Students at Huron College, 1931 This list was extracted from the 1932 "Rubiyat", the Huron College yearbook. Transcribed by Joy Fisher, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at Last Name First Name Hometown Class Abel August Huron Freshman Addison Lois Huron Junior Adron Charlotte Flandreau Junior Adron Ruth Flandreau Senior Albrecht Helen Doland Freshman Anderson Leonard Presho Sophomore Anderson Loftin Valley Springs Freshman Anderson Thelma Huron Freshman Arthur Paul Huron Senior Bacon Genevieve Huffton Freshman Bager Maxine Huron Freshman Bangs Loie Huron Senior Bergman Floyd Flandreau Freshman Best Corinne Huron Freshman Bindenagel Mildred Huron Freshman Boersma Mildred Clear Lake Freshman Bostic Wilbur Pipestone, Minn. Freshman Brooks Marjorie Huron Junior Brown Marjorie Huron Freshman Brown Mildred Huron Senior Bryan Robert Huron Freshman Bryant Maxine Huron Freshman Buck Muriel Huron Freshman Bullock Violet Redfield Freshman Campbell Francis Miles City, Mont. Freshman Cantonwine Paul Huron Senior Carey Janet Blunt Freshman Carr Eleanor Huron Senior Casey Vera Cavour Freshman Charr James Sinkshu, Korea Junior Charters Harry Montevideo, Minn. Freshman Chegwin Elias Barrabquilla, Columbia, S. A. Freshman Christensen Esther Huron Freshman Christianson Esther Lemmon Freshman Clark George Winifred Special Student Costain Letha Huron Freshman Cotton Madge Huron Senior Craft Ralph Kimball Freshman Curtis Aldene Lemmon Freshman Curtis Camilla Lemmon Junior Dahl Evelyn Deadwood Freshman DeBoer Alvin Pollock Junior Decker Evelyn Roscoe Junior Decker Laurence Roscoe Freshman Decker Lucille Hitchcock Freshman DeLong Cecil Mae Sioux Falls Freshman Dennis Reynold Canova Freshman Dukelow Harold Pierre Freshman Egert Vincent Laverne, Minn. Senior Estee Frances Huron Senior Farrell Alice Flandreau Freshman Feenstra Ella Davis Freshman Filbey Charles Highmore Junior Forchtner James Herrick Freshman Ford Francis Lead Freshman Frank Leona Emery Freshman Frybarger Marjorie Huron Junior Fuller Paul Huron Freshman Funnell Lyle Wessington Junior Gantvoort Rosamond Lemmon Freshman Gibbs Delmar Huron Freshman Goode Edward Plankinton Freshman Goodlander Irene Huron Senior Graves Norman Ashton Junior Hagmann Dorris Tulare Freshman Hahn Alvin Doland Freshman Halfpenny Betty Northville Freshman Halfpenny Claire Northville Freshman Han Edward Wahiawa, Hawaii Senior Hansen Donald Woonsocket Freshman Hardie Alice Towner, N. Dak. Freshman Hart Richard Groton Freshman Hays Leonard Huron Freshman Heckel Woodrow Groton Freshman Hein Sylvester Woonsocket Freshman Henning Russell Kimball Freshman Hill Orville Willow Lake Junior Hofer Emil Huron Senior Holcomb Elaine Huron Freshman Holcomb Maurine Huron Junior Holland Anna Scotland Senior Hollister Ruth Huron Junior Hook Ethel Huron Freshman Hough Robert Huron Freshman Hull Frances Onida Freshman Huwe Jewel Meadow Freshman Hyink Merwin Castlewood Freshman Johns Mercedes Huron Freshman Johnson Vivian Blunt Junior Keller Jack Huron Junior Kiel Donna Wessington Springs Freshman Kimm Richard South Ham, Korea Senior Kingdon Edna Huron Senior Kingdon Eugene Huron Freshman Kleinsasser Andrew Yale