Biography of George W. Mentch This biography was transcribed from "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson (1904), vol. II, pp. 1615-1616. Transcription by Joy Fisher, All rights reserved. George W. Mentch, a leading citizen of Pennington county, is a native of Indiana county, Pennsylvania, born on September 11, 1847, and remained in his native county until he reached the age of twenty-three, being educated there and afterward following farming for a livlihood. In 1870 he moved to the neighborhood of Winfield, in southwestern Kansas, and during the next seven years was occupied in farming there. In 1877 he came to the Black Hills, arriving at Rapid City on May 17th. In December of the same year he went to the mining district around Rockerville, where he remained until the ensuing fall, when he returned to Rapid City and took up a homestead on Rapid creek, ten miles from town. Here he engaged in farming and raising stock, He was one of the first men in this part of the state to take an active part in organizing Sunday-school and church work, and during the whole period of his residence here he has been zealous and energetic in all forms of religious enterprise. For a few years lately he has been partially retired from active business pursuits, but he still retains an interest in the stock industry. From his advent into this country he has been active and forceful in local public affairs, and is regarded as one of the leading citizens of Pennington county. In politics he is a loyal and devoted Republican, and to the service of his party he has ever been a willing and helpful contributor. His first vote was cast for General Grant for President, and since casting it he has never faltered in the support of the party's principles and candidates. Although essentially a man of peace, he has always been ready for military service when the best interests of the country demanded it. He served in defense of the Union during the closing year of the Civil war in an independent company organized in Pennsylvania, and here in the west he has never failed to take his place in the ranks against savage fury and treachery.