Leander Lane Biography This biography appears on pages 758-759 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. I (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here Inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://www.usgwarchives.net/sd/sdfiles.htm LEANDER LANE. - In the pioneer epoch of South Dakota Leander Lane came to this state and was an important factor in the substantial development and permanent improvement of Yankton county. He was born on the 23d of April, 1838, in Clermont county, Ohio, of which state his parents, Nathaniel and Martha (Simpson) Lane, were also natives. The father was an agriculturist, owning and operating a well improved farm in Clermont county, where he died in 1857. In politics he was a Whig and both he and his wife were faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal church. She long survived her husband, passing away in 1896. In their family were eight children, four of whom are still living. On the paternal side the subject's ancestors were originally from North Carolina. In the state of his nativity Leander Lane grew to manhood and in 1861 he led to the marriage altar Miss Ann Sheperdson, by whom he had one child, Elizabeth, now the wife of Albert Young. For his second wife Mr. Lane wedded Mrs. Mary (Chappel) Case, the widow of John Chappel. Her parents, Chauncey and Mary E. Case, were natives of New York and were also members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Case followed farming principally but was also a good mechanic and patented a turning lathe. His political support was given the Democratic party. He died in New York state in 1848, and his wife departed this life in 1882. Their family numbered six children, three of whom are living at the present writing in 1903. It was in 1866 that Mr. Lane left the east and came to Dakota, while his wife came to this state with a Dakota colony in 1868. He first located on Jim river near the present site of Henry O'Neil's home, but after living there six months he moved to the place now owned by Joseph J. Volin. Later he purchased the present home place, at first buying one hundred and sixty acres of government land, to which he added from time to time as his financial resources increased until he owned eight hundred acres of fine farming land, nearly all under cultivation. He set out all of the trees upon the place and erected good and substantial buildings which stands as monuments to his thrift and enterprise. He was a natural carpenter, being very handy with tools, and everything about his farm was kept in first-class condition. He raised a good grade of shorthorn cattle, feeding not less than one hundred and forty head per year and as high as two hundred. During his early residence in South Dakota Mr. Lane encountered many discouragements, losing hogs to the value of one thousand dollars in floods. During the flood of 1866, when the Missouri and Jim rivers so overflowed their banks, he was forced to leave his house at three o'clock at night and seek higher ground. The Indians, though friendly at that time, often visited his home begging for something to eat, and if not carefully watched they would steal considerable corn. Being fond of hunting, and a good marksman, Mr. Lane took great delight in that sport during pioneer days and his trusty rifle brought down many a deer, elk and antelope, besides smaller game such as ducks, wild geese, etc. In fact the early settlers depended a great deal on hunting and fishing for something to eat. Mr. Lane once caught a catfish in Jim river which weighed one hundred pounds and was over five feet long. It pulled him a half mile down the stream before he was able to land it. Politically, Mr. Lane was a stalwart Democrat. He held school offices and assisted in establishing the first school conducted in his part of the county, each family at that time doing their share toward boarding the teacher. He was a Universalist in belief, but also a liberal supporter of any church in his neighborhood, and everything that was for the betterment of humanity received his hearty support. Mr. Lane passed away, after an illness of two weeks, on February 28, 1904, at his home south of Gayville, having attained the age of sixty- six years, ten months and four days. The funeral occurred Wednesday, March 2, 1904, from the Gayville Methodist Episcopal church, the pastor officiating. The interment was held at Yankton cemetery, at which the Rev. Mr. Rosenberry, of Yankton, officiated. Throughout the career of Mr. Lane he had shown himself a man in whom all placed the highest confidence. He was a loyal citizen and an ardent supporter of everything that went to advance the general welfare of the community of which he was a member. His memory will always be cherished and esteemed by the large circle of kinsmen and friends who are left to mourn his loss.