D. Long Lake Creek Stream Emmons N.D. Missouri River Long's Gulch (nl) Valley Custer S.D. Lookout (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Lookout Mine (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Loretta (nl) Locale Bon Homme S.D. Lorraine T. Civil Dickey N.D. Lost Bonanza Mica Mine Mine Custer S.D. Lost Creek Stream Deuel S.D. Lost Lake (nl) Lake Logan N.D. Lost Lake (h) Lake Turner S.D. Lykkens Lake (nl) Lake Richland N.D. Lynn (h) Locale Day S.D. Lynn T. Civil Day S.D. Lynn T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Lyon (nl) Locale Brule S.D. Lyons (nl) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Lyons T Civil Minnehaha S.D. Lyonville Locale Brule S.D. Madison Locale Lake S.D. Madison Lake Lake Lake S.D. Madison T. Civil Grant S.D. Maitland (h) Locale Douglas S.D. Malakoff (The) (nl) Summit Stark N.D. Mammouth Spring (nl) Spring Pennington S.D. Manchester P.O. (h) Locale Kingsbury S.D. Mandan Locale Morton N.D. Mandan Lake Lake Mercer (Oliver) N.D. Mandan Mounds (nl) Historical Burleigh N.D. Manning (nl) Civil Burleigh N.D. Manvel Locale Grand Forks N.D. Mapelton T. Civil Minnehaha S.D. Mapes Locale Nelson N.D. Mapes T. (h) Civil Nelson N.D. Maple Creek Stream Brown S.D. Elm Creek Maple Grove (h) Locale Lincoln S.D. Maple River Stream Cass N.D. Red River Maple River T. Civil Ransom N.D. Mapleton Locale Cass N.D. Mardell (h) Locale Griggs N.D. Marindahl (h) Locale Yankton S.D. Marion Island (h) Island Hughes (Stanley) S.D. Missouri River Marion Junction Locale Turner S.D. Marion T. Civil Turner S.D. Marmot (nl) Civil Morton N.D. Marsh's Mill Locale Barnes N.D. Marshall Locale Ransom N.D. Marshalltown (h) Locale Clay S.D. Marshy Lake Lake Hyde S.D. Marston Locale Sully S.D. Martin T. Civil Walsh N.D. Marvin P.O. Locale Grant S.D. Mauvaise Bay (nl) Lake Benson N.D. Devils Lake Mauvaise Coulee Valley Benson N.D. Maverick P.O. (nl) Locale Pennington S.D. May (h) Locale Spink S.D. Mayberry (h) Locale Edmunds S.D. Mayfield (h) Locale Yankton S.D. Mayville Locale Traill N.D. Maywood (h) Locale Hanson S.D. McConnell (h) Locale Pembina N.D. McCook (nl) Locale Union S.D. McCook County Civil McCook S.D. McGrowans (nl) Locale Benson N.D. McKenzie Locale Burleigh N.D. McLean County Civil McLean N.D. Meckling Locale Clay S.D. Meckling T. Civil Clay S.D. Medary Creek Stream Brookings S.D. Big Sioux Ri'er Medary T. Civil Brookings S.D. Medas (h) Locale Sanborn S.D. Medford (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Medford T. (nl) Civil Walsh N.D. Medicine Butte (h) Summit Hanson S.D. Medicine Butte Summit Hughes S.D. Medicine Creek Stream Hughes S.D. Missouri River Medicine Creek Stream Hyde S.D. Medina Locale Stutsman N.D. Mekinock T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Melbourne (h) Locale Hand S.D. Mellette Locale Spink S.D. Mellette T. Civil Spink S.D. Melrose T. (nl) Civil Grant S.D. Melville Locale Foster N.D. Menno Locale Hutchinson S.D. Menno T. (h) Civil Hutchinson S.D. Menoken Locale Burleigh N.D. Menoken T. (nl) Civil Burleigh N.D. Mentor T. Civil Hughes S.D. Mercer T. (h) Civil Brown S.D. Merna P.O. (h) Locale Brown S.D. Merricourt Locale Dickey N.D. Merton (h) Locale Clark S.D. Merton T. Civil Clark S.D. Michigan Locale Nelson N.D. Michigan T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Michigan T. Civil Nelson N.D. Middle Branch of Goose River Stream Steele (Traill) N.D. Goose River Middle Branch Park River Stream Walsh N.D. Park River Middle Creek Stream Butte S.D. Belle Fourche River Middle Squaw Creek (nl) Stream Custer S.D. Squaw Creek Middleton T. (h) Civil Turner S.D. Midland T. Civil Pembina N.D. Midway (h) Locale Moody S.D. Midway Locale Ramsey N.D. Milan T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Milbank Locale Grant S.D. Milford T. Civil Beadle S.D. Miller Locale Hand S.D. Miller T. Civil Day S.D. Millsburg (h) Locale Sargent N.D. Millsburgh T. (h) Civil Sargent N.D. Milltown Locale Hutchinson S.D. Milltown T. (h) Civil Hutchinson S.D. Milnor Locale Sargent N.D. Milnor T. Civil Sargent N.D. Milton Locale Pembina N.D. Mina Locale Edmunds S.D. Miner (h) Locale Miner S.D. Miner T. (h) Civil Miner S.D. Mineral Hill (nl) Summit Stutsman N.D. Mineral T. (nl) Civil Pennington S.D. Minnekata P.O. (nl) Locale Custer S.D. Minnesela (nl) Locale Butte S.D. Minnesota River (nl) Stream Roberts S.D. Minnesota Stamp Mill (nl) Mine Lawrence S.D. Minnewakan Locale Benson N.D. Minnewakan T. (nl) Civil Ramsey N.D. Minnewastie