Robert E. McDowell Biography This biography appears on pages 1493-1494 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. ROBERT E. McDOWELL, who is private secretary of United States Senator Robert J. Gamble, of South Dakota, is a native of the stat eof Wisconsin, having been born near Fox Lake, Dodge county, on the 21st day of December, 1866. He is the son of Samuel C. and Margaret J. (Gamble) McDowell, the former of whom was born near Downpatrick, County Down, Ireland, on the 12th of July, 1832, while the latter was born in the same county, near Belfast, on the 16th day of May, 1838. The father of the subject came to the United States when seventeen years of age, having received excellent educational advantages in the Emerald Isle, and was successfully engaged in teaching for a number of years in New York and Wisconsin. He served in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting as a private in Company D, Eighth (Eagle Regiment) Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and was honorably discharged from the service as first lieutenant, having served some three years and nine months. During two years .of his service he acted as adjutant of the regiment. While serving with his regiment, it took part in over thirty engagements and battles, in which were included a number of the most memorable battles of the war. On return from the war Mr. McDowell located on a farm in the town of Trenton, near Fox Lake, Wisconsin becoming one of the honored and influential citizens of that section, removing in 1901 to the village of Fox Lake. He served as a member of the Wisconsin legislature, and held a number of local offices at different times. In politics he is a Republican, and fraternally is commander of the Grand Army of the Republic post. His wife mother of the subject, is a sister of United States Senator Gamble, and of the late John R. Gamble, member of congress from South Dakota, and Hugh S. Gamble, all of Yankton, South Dakota. Jennie B., a sister of the subject, born February, 11, 1870, resides with her parents at Fox Lake, Wisconsin. Robert E. McDowell secured his preliminary educational training in the public schools, and supplemented the same by a course in Wayland Academy at Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, graduating in 1887; afterward continuing his studies at Yankton College, and Bryant & Stratton Business College in Chicago. He took a position in 1889 in the law offices of Gamble Brothers at Yankton, South Dakota territory (the firm consisting of the late John R. Gamble and the present United States Senator Robert J. Gamble), studied law and was admitted to the bar of the state of South Dakota. He acted as secretary to Senator Gamble while the latter was a member of the house of representatives in the fifty- fourth congress, and thereafter he was for two years engaged in the active practice of his profession in Yankton, being associated with Hon. John Holman, under the firm name of Holman & McDowell. He again acted as private secretary to Mr. Gamble during the fifty-sixth congress, and has continued to act as such since the latter's election to the United States senate in 1901. The subject is a staunch adherent of the Republican party, is actively identified with the Masonic fraternity, in which he has advanced to the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite, holding membership in Oriental Consistory, No. 1, in Yankton; is a member of El Riad Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, in Sioux Falls; is a member of Phoenix Lodge, No. 37, Knights of Pythias, and of Yankton Lodge, No. 1, Ancient Order of United Workmen, in the same city. He and his wife are members of the Congregational church in Yankton. On June 6, 1900, Mr. McDowell was married in the Zion Reformed church at Hagerstown, Maryland, to Miss Edith Ellen Eyerly. of Hagerstown, she being a daughter of Hon. George W. Eyerly, an old-time resident and prominent merchant of that city, she is also a sister of Prof. Elmer K. Eyerly, a member of the faculty of the State Agricultural College of South Dakota.