Journal of Lovel L. Fish 1872-76 L.L. FISH Remember this is my book and if you want to look at it, look, and if the reading don't suit your taste, why put it away in the greatest of haste. STEBBINSVILLE, OCEANA COUNTY, MICHIGAN Monday, September 16th, 1872 J.W. Freeman, G. W. Filkins and L. L. Fish started this morning, on a trapping expedition for the northwest expecting to stop in Minnesota. After a tiresome ride of seven hours we arrived at Montage, a nice little town on the east shore of Lake Michigan just opposite White Hall. We expected to get some money there but being disappointed we hired a livery rig there, paying $6.00 for it and J. W. Freeman and G. W. Filkins went back to Stebbins (for that was the man that we had been working for) and got the money on our order. And did not get back until after dark. In the mean time I was shipping some freight and preparing our trunks for the journey. We stopped over night at Madisons in White Hall September 17, 1872 Started at half past seven o'clock in the morning for Nunica, changed cars there for Grand Haven arrived at Grand Haven at half past eleven o'clock A.M. (railroad fare from White Hall to Grand Haven one dollar and fifty cts $1.50) Went up town and got a dish of oysters and then we went down on the bank of Lake Michigan saw twenty vessels on the Lake. At night we went and heard the Swiss Bell Ringers and after their melodius tones had past away we went and got on the Boat and waited until twelve o'clock before she started. She went very nice until about two o'clock it commenced raining and the wind blew dredful hard. The old ironside went heaving along through the water with now and then a squeak that made the passengers think that she was going down. Our bunk was in the low of the boat and the water would splash in the window once and a while that would make us think that our life was about over. It made me heave up for about two hours. And most all the passengers aboard likewise. Along about five o'clock the gale went down and we began to go pretty steady. When we got up about daylight, we saw some pretty pale faces you had better believe. The tables were turned upside down, the lamps and dishes broken and a general brake up. In the mean time I was so near groggy that I left my fine shirt in the cabin. (In the margin---- Railroad Steamboat fare across the Lake $3.00) September 18, 1872 And we didn't get in Milwaukee until twelve o'clock (noon) We stopped at the Cream City Hotel for dinner but I couldn't eat much for every thing was on the whirl. After dinner we went up town for to purchase some guns. and other implements of war. After examining them to our satisfaction we concluded to take 8 double barrel Rifle and Shot Guns and three Revolvers paying for them. One hundred and forty dollars $140, besides other ammunition such as Powder and Lead cartridges etc. To amount in all to about One hundred and sixty dollars $160.00. We started out of Milwaukee at nine o'clock evening for St. Paul. (Railroad fare $9.00) It being night we hadn't a very good view of the country through Wisconsin the main towns we passed through there Pauduka, Madison, and Prairie Duchien. We arrived at Prairie Duchien at Sunrise and stopped there for Breakfast and after breakfast we got aboard of a Boat and crossed the Mississippi River to North McGregor where we took the cars again for St. Paul. September 19, 1872 After winding around rocks and hills for about two hours we finally come out on the prairie in Iowa and after passing over a beautiful prairie of about 100 miles we come into timber again (this being in Minnesota) the timber was very small with a good deal of underbrush. The main town along this line were Swana, Ridgeway, Austin, Farmington and Rosemount. We stopped at Austin for our dinner paying the round sum of 75 cts for a chickens leg and a piece of pie. We arrived at St. Paul at 6 o'clock in the afternoon after supper we went to P.T. Barnums Show seen a few animals. [the Giraffe and horned Horse for instance) and saw what they called the leap for life a man performing on the trapeze and turned a summersault in the air and caught. on another slack rope which he done with the greatest of ease. And saw a person mesmerized and suspended in the air without any support whatever. After viewing the One Horse show until it was over we concluded to go for a resting place. But its being fare time it was hard to find, as the hotels were all full. We finally come across a man that had paid for a nights lodging and he said that we might take his place. And after conversing over the subject for some time the Old Man and George thought they would run the risk of getting another place and I might go with another fellow that we had fell in company with. So we went and paid a dollar and had a good lodging and breakfast. And the Old Man took the soft side of the Bar room floor, while George took the soft seat of a hickory bottom chair. September 20, 1872 The next morning the Old Man got up early (and stretching himself considerable after a pleasant dose of about 4 hours) and sent down to the depot to see if he could find our trunks. After having considerable words with the baggage master they found them and the Old Man hired a boy to carry them over to the Northern Pacific Depot. In the mean time I and George was hunting for the Old Man but did not find him until