Lake Lake Day S.D. Minnie Lake (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Minnie May Mine Mine Custer S.D. Minto (nl) Locale Walsh N.D. Mission and School (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Mission Bay Lake Ramsey N.D. Devils Lake Mitchell Locale Davison S.D. Mitchell T. Civil Davison S.D. Mocassin Creek Stream Brown S.D. James River Moltke (nl) Locale Burleigh N.D. Mona (nl) Locale Pembina N.D. Montclair (h) Locale Griggs N.D. Montgomery Road (nl) Road Barnes N.D. Montpelier T. Civil Stutsman N.D. Montrose (nl) Locale Montrose N.D. Montrose T. Civil McCook S.D. Moody County Civil Moody S.D. Moore (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Moore T. Civil Ransom N.D. Moore T. (h) Civil Richland N.D. Moran Lake Lake Richland N.D. Morris Creek (nl) Stream Sanborn S.D. Morton County Civil Morton N.D. Mount Sinai Summit Walsh N.D. Mount Vernon Locale Davison S.D. Mount Vernon T. Civil Davison S.D Mount View (nl) Locale Walsh N.D. Mountain Locale Pembina N.D. Mountain City Locale Pennington S.D. Mountain T. (h) Civil Spink S.D. Mountainous Limestone Region Region Pennington S.D. Mud Creek (nl) Stream Brown S.D. James River Mud Creek Stream Spink S.D. James River Mud Lake (nl) Lake Richland N.D. Mullen (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Myersville Locale Pennington S.D. Myrtle (nl) Locale Bon Homme S.D. Nakomas Locale Lake S.D. Nance T. Civil Beadle S.D. Neche Locale Pembina N.D. Neche T. Civil Pembina N.D. Needles (the) Pillar Custer S.D. Nelson (h) Locale Miner S.D. Nelson T. (h) Civil Griggs N.D. Nettle Creek T. (nl) Civil Burleigh N.D. Nevada Gulch (nl) Vallev Lawrence S.D. New Chicago (nl) Locale Benson N.D. New Hope Locale Minnehaha S.D. New Minneapolis (h) Locale Stutsman N.D. New Salem Locale Morton N.D. New Washington T. (h) Civil Stutsman N.D. New York Mine Mine Custer S.D. Newburgh (h) Locale Steele N.D. Newcastle Station (nl) Locale Barnes N.D. Newport (nl) Locale Foster N.D. Newport (h) Locale Stutsman N.D. Newton Locale Faulk S.D. Newton's Fork Stream Pennington S.D. Spring Creek Niagara T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Nicholson's Lake Lake Codington S.D. Nobart (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Noble (h) Locale Cass N.D. Nora (h) Locale Hamlin S.D. Norden (nl) Locale Hamlin S.D. Norden P.O. (nl) Locale Deuel S.D. Norden T. Civil Deuel S.D. Norman Locale Cass N.D. Norman T. Civil Traill N.D. North Branch Dry Creek Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River North Branch of Goose (nl) Stream Steele N.D. Goose River North Fork Castle Creek Stream Pennington S.D. North Fork Whetstone River Stream Grant S.D. North Fork Yellow Bank River Stream Grant S.D. North Pole Mine (nl) Mine Custer S.D. North Squaw Creek (nl) Stream Custer S.D. Squaw Creek North Star Mine Mine Custer S.D. Northville Locale Spink S.D. Northwood Locale Grand Forks N.D. Northwood T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Norton Station (nl) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Norton T. Civil Walsh N.D. Norway (h) Locale Yankton S.D. Norway Lake Lake Griggs N.D. Norway T. Civil Clay S.D. Norway T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Norway T. Civil Richland N.D. Norway T. Civil Turner S.D. Norwich T. (nl) Civil Day S.D. Nova (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Number Five T. (h) Civil Richland N.D. Nurey (h) Locale Lincoln S.D. Oahe P.O. (h) Locale Hughes S.D. Oak Hollow Locale Hutchinson S.D. Oak Lake Lake Brookings S.D. Oak Lake T. Civil Brookings S.D. Oakville T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Oakwood (h) Locale Brookings S.D. Oakwood T. Civil Brookings S.D. Oakwood T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Oakwood T. Civil Walsh N.D. Oberweis P.O. Locale Richland N.D. Odell (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Odessa (h) Locale Hand S.D. Odessa (h) Locale Ramsey N.D. Ojata (h) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Oko Bojou Islands (h) Island Hughes S.D. Missouri River Okobojou Locale Sully S.D. Okobojou Creek Stream Sully S.D. Okobojou Creek (nl) Stream Potter S.D. Okobojou Islands (nl) Island Sully S.D. Missouri River Ola Locale Brule S.D. Ola T. (h) Civil Brule S.D. Old Ashton (h) Locale Spink S.D. Old Bill Mine Mine Custer S.D. Old Earth Works (nl) Historical Griggs N.D. Old Fort (nl) Locale Custer S.D. Old Military Camp (h) Locale Day S.D. Olean T. (h) Civil Spink S.D. Olesberg (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Olga Locale Pembina N.D. Olivet Locale Hutchinson S.D. Olivet T. (h) Civil Hutchinson S.D. Olson T. (nl) Civil Brookings S.D. Oneota T. Civil Brown S.D. Onida Locale Sully S.D. Opdahl (h) Locale Hamlin S.D. Oporto P.O (h) Locale Grant S.D. Ops T. Civil Walsh N.D. Ordway Locale Brown S.D. Ordway T. (h) Civil Brown S.D. Orior (h) Locale Moody S.D. Oriska Locale Barnes N.D. Orland (h) Locale Lake S.D. Oro Fino (h) Mine Lawrence S.D. Osceola (h) Locale Grant S.D. Osceola T. Civil Grant S.D. Osnabrock Locale Pembina N.D. Ottawa (h) Locale Griggs N.D. Ottention (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Otto (h) Locale Hamlin S.D. Ottofy (h) Locale Nelson N.D. Oxford T. Civil Hamlin S.D. Pactola (h) Locale Pennington S.D. Pactola T. (h) Civil Pennington S.D. Page Locale Cass N.D. Painted Woods (nl) Locale Burleigh N.D. Painted Woods Creek Stream McLean N.D. Paletine T. Civil Aurora S.D. Palisade (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Palisade T. Civil Minnehaha S.D. Palmer's Gulch (nl) Valley Pennington S.D. Park River Stream Walsh N.D. Park T. (h) Civil Pembina N.D. Park T. Civil Richland N.D. Parker Locale Turner S.D. Parktown (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Parnell T. Civil Brookings S.D. Parsons (nl) Locale Aurora S.D. Pascal's Island (h) Island Potter S.D. Paton Creek (nl) Stream Custer S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Patten T. (nl) Civil Aurora S.D. Pearl (nl) Locale Beadle S.D. Pearl Creek Stream Beadle S.D. Pearl Creek T. Civil Beadle S.D. Pearson Station (nl) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Pease Creek Stream Charles Nux S.D. Missouri River Pebble Mountain (nl) Summit Sargent N.D. Pectoria (h) Locale Brown S.D. Peerless Mine Mine Pennington S.D. Pelican Lake Lake Codington S.D. Pembina County Civil Pembina N.D. Pembina Grand Forks Road (nl) Road Pembina N.D. Pembina River Stream Pembina N.D. Red River Pembina Road Road Pembina N.D. Pembina T. Civil Pembina N.D. Pembroke (h) Locale Potter S.D. Penequa (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Penitentiary (nl) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Pennington (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Pennington (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Pennington County Civil Pennington S.D. Pennington Gulch (nl) Vallev Pennington S.D. Penobscot Gold Mine Mine Custer S.D. Peoria Bottoms Locale Hughes S.D. Peoria T. Civil Hughes S.D. Percilla (h) Locale Sully S.D. Perry (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Perry T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Petersburgh Locale Nelson N.D. Petrified Stump (nl) Rock Mercer N.D. Pickerel Creek Stream Day S.D. Pickert (h) Locale Steele N.D. Pierre Locale Hughes S.D. Pierre Island Island Hughes S.D. Pilot (h) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Pingree Locale Stutsman N.D. Pinkerton Locale Pennington S.D. Pipe Stem Creek Stream Foster N.D. Pitrodie T. (nl) Civil Clark S.D. Pittsburgh (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Plainfield (h) Locale Brule S.D. Plainifield T. Civil Brule S.D. Plainview (h) Locale Douglas S.D. Plankinton Locale Aurora S.D. Plankinton T. Civil Aurora S.D. Plano T. Civil Hanson S.D. Platte Creek Stream Charles Mix S.D. Missouri River Platte Lake Lake Aurora S.D. Platte T. Civil Charles Mix S.D. Pleasant Grove T. Civil Brule S.D. Pleasant Lake T. Civil Aurora S.D. Pleasant Ridge T. Civil Spink S.D. Pleasant T Civil Charles Mix S.D. Pleasant T. (h) Civil Griggs N.D. Pleasant T. Civil Hanson S.D. Pleasant T. Civil Lincoln S.D. Pleasant T. (nl) Civil Miner S.D. Pleasant Valley (h) Locale Kingsbury S.D. Pleasant Valley T. Civil Clay S.D. Pleasant Valley T. (nl) Civil Day S.D. Pleasant Valley T. Civil Richland N.D. Pleasant View (nl) Locale Griggs N.D. Pleasant View T. Civil Beadle S.D. Pleasant View T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Pleasant View T. (h) Civil Sargent N.D. Pleasant Lake Lake Aurora S.D. Ployd (h) Locale Brule S.D. Plum Creek Stream Butte S.D. Indian Creek Plum Island (h) Island Sully S.D. Plummer T. Civil Brule S.D. Plymouth P.O. (nl) Locale Ransom N.D. Poinsett Locale Hamlin S.D. Point of Rocks (nl) Locale Custer S.D. Pony Creek Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Pony Gulch Stream Pennington S.D. Castle Creek Port Emma (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Portland Locale Traill N.D. Portland