Horace W. Leblond Biography This biography appears on pages 1038-1039 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. HORACE W. LEBLOND, a pioneer druggist of Chamberlain, South Dakota, and in point of continuous residence one of the town's oldest business men as well as one of the leading citizens of Brule county, was born June 28, 1854, in Celina, Ohio, and when a child of three years was taken by his parents on their removal to Minnesota, in which state he spent his childhood and youth and in the public schools of which he received his elementary education. The discipline thus acquired was later supplemented by a three years course in the University of Minnesota, after which he took up the study of pharmacy and pursued the same until becoming proficient in every detail of the profession. In 1881 Mr. LeBlond came to South Dakota on a prospecting tour for a location, and being pleased with the new town of Chamberlain and the advantages it afforded to young men of spirit and enterprise, he decided to make it his permanent place of abode. In due time he secured a business room and, stocking the same with a full line of drugs and a complete assortment of such other articles and sundries as are usually found in first-class establishments of the kind, opened his doors and announced himself in readiness to wait upon his customers. Being the only business house of the kind in the place, he soon commanded a large and lucrative patronage and his career from that time to the present day, covering a period of over twenty-two years, presents a series of continued advancements, which now place him in the front ranks of the enterprising and successful men of affairs in this part of the state. Mr. LeBlond has added largely to his stock in order to keep abreast of the steadily growing demands of the trade, and being, as already indicated, a master of his profession and at the same time a most courteous and obliging business man whose relations with the public have always been of a pleasant and agreeable character, it is not at all surprising that he has won a warm and permanent place in the confidence and esteem of the people. Since locating in Chamberlain, Mr. LeBlond has been an influential factor in the growth and development of the place and a conspicuous figure in its political and public affairs. Although a strong adherent of the Democratic party, he was elected in the early days of the town to the office of city clerk, making the race on the Peoples' ticket and defeating a well-known and popular competitor by a very decisive majority. After serving one term with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of the public, he was re-elected his own successor on the citizens' ticket, his successful management of the office being his greatest recommendation to the suffrage of the people regardless of party or political affiliation, his second term fully justifying the support given him and adding to his reputation as an able and judicious and popular public servant. Mr. LeBlond has a beautiful and attractive home in Chamberlain which is presided over with dignity and grace by a lady of intelligence and varied culture who, since 1893, has worthily and honorably borne his name, shared his fortunes and successes, co-operated with him in his endeavors and sympathized and assisted him in all of his aspirations. Mrs. LeBlond before her marriage was Miss Lizzie Bridgeman and she was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, and moved to South Dakota in 1880. In his business and social relations Mr. LeBlond has been actuated by the highest motives of honor and his record is that of a man of wide intelligence and broad generous sympathies, whose integrity has never been questioned and whose character has always been above reproach. He is a Mason of the Royal Arch degree, an influential member of the blue lodge in Chamberlain and at various times has been honored with high official stations in the different branches of the order with which he is identified.