M. Vincent Mulcahy, M. D. Biography This biography appears on page 1369 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. M. VINCENT MULCAHY, M. D., who is successfully established in the practice of his profession in Vermillion, Clay county, comes of staunch old Irish lineage and is a native of the dominion of Canada, having been born in the town of Orillia, province of Ontario, on the 28th of January, 1868. He is the son of Thomas and Mary (Collins) Mulcahy, the former of whom was born in Ireland, whence he came to Canada in his youth, and he is still living there. His wife was a native of Canada and of Irish descent, and there her death occurred in 1875. Dr Mulcahy completed the curriculum of the public schools in his native town, being graduated in the Orillia high school as a member of the class of 1885. He then entered the medical department of the University of Toronto, where he completed the prescribed course and was graduated in 1889, while in the same year he completed a course in the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, in the same city, receiving license to practice in the province of Ontario. To further advance himself in the knowledge of his profession the Doctor took a post-graduate course in the New York Polyclinic Institute in the year 1890, which fact is indicative of his devotion to his profession and his desire to keep in close touch with all advances made in the same In 1890 he entered upon the practice of medicine at Smith Falls, Canada, where he remained one year, at the expiration of which he came to South Dakota and established himself in practice at Elk Point, Union county, where be built up a successful practice, there continuing his residence until 1898, when he located in Vermillion, where he now controls an excellent and representative practice. In 1897 he took a second post-graduate course in the Polyclinic Institute in New York City. He served as superintendent of the board of health of Union county while a resident of Elk Point, and he is at the present time medical examiner for the New York Life Insurance Company, the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, the Northwestern Life Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, and others of importance. He holds membership in the South Dakota State Medical Society and the American Medical Association, while fraternally he is identified with the Masonic order, in which he has passed the capitular degrees; the Knights of Pythias, and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. On the 2d of October, 1892, Dr. Mulcahy was united in marriage to Miss Laura Fox, of Orillia, Canada, and she died on the 23d of February, 1898, leaving one child, Vera. On the 2d of July, 1901, the Doctor consummated a second marriage, being then united to Miss Bertha Chamberlain, of Pasadena, California.