Mine Mine Lawrence S.D. Portland T. CivH Deuel S.D. Postville locale Lawrence S.D. Potter County Civil Potter S.D. Poverty Gulch Valley Pennington S.D. Powell Locale Edmunds S.D. Praha (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Prairie Region Pennington S.D. Prairie Centre (nl) Civil Walsh N.D. Prairie Creek Stream Pennington S.D. Rapid Creek Prairie Dogs Animals Hughes S.D. Prairie Dogs Animals Lawrence S.D. Prairie Farm (nl) Locale Brookings S.D. Prairie Lake Lake Day S.D. Prairie Queen (h) Locale Lake S.D. Prairie T. Civil LaMoure N.D. Prairie T. Civil Union S.D. Preston T. Civil Brookings S.D. Prior Locale Roberts S.D. Prospect (nl) Locale Lake S.D. Prospect (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Prospect Park (nl) Locale Custer S.D. Prosper T. Civil Davison S.D. Protection (h) Locale Aurora S.D. Providence (h) Locale Hutchinson S.D. Providence T. (h) Civil Hutchinson S.D. Pukwana Locale Brule S.D. Pukwana T. Civil Brule S.D. Pulaski T. Civil Walsh N.D. Punished Woman's Lake Lake Codington S.D. Quartz Mills (nl) Mine Lawrence S.D. Queen Bee Stamp Mill Mine Pennington S.D. Quincy (h) Locale Traill N.D. Ramsey (nl) locale McCook S.D. Ramsey County Civli Ramsy N.D. Rand Canon (nl) Valley Custer S.D. Ransom City (h) Locale Sargent N.D. Ransom County Civil Ransom N.D. Ransom T. Civil Sargent N.D. Rapid City Locale Pennington S.D. Rapid T. (h) Civil Pennington S.D. Rattlesnake Gulch (nl) Vallev Pennington S.D. Raymond Locale Clark S.D. Raymond (nl) Locale Mercer N.D. Raymond T. Civil Clark S.D. Red Crown Mine (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Red Earth Creek Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Red Lake Lake Brule S.D. Red Lake (h) Locale Brule S.D. Red Lake T. Civil Brule S.D. Red Stone (h) Locale Hanson S.D. Red Stone T. Civil Miner S.D. Red Water River Stream Butte S.D. Red Willow Lake Lake Griggs N.D. Red Willow T. (h) Civil Griggs N.D. Redfield Locale Spink S.D. Redtield T. Civil Spink S.D. Redstone (h) Locale Hanson S.D. Redstone Creek (nl) Stream Kingsbury S.D. Redstone T. (nl) Civil Kingsbury S.D. Ree Creek (nl) Stream Hand S.D. Reed P.O. (nl) Locale Burleigh N.D. Regal (nl) Locale Beadle S.D. Reno (h) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Republican (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Reynolds Locale Traill N.D. Rhine (the) (nl) Locale Yankion S.D. Missouri River Riceville Locale Cass N.D. Richardton Locale Stark N.D. Richland Locale Union S.D. Richland County Civil Richland N.D. Richland T. Civil Brookings S.D. Richland T. Civil Brown S.D. Richland T. Civil Brule S.D. Richland T. (nl) Civil Kingsbury S.D. Richland T. Civil McCook S.D. Richmond (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Rifle Pits (old) (nl) Historical Kidder N.D. Ripon (h) Locale Cass N.D. Riverside (h) Locale Clay S.D. Riverside T. Civil Clay S.D. Road to Jenney's Stockade (nl) Road Custer S.D. Roanoke Locale Faulk S.D. Roberts County Civil Roberts S.D. Robey (h) Locale Aurora S.D. Rochester (h) Locale Cass N.D. Rochford Locale Pennington S.D. Rochford T. Civil Pennington S.D. Rock Creek (nl) Stream Hanson S.D. Rock Creek Stream Kingsbury S.D. Redstone Creek Rock Creek T. Civil Miner S.D. Rock Island (nl) Island Ramsey N.D. Rockerville Locale Pennington S.D. Rockerville Flume (nl) Flume Pennington S.D. Rockport Locale Hanson S.D. Rocky Ridge (nl) Summit Davison S.D. Rodgers Locale Ramsey N.D. Rollins (h) Locale Aurora S.D. Rome (nl) Locale Davison S.D. Rome T. Civil Davison S.D. Romfo (nl) Locale Pembina N.D. Rosa Lake Lake Pembina N.D. Roscoe T. Civil LaMoure N.D. Roscoe Locale Edmunds S.D. Rose (h) Locale Spink S.D. Rose Lake Lake Nelson N.D. Rosebud Landing (h) Locale Gregory S.D. Missouri River Rosedale T. Civil Clark S.D. Rosefield T. (h) Civil Turner S.D. Rosefleld T. (nl) Civil Traill N.D. Rosswell Station Locale Miner S.D. Roudell (nl) Locale Brown S.D. Rough Hills (nl) Summit Potter S.D. Round Lake Lake Barnes N.D. Round Top (nl) Summit Lawrence S.D. Rousseau T. Civil Hughes S.D. Ruby Creek Stream Custer S.D. Bear Butte Creek Ruby (Belle) Mine (h) Mine Lawrence S.D. Ruby Run (nl) Stream Custer S.D. Rudolph Locale Brown S.D. Running Water Locale Bon Homme S.D. Running Water T. (h) Civil Bon Homme S.D. Ruscoe (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Rush Lake (h) Lake Barnes N.D. Rush Lake Lake Deuel S.D. Rush Lake (nl) Lake Emmons N.D. Rush River Stream Cass N.D. Maple River Rushford T. Civil Walsh