Frank Chamberlain Biography, Charles Mix County, SD This biography is taken from the "Standard Atlas of Charles Mix County (1906)", published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Pages 53 - 54 Transcribed by Joy Fisher, and may be copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. Frank Chamberlain, the son of George, came with his father in 1867 when a mere lad. After wandering about a good deal, living in White Swan with his father a while, he filed on his homestead on Cedar creek in 1880 and moved there with his wife the same year. There Ida May Chamberlain, his daughter, was born, the second white girl in the old part of Charles Mix. He resided there until he bought the Riverside Hotel at Wheeler a few years ago. Chamberlain is one of the most interesting talkers on pioneer days, and when so disposed can give the inside history of many events that have shaped the destiny of the county.