about train time. We saw him going down the street towards the Depot with the trunks we made for him and just had time to buy our tickets for Brainard (railroad fare $10.75) And in about 20 minutes we was again on our road. The timber on this road was mostly Buroak & Redoak. The soil was a black sand with considerable gravel mixed with it. As we come nearer the Northern Pacific road, the timber became plentier and more varieties such as Maple, Basswood and Elm. But the land was very low with now and then a swamp. We arrived at the junction at three o'clock in the afternoon and waited there for a freight train from Duluth until about sundown. The towns along the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad were Bear Lake, Forest City, Rush City, Hinckly and Kettle River then comes Tomson junction 20 miles from Duluth where we again took the cars for Brainard (not cars exactly but a caboose on a freight train) We did not have a very good chance to see the country along this road but nevertheless we seen all that we wanted to for the timber was all Tamrack and the land all swamp where school houses nor nothing else wont flourish except musquetoes and polawogs and hardly them especially in a drie season. There being so few stations I did not pay any attention to their names. We finally reached Brainard at ten o'clock in the evening got of from the cars looked around considerable for a stopping place and finally stoped at the Metropolitan Hotel. September 21st, 1872 We got up early next morning went down on the Mississippi river to see what we could see but didn't find any thing very interesting so we concluded to go on west. So we took the cars in the afternoon and started for Wadena 47 miles from Brainard (Railroad fare $2.50) There wasn't much timber from Brainard to Wadena, now and then a grove and plenty of brushy land, some prairie the soil being mostly sand and gravel. We arrived at Wadena about an hour before sundown, come out on the platform looked all around for the towne but didn't see anything but a few shanties and the frame of a depot so we got off from the platform and kindled up a fire to run some bullets and to get our guns in shooting order for they hadent been shot any yet. We intended to shoot about 3 or 4 dozen Prairie Chickens before dark but failing to get our guns in shooting order the chickens come up minus. The Old Man in trying to get his gun loaded got George's bullet starter fast and had to go to the carpenter shop to get it out and finally succeeded after breaking it to pieces. The next thing to do was to find a lodging place so we went up to the Boarding House and obtained a nights lodging. September 22, 1872 The next morning being Sunday morning we didn't get up very early and when we did get up there was such a heavy dew that we didn't go out until along towards noon. The old man was anxious so we started off north through the prairie to a grove of timber, the old man seen one deer but didn't shoot at it. I scared one but did not get to see any. The Prairie Chickens were very scarce. After tramping around through swamps and marshes until satisfied we concluded to go back to Brainard. So going back up to the station we got our dinner and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon the freight train come along. The agent wouldn't flag them for us so they went on past but the conductors seeing that we wanted to get on stopped the train [after running about a half mile) and backed up so we jumped aboard and was again on our road to Brainard. Again in Brainard we took our abode in the same hotel as before. The following week was considerable rainy and we couldn't hunt much but hunting was of no use for there was no game there except a few crows and they wasn't plenty only around the slaughter house. One day we had the fun of seeing two breakman fight a duel (or rather a rough and tumbel fist fight) they took off their shirts-and made up their minds to go in like two bull dogs. The one finally got the other by the ear and after gnawing away for some time hollowed about no biting and the party took them apart and let them go at it again. But they hadn't made but one or two blows before the ravenous man got the other by the shoulder and got a few mouthfuls of human flesh and they had to part them again this time making them shake hands and be friends this they done with a kind of human grudge which I doubt they will ever forget. September 23,1872 We went to church one evening the preacher give it to the people of Brainard for carrying on so Sundays in the saloons and on the sidewalk he said that they were very wicked and that they had better repent or they would not be saved. September 24-25, 1872 We stayed around town paying $6.00 per week for board until the next Thursday and we come across a man by the name of John Anderson living on Green Prairie 50 miles south of Brainard. He told us that there was plenty of game up there and that he was an old trapper and hunter and that he had seven hundred traps and thirty men hired by the month to work for him. He said that he would show us the best trapping ground that we ever layed eyes on. So we concluded that the man was telling us the truth for he looked like an upright and honest man and we would go with him down to the Prairie. September 26, 1872 But our Trunks had not come yet and we could not go that