William J. Rowlands Biography This biography appears on pages 1452 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. II (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. WILLIAM J. ROWLANDS, a successful farmer and stock raiser of Brown county, was born in Wales on the 14th of July, 1846, and was brought to America when one year old and grew to manhood's estate in Columbia county, Wisconsin, where his parents settled on coming to this country. He was reared to agricultural pursuits and on attaining his majority selected that ancient and honorable vocation for his life work, and has followed it ever since, meeting with the success that inevitably attends the man of industry whose efforts are directed by good natural ability, and whose career bears the stamp of earnestness and sincerity of purpose. Mr. Rowlands succeeded well as a farmer and continued his labors in. Wisconsin until 1880, in the fall of which year he sold his possessions in that state and became a resident of Brown county, South Dakota. Shortly after reaching his destination he took up a homestead, three miles northwest of Bath, but after holding the same until ~88~ and making a number of improvements, he disposed of the place and moved to his present home, three miles north of Plana, where he now owns a finely improved farm of four hundred and eighty acres, a large part of which is in cultivation, the remainder consisting of rich pasture land, peculiarly adapted to live-stock purposes. Mr. Rowlands is an up-to date agriculturist and as a raiser of fine cattle he has a reputation second to that of few of his fellow citizens similarly engaged. He has prospered greatly since coming west, being the possessor of a beautiful and attractive home, while his business affairs have so worked to his advantage that he is now in independent circumstances. While not a politician in the exclusive sense of the term, he is decided in his allegiance to the Republican party and has been a delegate to a number of conventions, besides rendering valuable service to the ticket. Religiously he subscribes to no creed or statement of faith, but is a regular attendant of the Presbyterian church, to which his wife belongs, contributing of his means to its support, as well as to the building up and sustaining of charitable institutions irrespective of name or order. The married life of Mr. Rowlands dates from January, 1887, when he was united in the bonds of wedlock with Miss Sarah Morris, of New York, the union being blessed with children as follows: John Howard, Eunice E., Catherine J. and Beulah May.