John L. Harris, M. D. Biography This biography appears on pages 1714-1715 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. JOHN L. HARRIS, M. D., well-known physician and surgeon, of Webster, Day county, South Dakota, was born at Battle Creek, Calhoun county, Michigan, on January 3, 1849, the son of James M. and Eliza (Cosad) Harris both natives of New York state. Both families were founded in America in colonial times, and one of the Doctor's ancestors served as a soldier in the Continental army. Three of his uncles served in the war of 1812. The father of the subject first removed from New York to Michigan in I84r, and was a pioneer of Calhoun county. He came to South Dakota in 1880, but in 1898 returned east to Chicago, in which city he died in 1903, in his eightieth year. The mother died in 1849. Doctor Harris passed through the common schools of Battle Creek, and then attended Olivet College, at Olivet, Michigan. He began reading medicine in 1870, and subsequently he took a course of lectures at Chicago. In 1873 he began the practice at Eastport, Michigan. In 1874 he entered Hahnemann Homeopathic Medical College, Chicago, where he was graduated in the class of 1875. The Doctor then resumed his practice at Eastport, but after a year's time he located at Ovid, Michigan, where he practiced until 1877, and then removed to Roanoke, Indiana. In the spring of 1880 he came to South Dakota (then a territory) and began practicing in Brown's Valley, Minnesota, but having his residence in Roberts county, South Dakota. In June, 1881, the Doctor located at Webster, where he was the pioneer physician. Dr. Harris became a member of the state board of health in 1886, and was chosen secretary of the board in 1887, and president in 1888. In the fall of 1890 Dr. Harris took his family to Chicago and spent the winter in that city, during which time he attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons, receiving his degree from the same. The Doctor is a graduate of both schools of medicine, but has not practiced homeopathy since 1877. In March, 1875, Dr. Harris married Miss Sarah J. Buckley, who was born in New Brunswick, Canada, and to their union a son and daughter have been born as follows: Lyle, who married Rev. Donald McLean, and Rex W., a law student in the University of Minnesota.