Erick J. Berdahl Biography This biography appears on pages 614-615 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. I (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at HON. ERICK J. BERDAHL is a native of Norway, where his birth occurred on the 8th day of August, 1850. When six years old, he was brought to the United States by his parents, and from that time until 1860 lived at the family home in Winneshiek county, Iowa, removing, the latter year, to Houston county, Minnesota, where he worked on the farm and attended school during the six years following. In 1866 he accompanied the family to Filmore county in the latter state, and after living there until 1873 came to South Dakota, settling on a farm in Sverdrup township, Minnehaha county, which he still owns and which he took up under the homestead law soon after his arrival. Mr. Berdahl has been actively identified with the material interests of Minnehaha county during the twenty years of his residence therein, and few, if any, have exercised a more beneficial influence upon its development or have contributed in a more marked degree to the various agencies and enterprises making for its progress. From the original homestead of wild land in a sparsely settled locality, he has developed one of the finest and most valuable farms of its area in the county, a beautiful place of one hundred and sixty acres, all under cultivation, containing substantial improvements and presenting the appearance of a home in which few comforts and conveniences are lacking. As an agriculturist Mr. Berdahl stands in the front rank, and the ample competence he now commands, and the fine condition of his home, attests the energy and success with which he has prosecuted his life work. Mr. Berdahl, on the 2d day of April, 1873, was united in the bonds of wedlock with Miss Hannah Brandvold, who was born July 5, 1848, in Norway, and who came to the United States about two years prior to her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Berdahl are the parents of ten children, only three of whom are living, namely, John E. Carrie and Henry; the deceased are Christina, who married Erick Langness and died in her twenty-fourth year; Albert, Carrie, Anna, Alma and Anna, the last five dying in childhood. Mr. Berdahl has been an influential Republican ever since attaining his majority and by reason of his activity in party circles and services rendered in different campaigns he has been from time to time honored with various official positions. He served for some years as justice of the peace, also as chairman of the township board, and for several years past has been treasurer of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of Minnehaha County, a position of great responsibility, requiring of the incumbent much more than ordinary business talent. He also represented the county of Minnehaha one term in the general assembly and as a legislator sustained the high reputation in which he was held by the people, fully meeting the expectations of his constituents, Democrats as well as Republicans. Mr. Berdahl is a man of great firmness, honest in his convictions, and ready at all times to maintain the soundness of his opinions. While diligent in the prosecution of his own affairs and successful in carrying them to conclusion, he is also interested in the welfare of the community and spares no reasonable sacrifice in encouraging agencies and enterprises for the promotion of the same. A pleasing presence combined with a genial disposition makes him popular with all classes and conditions of people, and his manly conduct and genuine worth are recognized and appreciated by those coming within the range of his influence.