Lyman Turner Biography This biography appears on pages 656-657 in "History of South Dakota" by Doane Robinson, Vol. I (1904) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at LYMAN TURNER. - The subject of this review enjoys the distinction of being one of the leading farmers and stock raisers of Brown county, and his long period of residence in this part of South Dakota has made his name a household word throughout a large section of the country. Lyman Turner is of New England birth, being a native of Oxford county, Maine where he first saw the light of day on June 5 of the year 1842. When a boy he accompanied his parents to Dodge county, Wisconsin, where he grew to manhood and received his education the meanwhile becoming skillful in the use of tools by working on the farm with his father who was a carpenter and millwright. Young Turner devoted his attention to mechanical and farm work until the breaking out of the Civil war, when he laid aside the pursuits of civil life and went to the maintaining of the integrity of the Union. Enlisting August 14, 1861, in Company B, Tenth Wisconsin Infantry, he served successively in the armies of the Ohio, Cumberland and Tennessee and was with his command through all its vicissitudes of campaign and contest, from Perryville to the fall of Atlanta, participating in eighteen pitched battles, besides numerous minor engagements and skirmishes, and under all circumstances beating himself as a true soldier, who made duty paramount to every other consideration. With the exception of a short time in the hospital, he was never absent from his command, and notwithstanding the number of bloody engagements in which he took part, and the many times he was exposed to danger and death, he came through the trying ordeal without wound or injury. Being honorably discharged in the fall of 1864, after three years and two months of strenuous and faithful service, Mr. Turner returned to Wisconsin and spent the winter at the high school at Harrison. In the spring of 1865 he came to Blue Earth county, Minnesota, where he followed agricultural pursuits until 1871, in which year he married and moved onto a farm in Faribault county, that state, which he operated for two years. He then traded the farm for a stock of general merchandise, and for two years conducted a store, having the postoffice in connection. In the fall of 1875 he lost everything by fire, and then went to work at contracting and building. In the spring of 1877 he came to South Dakota, and locating at Sioux Falls, spent the ensuing five years as a contractor and builder, during which time he did considerable work in that city and other places. Returning to Wisconsin in 1882 he spent one year at Superior, that state, but in the spring of 1883 again came west and decided to make his permanent home in Brown county, South Dakota. After spending one year at Columbia, as a contractor, he discontinued mechanical pursuits and opening a hardware store in that town, soon found himself at the head of a thriving and constantly growing business. His establishment became large and extensively patronized, but after managing the same until 1893, he disposed of his stock and turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, moving in 1894 to a rented farm of six hundred and four acres which he farmed till 1900, when he moved onto his own farm of three hundred and eighty-five acres, and gave it the name of the Badger farm, by which it is now known. Since 1894 Mr. Turner has devoted his entire attention to agriculture and stock raising and his success in both these lines has steadily increased until he now ranks with the foremost farmers and cattle raisers, not only in this county, but in the eastern part of the state. He farms two hundred and forty acres of his land, and makes a specialty of graded short-horned cattle, in the breeding and raising of which he has achieved an enviable reputation. For several years past he has rented and grown between five hundred and six hundred acres of grain, with an annual product of about six thousand bushels, the large yield attesting the great fertility of his land and its peculiar adaptability to any kind of crop grown in this latitude. Mr. Turner has made many valuable improvements on his farm and could easily dispose of it at fifty dollars per acre, a remarkable advancement on the amount which he originally invested in the land. He has no desire to sell, however, being content with the beautiful and attractive home he has secured and satisfied with the life he now leads, as a prosperous and thrifty tiller of the soil, and a raiser of fine live stock, which, with his surplus grain crops, yields him a liberal and continuously increasing income. In his political sentiment, Mr. Turner is a pronounced Republican, and he has been one of the active party workers in Brown county, frequently being chosen a delegate to local, district and state conventions, but his ambition has never led him to seek office nor aspire to any kind of public distinction. Coming to South Dakota more than twenty-seven years ago, he has witnessed the remarkable advancement of the state along the line of material development, and like other enterprising men of his class, has enencouraged to the limit of his ability this steady growth, having faith in the ultimate greatness of the commonwealth and in the stability of its institutions. Mr. Turner possesses a strong and sturdy character, and his prominence as a public-spirited citizen has made him widely and favorably known throughout the county of which he is an honored resident. His industry, economy and consecutive application have enabled him to acquire a handsome property and become one of the well-to-do men of his community, while his strength of mind and activity in all of his undertakings constitute him a leader whom others are wont to imitate and follow. Mr. Turner's family consists of himself and wife only, their union having never been blessed with offspring. He has raised two children, however, and provided liberally for their maintenance, giving them the best educational advantages the country affords and sparing no pains in looking after their interests and preparing them for lives of honor and usefulness. Mrs. Turner, formerly Miss Nettie Emerson, was born in Ellisburg, Jefferson county, New York, but, in the fall of 1856, when about ten years of age, accompanied her parents upon their removal to Minnesota, where she lived until her marriage to Mr. Turner, in April, 1871. She and her husband are consistent communicants of the Congregational church, being among the original members of the congregation worshiping at Columbia.