day so he said that he would be back the next Tuesday and we could go then. We stayed until the next Tuesday and he come but went off and left us so we made up our minds to take it a foot. September 27, 1872 We started Thursday, for Green Prairie got as far as Crow wing and began to get hungry bought some crackers there. Went out under the shade of an oak brush and eat them but they went down rather drie for we had no Beer, Whisky or Sider to drink with them. The land along this part or the county is pretty much Prairie with considerable brush in places but not much standing timber. The soil is a black sand and gravel rather light for cultivation. We didn't get any farther then Fort Ripley that day on account of looking along the road shooting ducks. Fort Ripley is situated on the west side of the Mississippi river eight miles North of Green Prairie. There we crossed the river on a ferry boat paying the ferry-man 10 cts a piece for crossing. We went on about a quarter of a mile beyond the fort when we come to a rough looking shanty we concluded to stop and obtain a nights lodging if possible for it was dark already. So the old man went to the door and rapped, a sharp nosed woman of fifty or there about come to the door. The old man bowed and inquired if a nights lodging could be obtained, well she didn't hardly know, her husband was gone away from home. But she finally concluded if we could take up with the fare we might stop. So we went in and laying our guns and revolvers before her for to take care of rather astonished her. She said that she didn't know that we was armed and she didn't know but she done wrong in taking us in but we told her that we had never hurt any boddy and didn't intend to as long as they would let us alone So she went to getting supper, it consisted of a pan of skim milk and a few crusts of bread, she said that she felt most to tired to cook anything. Oh, we told her never to mind we was very fond of milk for we had never been weaned yet. So we eat our grub and went to bed. Our bed consisted of a straw tick and a couple of soldier blankets. You could throw your hat through the side of the house almost anywhere. We dosed away several unpleasant hours (for it was very cold) and got up. September 28, 1872 Our breakfast consisted of a cup of coffee a little pork and some warm biscuits that was about 2 thirds Saleratus and the rest flour. After paying our bill we started on for Green Prairie but hadn't gone only 2 or 3 miles before we met Mr. Hall and son from Green Prairie, they was going to Brainard with a load of potatoes. We thought we would send for our trunks so George went back with them to Brainard. And I and the Old Man went on to the prairie. We hadent gone far before we spied some Ducks on the river and we thought that we would go and shoot some of them so creeping along through the brush and grass we got down to the river. I told the old man that I would not shoot until he did so he commenced to crawl up closer and I had my gun on them all the time waiting for him to shoot but he made such a noise in the prickly Ash that the ducks all flew and neither of us got a shot. In crossing a little brook right close by I saw a duck, shot and killed it. Then we started back to the road, heard a noise in the brush and thought it was a deer but on close examination found that it was some cows and two men driving them on horse back. The men were Freeman Hall and George Hall, sons of the old man Hall that we met going to Brainard. We fell in conversation with them and found that they lived close by John Andersons. The old man was considerable tired out (for his number eight boots had gohded his feet some) and Freeman Hall got off from his horse and let the old man get on. He rode up to the old man Halls and got off. Went on to John Andersons, got there about eleven o'clock, John was digging potatoes. But I have left out some which I will now relate when we met the old man Hall he was very_________ in having us stop with him. He said that he had some corn to husk and he would like to give us a job but we was not in the working mood just then, we did not come out here for that purpose. We told him that we had promised John Anderson to stop with him and we must fulfill our promise. And as I have said before when we got to John's he was digging potatoes. He invited us in the house and taking our guns, laid them aside. Conversing on the subject of trapping and hunting for some time we perceived that his thirty men that he spoke about to Brainard were minus and his trapps were knocked down to eleven. This we could not account for unless he had taken one glass to much when at Brainard. But we made up our minds if we were sold we would do the best we could. We could not be sold very hard for we had already seen some signs of deer and plenty of ducks and some chickens, and as for the Moose, Elk and Bear there wasint any there. After Dinner I and the aid man thought we would go out hunting Chickens. John would go but be wanted to finish digging his potatoes. So we went, tramped around considerable through the grass but didn't scare any up. After taking a good nights lodging in a twenty pound feather bed, got up midling early next morning. Went out hunting deer down towards the river. The old man saw three, one awful big buck that give him the buck fever pretty bad for it was the first