N.D. Russell P.O. Locale Lake S.D. Russet Island (nl) Island Charles Mix S.D. Rye T. Civil Grand Forks N.D. Saddle Creek Stream Lincoln S.D. Big Sioux River Sager Creek (nl) Stream Custer S.D. S.F. Cheyenne River Saint Andrews (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Saint Andrews T. Civil Walsh N.D. Saint George (h) Locale LaMoure N.D. Saint Joseph (h) Locale Grant S.D. Sain't Joseph T Civil Pembina N.D. Saint Lawrence Locale Hand S.D. Saint Mary's (h) Locale Miner S.D. Saint Olaf (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Saint Onge Locale Lawrence S.D. Saint Paul (h) Locale Spink S.D. Saint Thomas Locale Pembina N.D. Saint Thomas & Crystal Road (nl) Road Pembina N.D. Salem Locale McCook S.D. Salem T. Civil McCook S.D. Salem T. (h) Civil Turner S.D. Salt Coulee Valley Grand Forks N.D. Salt Lake Lake Walsh N.D. Salt Slough (nl) Stream Walsh N.D. Sanborn Locale Barnes N.D. Sanborn County Civil Sanborn S.D. Sand Creek (nl) Stream Beadle S.D. Sand Creek Stream Emmons N.D. Missouri River Sand Creek (nl) Stream Jerauld S.D. Sand Creek Township Civil Beadle S.D. Sand Hills (nl) Summit Day S.D. Sand Hills (nl) Summit Mercer N.D. Sand Hills (nl) Summit Richland N.D. Sand Lake Township (h) Civil Brown S.D. Sand Ridge (nl) Summit Sargent N.D. Sand Stone Hills (nl) Summit Morton N.D. Sandstone Ridge (nl) Summit Mercer N.D. Sandy Flat (nl) Flat Ransom N.D Sanger Locale Mercer (Oliver) N.D. Saratoga Springs (h) Locale LaMoure N.D. Sargent County Civil Sargent N.D. Saybrook (h) Locale Clay S.D. Saylesville (h) Locale Hand S.D. Scandinavia P.O. (h) Locale Deuel S.D. Scandinavia Township Civil Brown S.D. Scatterwood (h) Locale Faulk S.D. Schamber's Creek (nl) Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Schimmel Township (nl) Civil McCook S.D. Scotland Locale Bon Homme S.D. Scotland Township Civil Bon Homme S.D. Scotland Township Civil Day S.D. Scoville (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Scranton (h) Locale Walworth S.D. Second District (nl) Civil Lawrence S.D. Sedalia (nl) Locale Morton N.D. Selina Locale Lincoln S.D. Shallow Lake Lake Jerauld S.D. Shank Township (h) Civil Turner S.D. Sharon (h) Locale Hutchinson S.D. Sharon Township (h) Civil Hutchinson S.D. Shawnee Station (nl) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Shelby P. O. (h) Locale Brown S.D. Shelby Township (h) Civil Dickey N.D. Sheldon Locale Ransom N.D. Sheldon Township Civil Ransom N.D. Shenford (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Shenford Township Civil Ransom N.D. Sherman (nl) Locale Brookings S.D. Sherman Township Civil Brookings S.D. Sherman Township Civil Grant S.D. Sheyenne Falls Mill (nl) Locale Barnes N.D. Sheyenne River Stream Griggs N.D. Red River Sheyenne Township Civil Richland N.D. Shue Creek Stream Beadle S.D. James River Shue Creek Township (h) Civil Beadle S.D. Sibley Island (h) Island Burleigh N.D. Missouri River Sibleys Crossing (nl) Locale Barnes N.D. Sibleys Trail (nl) Road Griggs N.D. Sidney Locale Cass N.D. Sigel (h) Locale Yankton S.D. Signal Township Civil Charles Mix S.D. Silex (h) Locale Hand S.D. Silver Carbonates (nl) Mineral Lawrence S.D. Silver Creek (nl) Stream Lawrence S.D. Silver Gulch (nl) Valley Pennington S.D. Silver Lake Lake Hutchinson S.D. Silver Lake (h) Lake Lincoln S.D. Silver Lake (nl) Lake Turner S.D. Silvista (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Sims Locale Morton N.D. Sioux Falls Locale Minnehaha S.D. Sioux Falls Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Sioux Valley Township Civil Union S.D. Sisseton & Wahpeton Indian Res. Locale Grant S.D. Sisseton Agency (nl) Locale Roberts S.D. Sitting Bull Locale Pennington S.D. Sitting Bull Mine NIlne Pennington S.D. Six Mile Creek Stream Brookings S.D. Big Sioux River Skunk Creek Stream Moody S.D. Big Sioux River Slough Lake Lake Richland N.D. Smith Creeek Stream Brule S.D. Missouri River Smith Township Civil Brule S.D. Smith's Gulch Valley Pennington S.D. Smithville P.O. (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Snake Creek (nl) Stream Brown S.D. Snake Creek Stream Charles Mix S.D. Missouri River Snake Creek Stream McLean N.D. Missouri River Snake Creek Stream Spink S.D. James River Snatch Creek Stream Bon Homme S.D. Missouri River Snow Storm Mill (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Soldier Creek Stream Buffalo S.D. Missouri River South Box Elder Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. South Branch Beaver Creek (nl) Stream