John Craven Biography, Charles Mix County, SD This biography is taken from the "Standard Atlas of Charles Mix County (1906)", published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Page 54 Transcribed by Joy Fisher, and may be copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. John Craven was in the county for several years in the 70's in the wood business. He and Herman Satterfield were running a wood yard on Hot Springs island. This was at the time of the gold excitement in the Black Hills, when Tim Burleigh was running the steamer "Black Hills," laden with goods for the gold country, including a goodly supply of whiskey. The steamer burned and sank near Hot Springs island, but much of the cargo was saved and brought to land. Jack Sully happened along and invited Craven to go to the burned boat for whiskey. They went, got drunk, and started back home in the night. The next day Sully turned up two miles below, wet to the skin. He claimed the boat upset and that Craven was drowned.