Joseph LaRoche Biography, Charles Mix Co., SD This biography is taken from the "Standard Atlas of Charles Mix County (1906), published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Transcribed by Joy Fisher, and may be copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. Joseph LaRoche came to Charles Mix county in the early '50s settling in the west part of La Roche township. He was a French Canadian of good education for his class, a great reader, and in personal appearance a blonde, until recently wearing very curly locks. He soon accumulated large herds of cattle and horses. He was a man of good business ability, and served his county in the territorial legislature. He lived in LaRoche township near the Big Spring on what is now Sabin's ranch until about 1887 when he removed to Stanley county where he died in 1901. He left numerous descendents among whom are Mrs. Frank Patton, a daughter, residing in Wagner, Joseph LaRoche, Jr. a son, near Wagner, and Mrs. Leon Drappeau a daughter in Gregory county, and several other children west of the Missouri. His second Sioux wife is now Mrs. Wm. A. Shunk, near Wagner.