St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Aurora Co., SD This is a listing of graves in The St. Mary's Cemetery, Aurora Co., SD from the WPA Graves Registration Project. The list was complied in the early 1940's. St. Mary's Cemetery is located in Dudley Township, T102N R63W Sec. 31 It was being used for burials at the time of the WPA Project. This file is a part of the free service called SDGENWEB. Our front door is located at This file was created by Robert Stiefvater, and may be freely copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights, including the right to publish this file, either in print or by electronic media, including, but not limited to ftp, gopher, and world-wide web are reserved by the author. NAME__LAST FIRST GRAVE# LOT# BLOCK# DATE_OF_DEATH AGE SEX Bohr Lawrence 3 3 C inf m Bohr M. 2 3 C inf m Bohr C. 1 3 C inf m Croweley Leonek 1 5 C 1913 1 m Micheals Andrew 1 C 1919 80 m Michaels Julia 2 C 1918 70 f Michaels Francis 20 2 2 1912 inf f Osinger C 1 9 C 69 m Osinger Mrs 2 9 C 67 f Roth Johan 1 6 C inf f Schoenfelt Mrs C. 1 C 38 f Steffes Devork 1 1 C 1925 6 m Steffes Willie 2 1 C 1921 inf,still m Unknown 2 6 C Wies Henry 1 9 E 1926 72 m