Lincoln S.D. Big Sioux River South Branch Dry Creek Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River South Branch Forest River Stream Grand forks N.D. Red River South Branch Lone Tree Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River South Branch of Elm River Stream Cass N.D. Elm River South Branch of Turtle River Stream Grand Forks N.D. Red River South Branch of Park River Stream Walsh N.D. Park River South Fork of Goose River (nl) Stream Steele N.D. Goose River South Fork Yellow Bank River Stream Grant S.D. Yellow Bank River South Heart Locale Stark N.D. South Park River (nl) Stream Pembina N.D. Red River South Pembina River Road (nl) Road Pembina N.D. Southwest Township (h) Civil Brown S.D. Spar Island (h) lsland Hughes S.D. Missouri River Spaulding (h) Locale Hamlin S.D. Spaulding's Ferry (nl) Ferry Benson N.D. Missouri River Spearfish Locale Lawrence S.D. Spink Locale Union S.D. Spink County Civil Spink S.D. Spink Township Civil Union S.D. Spirit Lake Lake Kingsbury S.D. Spirit Lake Township Civil Kingsbury S.D Spirit Mound Summit Clay S.D. Spirit Mound Township Civil Clay S.D. Spirit Wood Locale Stutsman N.D. Spiritwood Lakes Lake Stutsman N.D. Split Rock (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Split Rock Creek Stream Minnehaha S.D. Split Rock Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Spring Creek Stream Custer S.D. S F Cheyenne River Spring Creek Stream Hughes S.D. Missouri River Spring Creek (nl) Stream Pennington S.D. Spring Creek Township (nl) Civil Pennington S.D. Spring Dale Township Civil Roberts S.D. Spring Hill (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Spring Lake Lake Kingsbury S.D. Spring Lake Township Civil Hanson S.D. Spring on the Hill (h) Spring Custer S.D. Red Cannon Spring Valley (h) Locale Turner S.D. Spring Valley Township Civil McCook S.D. Spring Valley Township Civil Turner S.D. Springdale (h) Locale Lincoln S.D. Springdale Township Civil Lincoln S.D. Springfield Locale Bon Homme S.D. Springfield Township (h) Civil Bon Homme S.D. Square Butte Creek Stream Mercer (Morton) N.D. Missouri River Squaw Creek (nl) Stream Custer S.D. Battle Creek Squaw Creek Stream Moody S.D. Big Sioux River Squaw Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Spearfish Creek Stamp Mill New York Mine (nl) Locale Custer S.D. Standby Stamp Mill Locale Pennington S.D. Standing Rock (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Standing Rock (nl) Pillar Ransom N.D. Stanley Island (h) Island Sully S.D. Missouri River Stanton Locale Mercer N.D. Star Comer (h) Locale Clay S.D. Star Corner Township (nl) Civil Clay S.D. Star Lake Lake Richland N.D. Starbell P.O. (nl) Locale Stutsman N.D. Stark County Civil Stark N.D. Starkey (h) Locale Jerauld S.D. State Creek (nl) Stream Pennington S.D. Rapid Creek Steele Locale Kidder N.D. Steele County Civil Steele N.D. Stena (nl) Locale Day S.D. Sterling Locale Burleigh N.D. Sterling Township Civil Brookings S.D. Stetson (h) Locale Jerauld S.D. Stewart Road (nl) Road Barnes N.D. Stewartsdale (nl) Locale Burleigh N.D. Stinking Water Creek Stream Butte S.D. Belle Fourche River Stock Region Region Pennington S.D. Stockholm Township Civil Grant S.D. Strabane (h) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Strabane Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Strawberry Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Bear Butte Creek Stump Lake Lake Nelson N.D. Sturgis & Goodell Pasture Land Range Custer S.D. Success (h) Locale Clark S.D. Sugar Loaf (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Sugar Loaf Butte Summit Morton N.D. Sulfur Spring (nl) Spring Clark S.D. Sulfur Spring (nl) Spring Sully S.D. Sullivan (h) Locale Jerauld S.D. Sully County Civil Sully S.D. Sully's Hill Summit Benson N.D. Sulphur Springs Locale Meade S.D. Sumner (h) Locale Spink S.D. Sumner Township Civil Spink S.D. Sun Prairie Township Civil McCook S.D. Sunnyside (h) Locale Union S.D. Sunshine Mine - Mica & Tin Mine Custer S.D. Sverdrup Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Swan Creek Stream Cass N.D. Maple Creek Swan Lake (h) Lake Richland N.D. Swan Lake Lake Turner S.D. Swan Lake Lake Walworth S.D. Swan Lake Locale Turner S.D. Swan Lake Creek Stream Walworth S.D. Missouri River Sweet Water Lake Township (nl) Civil Ramsey N.D. Sweet Water Lakes Lake Ramsey N.D. Sweetland (h) Locale Hand S.D. Sydna (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Sykeston (nl) Locale Foster N.D. Tabor