Junior Knox Helen Montrose Freshman Korzan Evelyn Kimball Junior Lampe Clara Huron Freshman Lebeaux Georgia Rapid City Freshman Likeness Inez Wolsey Freshman Likeness Tilla Wolsey Freshman Lindsey Verne Huron Freshman Lounsbury Thelma Doland Freshman Lumb Harold Lemmon Freshman Lumbard Alta-May Huron Senior Magee William Castlewood Freshman Marshall Elsie Hitchcock Junior Marten Henry Canova Junior McElwee William Bison Senior McKichan Clara Bonilla Freshman McKichan Doris Bonilla Freshman McMillion Hazel Lemmon Freshman Mellinger Virginia Waseca, Minn. Freshman Morrow Marie Faulkton Freshman Moulton Irene Huron Junior Moulton Ouida Huron Freshman Murphy Hazel Huron Junior Myers Ralph Huron Junior Nelson Walter Onida Freshman Nelson Winston Ree Heights Junior Nohlgren Ralph Canova Junior O'Rear Franklin Pipestone, Minn. Freshman Oviatt Parke Huron Freshman Pasek Dwight Huron Senior Pasek Helen Academy Senior Pasek Richard Huron Freshman Paynter LaVerne Plankinton Freshman Pearson Bertha Roscoe Freshman Peterson Gladys Huron Freshman Peterson Victor Huron Senior Phipps Frank Huron Freshman Pier Jeanette Lane Freshman Powers Lowell Canova Freshman Price Donald Huron Freshman Pugsley Mildred Huron Junior Rehfuss Eldon Groton Freshman Rice Mary Bryant Freshman Richards Frank Huron Senior Ring Edwin Huron Junior Ross Albert Syenchun, Korea Senior Ruddy Lucille Wessington Freshman Ryden Melroe Huron Freshman Salisbury Frances Wolsey Freshman Sallquist Ardin Hitchcock Freshman Sandoval Jose Barrabquilla, Columbia, S. A. Freshman Savage Dorothy Gettysburg Senior Schultz Leone Huron Senior Scott Alice Timber Lake Freshman Searby Robert St. Francis Freshman Seim Kenneth Vienna Freshman Shade Norma Redfield Freshman Sherman Lloyd Huron Freshman Shervey Verna Lake City Freshman Shouse Florence Plankinton Junior Shouse LaFola Plankinton Freshman Small Katherine Huron Freshman Snedigar Amy Huron Freshman Solberg Eulalie McIntosh Freshman Spence Edward Groton Junior Spence Roderick Groton Freshman Sprague Helen Huron Freshman Stangeland Ruby Dell Rapids Freshman Stone Mildred Huron Senior Streeter Donald Huron Freshman Syring Milburn Wessington Senior Terada Michiyo Yokohama, Japan Freshman Thomas Earle Hettinger, N. D. Freshman Tischler Gertrude Huron Freshman Titt Dorothy Huron Senior Titt Elsie Huron Junior Tollefson Carl Willow Lake Freshman Tollefson Hazel G. Mellette Freshman Tollefson Oscar Willow Lake Senior Uherka Edward Wagner Junior Van Heuvelen Rena Huron Senior Van Voorhis Ila Onida Freshman Vance Janice Huron Freshman Vanderburg Clara Huron Junior Vatland Vernon Hettinger, N. D. Freshman Wadhams Dorothea Huron Senior Warner Grace Okobojo Freshman Warner Mary Okobojo Freshman Warren Hazel Huron Freshman Weeks George Reynoldsburg, Ohio Junior Weidenbach Amelia Scotland Freshman Wertz Robert Stuart, Nebr. Freshman Williams Eunice Langford Senior Williams Hayden Roscoe Freshman Williamson Alex Wagner Junior Williamson Henry Wagner Junior Williamson John D. Onida Senior Williamson William Wagner Senior Wittenberger Avery Wessington Freshman Wolfkiel Margaret Pierre Freshman Wright Evelyn Huron Senior Youel Dorothy Huron Freshman