Leroy D. Miles Biography This biography appears on pages 1828 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. LEROY D. MILES, who is associated with his brother, J. A., in the ownership and conducting of the Spink County Stock Farm, is a native of the state of Michigan, having been born on a farm in Barry county, on the 14th of October, 1856, and being a son of James L. and Susan (Cooper) Miles, both natives of Ohio. The father of the subject was numbered among the pioneers of Michigan, whither he removed with his parents in the year 1832, several years prior to the admission of the state to the Union. They made the journey through from Ohio with teams and located in the midst of the virgin forest of Barry county, where they developed a valuable farm. The father of the subject there continued to be actively engaged in farming and stock raising for many years, having been associated with, his brother, Alonzo, in the stock business and having been among the first to drive cattle from Michigan to the Ohio markets in the early days. He continued to reside in Michigan until 1883. when he came to South Dakota, and soon afterward turned over his fanning and live-stock business to his sons. He died April 4, 1899, in his seventy-seventh year. The mother died in 1900, aged sixty-three years. Leroy D. Miles was reared on the homestead farm and secured his education in the common schools of his native county. He early became familiar with the stock business, in which his father was prominently engaged, and thus is an authority as to values and handling of live stock. Mr. Miles came to South Dakota in 1883, and has been from the start associated with his brother James A. in farming and stock raising. They secured government land in Spink county, and their landed estate here now comprises three sections of valuable land in the northeastern part of the county, and two miles south of the village of Conde, which is the postoffice address for the great stock farm, which attracts many visitors and buyers each season. The Spink County Stock Farm is specially devoted to the breeding of Hambletonian and Percheron horses, Galloway cattle and Rambouillet sheep, and the hest types of each are raised, while the firm have for sale the best of breeding stock at all times. The farm is finely improved and is one of the show places of the county, while the Messrs. Miles are known as progressive and reliable business men, commanding the confidence and esteem of all with whom they come in contact. The subject of this review is a staunch Republican in his political proclivities and has been a zealous worker in its cause. In November, 1902, he was elected to the office of county treasurer, receiving a gratifying majority, and assumed the active discharge of his official duties in January, 1903. He is identified with the Masonic fraternity and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. On the 14th of October, 1888, Mr. Miles was united in marriage to Miss Carrie E. Curran, a daughter of J. M. and Carrie Curran, who came to South Dakota in 1885 and located in Spink county, being numbered among the prominent pioneers of this section of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Miles have six children, namely: Ruth, Hazel, Lynn, Lena and Mabel and an infant.