Locale Bon Homme S.D. Tabor Township (h) Civil Bon Homme S.D. Taopi (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Tappen Locale Kidder N.D. Taylor Locale Stark N.D. Taylor Lake Lake Richland N.D. Telephone Mine (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Teller's Bay (nl) Lake Ramsey N.D. Devil's Lake Templeton (h) Locale Jerauld S.D. Tenderfoot Gulch Vallev Custer S.D. Tepee Gulch Valley Pennington S.D. Tepee Point (nl) Point Benson N.D. Terraville Locale Lawrence S.D. Terry's Peak Summit Lawrence S.D. Tetonka (nl) Locale Spink S.D. Tetonka Township Civil Spink S.D. Tewaukon (h) Locale Sargent N.D. Theodore (h) Locale Walworth S.D. Thingvalla Township (nl) Civil Pennington S.D. Third District (nl) Civil Lawrence S.D. Thompson Locale Grand Forks N.D. Thompson's Landing (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Devil's Lake Tieeville (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Tiffany (nl) Locale Foster N.D. Tigerville Locale Pennington S.D. Tin and Nickel (nl) Minerals Custer S.D. Tin Township (nl) Civil Pennington S.D. Tobin Township Civil Davison S.D. Tocktay (nl) Locale Charles Mix S.D. Togstad P.O. (h) Locale Deuel S.D. Toledo Township Civil Stutsman N.D. Tomlins P.O. (nl) Locale Foster N.D. Tongue River Stream Pembina N.D. Tongue River Road (nl) Road Morton N.D. Tory Lake Township Civil Brule S.D. Tower City Locale Cass N.D. Towles (nl) Locale Lake S.D. Tracy (nl) Locale Ramsey N.D. Travare (h) Locale Roberts S.D. Trenton Township Civil Brookings S.D. Triest P.O. (nl) Locale Richland N.D. Trogan Mill (nl) Locale Lawrence S.D. Troy P.O. (h) Locale Grant S.D. Troy Township Civil Grant S.D. Tulare Locale Spink S.D. Turkey Ridge Creek Stream Turner S.D. Turner (h) Locale Turner S.D. Turner County Civil Turner S.D. Turs Township (nl) Civil Aurora S.D. Turtle Creek (nl) Stream Hand S.D. Ree Creek Turtle Creek Stream McLean N.D. Missouri River Turtle Mountain Road (nl) Road Pembina N.D. Turtle River Stream Spink S.D. Turtle River (h) Stream Grand Forks N.D. Red River Turtle River (nl) Stream Hand S.D. Turtle River Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Twelve Mile Creek (nl) Stream Davison S.D. Twelve Mile Creek (nl) Stream Douglas S.D. Twelve Mile Creek (nl) Stream Hanson S.D. Twin Brooks Locale Grant S.D. Twin Brooks Township Civil Grant S.D. Twin Buttes Summit Morton N.D. Twin Lake Lake Grant S.D. Twin Lake (nl) Lake Richland N.D. Twin Lakes (nl) Lake Codington S.D. Twin Lakes Locale Sanborn S.D. Twin Lakes (nl) Lake Sanborn S.D. Tyndall Locale Bon Homme S.D. Tyner (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Ula (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Ulmers Creek (nl) Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Ulness (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Uncle Sam Gold Mines & Mill Mine Lawrence S.D. Union (h) Locale Potter S.D. Union County Civil Union S.D. Union Township (nl) Civil Union S.D. Union Township Civil McCook S.D. Utica Locale Yankton S.D. Uxbridge (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Vale P.O. (nl) Locale Butte S.D. Valley City Locale Barnes N.D. Valley Springs Locale Minnehaha S.D. Valley Springs Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Valley Township (h) Civil Brown S.D. Valley Township Civil Dickey N.D. Vermillion Locale Clay S.D. Vermillion River Locale Clay S.D. Vermillion Township (h) Civil Clay S.D. Vermillion Township Civil Lake S.D. Vernon Township Civil Beadle S.D. Vernon Township Civil Grant S.D. Vernon Township Civil Walsh N.D. Verona Locale LaMoure N.D. Vesta (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Vesta Township Civil Walsh N.D. Victor (nl) Locale Davison S.D. Victor Township Civil Davison S.D. Victor Township Civil Day S.D. Vielhauer Township (h) Civil Bon Homme S.D. View Field P.O. Locale Lawrence S.D. Vilas Locale Miner S.D. Virgil Locale Beadle S.D. Virginia Township Civil Union S.D. Vivian (h) Locale Sargent N.D. Volga Locale Brookings S.D. Wahpeton Locale Richland N.D. Wahpeton & Sisseton Indian Res. Locale Roberts S.D. Walcott Locale Richland N.D. Waldro (nl) Locale Brule S.D. Walhalla Locale Pembina N.D. Walhalla Township Civil Pembina N.D. Walker's Mill (nl) Locale Barnes N.D. Walkerton (nl) Locale McLean N.D. Wall Lake Lake Minnehaha S.D. Wall Lake Locale Hand S.D. Wall Lake Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Walle (h) Locale Grand Forks N.D. Walle Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Walnut