George F. Johnson Biography This biography appears on pages 1662-1663 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. GEORGE F. JOHNSON is a prominent business man of Redfield, Spink county, and is now serving as register of deeds of said county. The original progenitor of the Johnson family in America immigrated hither in the early colonial period and located in New England, representatives of the name being found in various sections thereof at the present time. Franklin Johnson, the father of the subject, was a native of the state of Vermont, where he was reared to maturity. As a young man he removed thence to New Jersey, and there he married Miss Rispah Compton, who was born and reared in that state, and they became the parents of five children, of whom three are now living, the subject of this review having been the second in order of birth. He was born in this historic old town of Perth Amboy, Middlesex county, New Jersey, on the 5th of June, 1843, his father having been there engaged in the manufacturing of locks for a number of years. George F. received his early educational training in the schools of his native town and was about fifteen years of age when, in 1858, his parents removed to the west and settled in Waseca, Minnesota, as pioneers of the state. There the father engaged in the milling business, in which he continued during the remainder of his active career, and there his death occurred in 1893, at the venerable age of eighty-seven years, while his devoted wife died at the age of sixty-seven years. The subject was associated with his father in the work of the mill at the time of the outbreak of the Civil war, and in March, 1863, at the age of twenty years, he enlisted as a private in Company A, First Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, which was commanded by Colonel Sully, who later became a general and distinguished himself in the Indian warfare of the west and northwest. The regiment proceeded to the national capital and shortly afterward Colonel Colvin assumed command. The regiment was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, and thereafter took part in every engagement in which this notable division of the Union forces was concerned until the close of the war, Mr. Johnson having received his honorable discharge, at St. Paul, Minnesota, in July, 1865, while the history of his regiment is the history of his record as a leaf and loyal soldier of the republic. After the close of the war Mr. Johnson returned to Minnesota, and in 1871 he engaged in the hotel business at Janesville, that state, continuing to be identified with this enterprise until 1881, when he came to Redfield, South Dakota, and became the pioneer hardware merchant of the town. He has ever since continued to be identified with this important branch of trade, has built up a large and profitable enterprise and is one of the influential and honored business men of the county. The business is now conducted under the firm name of G. F. Johnson & Son, his only son having been admitted to partnership in 1890. In politics Mr. Johnson is a stalwart Republican, taking a lively interest in the party cause. He served as the first city recorder and treasurer of Redfield, and is incumbent of these positions at the present time, while in November, 1902, he was elected register of deeds of the county, in which office he is giving a most systematic and able administration of the important affairs entrusted to his charge. He is a member of George H. Thomas Post, No. 5, Grand Army of the Republic, and also of the Masonic fraternity, in which he is affiliated with Redfield Lodge, No. 34, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, and Redfield Chapter, No. 20, Royal Arch Masons. On the 19th of May, 1869, Mr. Johnson was united in marriage to Miss Laura E. Storrs, who was born in Maples, New York, being a daughter of John and Sarah Storrs. The subject and his estimable wife are the parents of two children, Grace F., who is now the wife of Hubert W. Bartlett, of Lead, Lawrence county, this state, and Harry E., who is now associated with his father in the hardware business.