Morgan E. Jones Biography This biography appears on pages 1251-1252 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. MORGAN E. JONES, one of the honored pioneers of Cambria township, Brown county, is a native of Wales, though he has passed practically his entire life in the United States. He was born on the 5th of August, 1841, being a son of Evan and Mary (Jones) Jones, who immigrated to America when he was two years of age, locating in La Crosse county, Wisconsin, where his father engaged in agricultural pursuits, being one of the pioneers of the Badger state, where both he and his noble wife passed the remainder of their lives. They became the parents of five children, of whom four are living at the present time. The subject of this sketch was reared to maturity on the homestead farm, having the experience common to the farmer boys of that pioneer epoch in Wisconsin and early beginning to aid in the work of clearing the land and assist in its cultivation, while his educational advantages were such as were afforded in the common schools of the locality and period. He continued to reside on the old homestead for more than thirty years, having become the owner of the property, and in ~88r he disposed of his interests there and came to Brown county, South Dakota, arriving here in the spring of that year and taking up a homestead claim in section 33, Cambria township, which is his present farm. He has made the best of improvements on his place and the same is one of the model farms of the county. He also bought a relinquishment on a tree claim, which he has within the past few years given to his son Frank, while he later bought another quarter section, in the same township, which he presented to his son John, so that he is favored in having the members of his family in close proximity to the old homestead, since his two married daughters also are located not far distant. Mr. Jones was reared in the faith of the Republican party and gave his support to the same until the presidential campaign of 1896, when he showed the courage of his convictions and voted for Bryan for president. He has served for many years as a member of the school board of his district, and has been a member of the board of township trustees from practically the time of its organization until the present, a fact which indicates the high estimation in which he is held in the community. He was reared in the Congregational church, but he and his wife are now members of the Welsh Calvanistic Methodist church at Plana. In La Crosse county, Wisconsin, on the 25th of December, 1866, Mr. Jones was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Protheroe, who likewise was born in Wales, whence she accompanied her parents to America in early childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have six children namely: Abbie, who is the wife of Earl B. Holmes, a successful farmer in this township; Frank, who married Miss Maggie Jones, is engaged in farming in the same township, as is also John who married Anna Owens; Morgan remains on the homestead farm; Mary Elizabeth is the wife of Edward L. William, of this township; and Charles remains beneath the parental roof.