deer that he had seen in Minnesota. But he managed [after several trials to hold his arm steady] to shoot at him but missing him slick and clean the old fellow started off with his head up and tail a risin. The old man tried to make us believe that he had wounded him but we tracked him some ways and come to the conclusion that the Old Man had the buck fever so bad that he didn't know whether he was hunting deer or moose. September 29, 1872 The next morning was Sunday morning and we thought we would explore the wilds of Minnesota so starting off towards the south west we made our way through hard brush and prickly ash and through marshes and over logs until I began to think that we were getting clear out of civilisation. We finally come to a lake by the name of Fish Lake. We tramped around the west end of the lake and began to get a little tired so we sat down on the ground and after filling ourselves up pretty well with wintergreen berries we started on. After wandering for some time over the hills and among the lofty Norway Pines we came to the little Elk river and as we neared its banks we perceived that it was a small stream and at a glance we could see that it was considerable crooked. While standing on its banks we saw the wake in the water of a Musk Rat and after examining the banks we concluded that there were considerable many rats and mink on the stream. From this we started of towards the Northwest through a quite a lengthy marsh. Our object was to go to an old lumber camp called Browns lumber camp. After a tiresome walk of some hours through marshes and over the hills in the woods we reached the camp. Coming up to the desolate spot we stopped to examine the things around the stable, was built of logs mostly. The roof was made of logs hollowed out like troughs and turned one up and then down. The mens shanty was also built of logs but the roof had been torn off. Our object here was to see if we could find any deer sign. We did find some but not as much as our heroine leader had anticipated. While setting here resting our tiresome limbs we began to get a little hungry so we made up our minds to go back for the Prairie, making our way as best we could through this wild and lonely wilderness. On our road we had to cross another swamp and I began to think that our leader was trying our courage for every step that we took through that dismal swamp it seemed that we was going down the road to ___________ as fast as time would let us. But we finally succeeded in gaining ground and I tell you we were glad of it and after some more trying hours over logs and through the brush we reached the prairie where we again stopped for lodging. In the meantime George had got back from Brainard and was awaiting our arrival. September 29, 1872 He brought our trunks which had our clothing in and traps likewise. We thought we would trie our luck in trapping. So setting out 8 traps we caught 5 rats the first night. We thought this was doing very well for a beginning. The next night was gained one rat. September 30, 1872 The next morning I wounded the big buck (or old Golden as we called him) the one that the old man had shot at the day or two before. I could not track him very well on account of the ground being bare and so many brush. I found some blood but not enough to convince me that he was wounded very bad so I let him go and went to the house. That night we set out 25 traps and caught 12 rats this was a little discouraging but still it was not very bad... October 1, 1872 The next day along toward evening we went out hunting again, the old man and the stalwart John went together and I and George went in opposite directions. The old man and John went down to the big marsh to watch on a runway. We hadent been gone long before I heard the report of the old man's rifle. And one report followed another until twelve shots were fired. I began to think that the Indians had charged on the old man and John or else they were killing all the deer in the country. I made up my mind that if the Indian had charged on them I would go down and help them out of the rumpus. And if they had only killed ten or twelve deer I wauldent come _________ in helping them take care of their game. So I crept down the winding path through the brush until I come in sight of them. The old man had his coat off and was first in the act of stooping over. When I hollowed at them and wanted know what they had been bombarding. By gimminetty I have got one of them says the old man and by the holy horned spoons I shot another one for I seen the fur fly off his back. And would have shot another one if John had let me pulled off my revolver when I wanted too. Well now what is all this rumpus about explain yourselves said I. Well you see says the old man we come down here and watched on this runway right out there in the brush. John told me to give the word when to shoot if the deer comes along. We hadent been here more than 5 minutes before I seen three coming. I told John to set down and not to move a bit. He didn't move except to brush the musquetoes from of his face. While I let them ____ away but wished the divil to blow the roof of their jackets. Well you see they come up within 8 or 10 rods and stopped. I told John that I would take the head one and he might take the next one. So you see as I give the word shoot, I shot and the old doe