Rev. Hugh H. Jones Biography This biography appears on pages 1774 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. REV. HUGH H. JONES, whose untimely death on October 2, 1895, at the age of fifty-five years, was universally lamented throughout the community, was a native of Wales, born on May 2, 1840. He remained in his native land until he was sixteen years of age, and was educated there. In 1856 he came to the United States, and having chosen the Christian ministry as his profession, entered college and pursued a thorough course of theological training, at the end of which he was ordained to preach in the Methodist church. After preaching in towns of centra1 Wisconsin for a number of years, he moved ~ Boone county, Iowa, in 1870, and did ministerial work there for three years. He then returned to Wisconsin and remained two years, after which be passed another year ln Boone county, Iowa. In 1878 he brought his family to the Black Hills, arriving at Rapid City in July. Here he served as pastor of the Methodist church two years and also carried on a flourishing furniture business continuing the latter until the spring of 1881, when be located a ranch on Rapid creek, about fifteen miles from the town. He settled on the land and devoted his energies to improving it and raising cattle and horses until his death. But while giving his attention to the promotion of his own business he never lost interest or withheld activity in matters of public concern, working faithfully and intelligently for the general good in all lines of religious and public usefulness. In politics he was an earnest Republican and a devoted servant of his party. His death was a great loss to the community in many ways, and his memory is cordially cherished by all clssses of the people. Since the sad event his widow and children have continued to live on the ranch, together managing its affairs and carrying forward the development and improvements he had planned and begun. The sons are bright and capable, and meet every duty in a manly and conrageous manner, devoting their energies to the farm work and their cattle interests, and taking their place in the community as forceful factors among the best of its people. Mr. Jones was married on March 26, 1872, to Miss Maria M. Burkhart, a native of Pennsylvania, the marriage being solemnized in Boone county, Iowa, where both were living at the time Ten children Blessed their union, of whom eight are living, May (Mrs. Ehrler), William H., Centennial A. (Mrs. Hart), Catherine M. (Mrs. Payne), Arthur, Minnie, Gladys, Herbert. Ithel and Dio are deceased. The family has maintained the position in the esteem of the community won by their father, and by their course in life reflect credit upon him as well as upon themselves.