Grove (nl) Locale Douglas S.D. Walsh Centre Township Civil Walsh N.D. Walsh County Civil Walsh N.D. Walshtown (h) Locale Yankton S.D. Walshville (h) Locale Walsh N.D. Walshville Township Civil Walsh N.D. Walworth (h) Locale Walworth S.D. Walworth County Civil Walworth S.D. Wamduska (h) Locale Nelson N.D. Wanari (nl) Locale Bon Homme S.D. Waneta (h) Locale Potter S.D. Warner Locale Brown S.D. Warner Township Civil Brown S.D. Warner's Lake Lake Codington S.D. Wasa (h) Locale Barnes N.D. Washburn Locale McClean N.D. Washington Lakes (nl) Lake Foster S.D. Washington Township Civil Aurora S.D. Washington Township Civil Grand Forks N.D. Waterbury (h) Locale Jerauld S.D. Waterford (h) Locale Sully S.D. Watertown Locale Codington S.D. Watson (h) Locale Cass N.D. Waubay Locale Day S.D. Waubay Lake Lake Day S.D. Waubay P.O. (nl) Locale Day S.D. Waverlv Locale Codington S.D. Waverly Township Civil Day S.D. Wayne Township Civil Minnehaha S.D. Webster Locale Day S.D. Webster Township Civil Day S.D. Weiser Road (nl) Road Barnes N.D. Welcome Mine (nl) Mine Lawrence S.D. Wellington (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. Wentworth Locale Lake S.D. Wentworth Township Civil Lake S.D. Wesley (h) Locale Faulk S.D. Wessington Locale Beadle S.D. Wessington Hills (nl) Summit Jerauld S.D. Wessington Springs Locale Jerauld S.D. Wessington Township Civil Beadle S.D. West Bay Lake Benson N.D. Devil's Lake West Firesteel Creek Stream Aurora S.D. West Fork Vermillion River Stream Turner S.D. Vermillion River West LaMoure (nl) Locale LaMoure N.D. West Nlinster Township (h) Civil Hughes S.D. West Point (h) Locale Minnehaha S.D. West-End (h) Locale Benson N.D. Westfield Locale Iowa Weston (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Weston Township (h) Civil Dickey N.D. Westport Locale Brown S.D. Westport Township Civil Brown S.D. Wet Bottom Land (nl) Area Clay S.D. Wheatland Locale Cass N.D. Wheatland Township (h) Civil Griggs N.D. Wheeler (h) Locale Charles Mix S.D. Whetstone Island (h) Island Charles Mix S.D. Missouri River White Lake Lake Aurora S.D. White Lake P.O. (nl) Locale Aurora S.D. White Lake Township Civil Aurora S.D. White Rock Locale Roberts S.D. White Stone Hill Summit Sargent N.D. White Stone Lake Lake Roberts S.D. White Swan (nl) Locale Charles Mix S.D. White Township (nl) Civil Day S.D. White Tail Creek Stream Lawrence S.D. Whitewood Creek Whiteside Township (nl) Civil Beadle S.D. Whitewood Creek Stream Butte (Lawrence) S.D. Whitewood Township Civil Kingsbury S.D. Wicklow P.O. (nl) Locale Lake S.D. Wilbur Township Civil Brule S.D. Wild Rice River Stream Cass N.D. Red River Wild Rice River (nl) Stream Day S.D. Williams (nl) Locale Cass N.D. Williamsport (nl) Locale Emmons N.D. Willoughby P.O. (nl) Locale Deuel S.D. Willow (h) Locale Griggs N.D. Willow Creek Stream Brown S.D. Elm Creek Willow Creek Stream Butte S.D. Redwater Creek Willow Creek Stream Custer S.D. French Creek Willow Creek (nl) Stream Pembina N.D. Willow Lake Locale Clark S.D. Willow Lake Township Civil Brule S.D. Willow Lake Township (nl) Civil Clark S.D. Wilmot Locale Roberts S.D. Windsor Locale Stutsman N.D. Windsor Township (nl) Civil Brookings S.D. Winfred Locale Lake S.D. Winfred Township Civil Lake S.D. Winnebago Indian Reservation (h) Locale Hughes S.D. Winthrop (nl) Locale Beadle S.D. Wisner (h) Locale Ransom N.D. Wittenberg (h) Locale Hutchinson S.D. Wogansport Locale Burleigh N.D. Woiwode (h) Locale Richland N.D. Wolf Creek Stream Hand S.D. Turtle River Wolf Creek Stream Hutchinson S.D. James River Wolf Creek Stream McLean N.D. Wolf Creek (a Mennonite village) Locale Hutchinson S.D. Wolsey Locale Beadle S.D. Wolsey Township Civil Beadle S.D. Wood Lake (nl) Lake Ramsey N.D. Woodland Township Civil Clark S.D. Woodworth P.O. Locale Miner S.D. Woodworth Township (h) Civil Miner S.D. Woonsocket Locale Sanborn S.D. Worms (nl) Locale Bon Homme S.D. Worthing Locale Lincoln S D. Wyatt (nl) Locale Aurora S.D. Wyndmere Locale Richland N.D. Yankton Locale Yankton S.D. Yankton & Fort Randall Road (nl) Road Bon Homme S.D. Yankton County Civil Yankton S.D. Yankton Indian Reservation (nl) Locale Charles Mix S.D. Yellow Bank (h) Stream Grant S.D. Yellowstone Mine (nl) Mine Pennington S.D. Yorktown P. O. (h) Locale Dickey N.D. Yorktown Station (nl) Locale Aurora S.D. Yorktown Township Civil Dickey N.D. Young (h) Locale Pembina N.D. Young Man's Butte Summit Stark N.D. Ypsilanti P.O. (nl) Locale Stutsman N.D. Ziskow (h) Locale Yankton S.D.