Jack Sully Biography, Charles Mix Co. This biography appears in the 1906 Standard Atlas of Charles Mix County, page 54. This file created by Joy Fisher and may be copied for non-profit purposes. All other rights reserved. Jack Sully is first heard of in this county when he was elected sheriff under the Lamonte organization in the early sixties. He roved up and down the river but his chief place of abode appears to have been at the mouth of Platte creek, near Drappeau, his father-in-law. His first marriage is said to have been to a Norwegian girl at White Swan, Judge Foster T. Wheeler performing the ceremony, but his wife left him within the week. He next married Drappeau's half-blood daughter, who died. He then married the widow of John Kinkaid, also Drappeau's daughter, with whom he removed to Sully's Flat in Gregory county where he was shot a few years ago. Sully was a notorious character of whom much has been written, and who has been charged with numerous crimes, the greater number of which are probably fictitous.