Richard R. Jones, M. D. Biography This biography appears on pages 1590-1591 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. RICHARD R. JONES, M. D., who is successfully established in the practice of his profession in Britton, Marshall county, is a native of the Badger state, having been born in Cambria, Columbia county, Wisconsin, on the 19th of September, 1861, and being a son of Hugh R. and Laura (Williams) Jones, both scions of staunch old Welsh stock and both natives of Wales. The father of the Doctor came to America in the 'fifties and took up his residence in Wisconsin. The maternal ancestors of the subject were the first settlers of Cambria, that state, and through their influence others of their countrymen were induced to locate in that locality, the name of the town having been given in honor of the original name of their native land. Hugh R. Jones remained in Wisconsin until the discovery of gold in Colorado, when he joined in the memorable stampede to Pike's Peak. He remained a short time and then returned to Wisconsin, where he devoted his attention to farming until 1890, when he returned to Colorado and has since maintained his home in the city of Denver, having there followed his trade, that of stone- mason, and having been a successful contractor and builder. He and his estimable wife have three children, the Doctor being the eldest. Dr. Jones passed his boyhood days in his native county and received his early educational discipline in the public schools of Cambria, later supplementing this by a course of study in Downer College, at Fox Lake, that state. In 1885 he was matriculated in that celebrated institution, Rush Medical College, in the city of Chicago, where he completed the prescribed technical course and was graduated as a member of the class of 1888, receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine. He began the practice of his profession in his native town, where he remained six months, at the expiration of which he came to South Dakota and took up his residence in Britton, where he has built up a large and representative practice and gained the highest confidence and regard of the people of the community, while he has been in practice here for a longer period than any other physician in the county, while it may be said without fear of contradiction that there are few in the northern part of the state who can lay credit to as many years of continuous practice here as can he. In the early days his labors were of the most arduous and exacting nature, and called for much self- abnegation, devotion and courage, as he was often called to attend those distant from thirty to fifty miles, traversing the prairies in all kinds of weather and sparing himself no effort or personal discomfort in thus ministering to those in affliction. In 1898 the Doctor opened a drug store in Britton, and he has since conducted this enterprise in connection with his active professional work. He is a member of the state medical society and other professional organizations, and is medical examiner for nearly all the leading life-insurance companies doing business in this section of the state, while he is also incumbent of the office of coroner. In politics Dr. Jones is a staunch advocate of the principles and policies of the Republican party, and fraternally he is affiliated with the Masonic order, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Ancient Order of United Workmen and its Degree of Honor; the Daughters of Rebekah, and the Knights of the Maccabees. On the 2rst of November, 1890, was solemnized the marriage of Dr. Jones to Miss Florence Thayer, who was born in the state of New York, and they have three children,—Floyd, Gracene and Marion. A twin brother of the eldest died aged three months.