fell. The other two jumped a couple of jumps and stopped John holding his gun on them all the time but never shooting once so I drawed up the shot gun and shot but shot too high. I seen the fur fly though and pulled my old Navy out to shoot but John stopped me he said he wanted to shoot that one. So I held on, he shot but missed him slick and clean and then I shot and he shot and I shot and he shot and I guess he is pretty sore if we dident kill him. But I know we killed him he couldn't have stood all them shots without getting killed. We have got one any way. We will let the other go until morning for it is to dark to hunt him tonight. But John tells quite another storri says I, he says that you dident give any word to shoot. But I did says the old man and if he dident hear me it was because them confounded musquetoes made such a noise. Well I guess you were both so excited that you didn't know what you were about. But it is time we was going home with this deer. So after gathering up their rats and revolvers and guns we started for the house. I and John carried the deer and the old man carried the guns and revolver. We was about 2 miles from the house and we was glad when we got there for we hadent a very light load. October 2, 1872 Days passed on and we kept a catching, some game rats and coon. One night I and John watched up in a tree for deer in a turnip patch. We hadent been there long before there were three or four came in under the tree where I was watching. I kept very still for some time but it was so dark that I could not see them and so I thought if I got a chance to shoot one of them I would have to make a noise so I first moved a little from my position in the tree. When one of them jumped I could not see nothing but its shadow. When I drawed up my ____________ sandlepipe and never taking no aim (except by guess) pulled the trigger when mr deer fell and he hadent any more than touched the ground before I jumped from my seat in the tree (which was no less than twelve feet from the ground] and grabbing my knife at the same time cut mr. deers throat. John hollowed out have you got one ? Yes sez I and got its throat cut. Well sez he it is going to get up, no it haint sez I and I grabbed it by the ears while he cut its throat again. October 3,4,5 & 6 1872 This was the first deer that I had ever killed its being so small. [it was only a fawn] that I couldent boast much of it. Well the next thing to be done was to take it to the house so John shouldered the fawn and I carried his gun and away we went for the house but it was not a very long journey for the house was not over a half mile away. October 7, 1872 The next day we went to Little Falls and bought 2 doz. traps and purchased some groceries and some nails to build a boat with. October 8, 1872 The next day we went down to the mill to make the boat but when we got there we could not get any tools to work with so George went on to town and got some groceries while I and the old man stayed at the mill until he come back. October 9, 1872 The next day was the 9th of October it was middling cold we thought we would try our luck up on the little Elk river, So we hired Frank Hall to take us up there paying him $5.00. We got as far as the forks at noon where we stopped and cooked our dinner. That consisted of Duck Prairie Chicken, Snipe, Potatoes etc, We found considerable signs of deer, otta and mink there but not enough to stop so after dinner we started on up the north fork and on our road we seen 8 deer. This kind of encouraged us if we dident get a shot at them. We finally got to Hay Creek about an hour before sundown. We thought we would stop here as there was some signs of rats and mink on the stream so we onloaded our traps and provisions close to an old hay shanty and prepared ourselves for the night. We set out 44 traps expecting to catch about 25 rats and 2 or three minks but the night was very cold. The creek froze about a half inch all over, and we come very near freezing ourselves although we had five big heavy soldier blankets and all our cloths on. October 10, 1872 Got up next morning and instead of finding 25 rats and 2 or 3 mink we found 2 rats. This was encouraging but not half so much as the baking of the bread for breakfast. George was the cook so he got the pan and mixed up the bread but instead of putting it in the oven he had to put it on the frying pan and cook it over the coals but the worst of all was we had no pork, lard, butter or griddle greaser to grease the pan with but he slapped her in and the way she stuck to the pan was a caution. He kept a flipping her up side down until the outside was burnt as brown as the top of your old hat. October 11, 1872 The next day we hunted as usual and that night we set out 58 traps and caught 8 rats and one mink October 12, 1872 Saturday we concluded to build us some kind of a hut to stop in for it was getting rather cold nights. We had been stopping in an old hay shanty that was stuck up for the purpose of haying which would not keep out the cold very well nor shed rain none the best so we went to work. "The nights were cold we had no stove 1st So we built a Hut in the little Pine Grove George cut the logs the foundation I layed And I dug a hole without any spade." October 13 "The object of this hole I'll tell without teasing 2nd Was to put potatoes in to keep from freezing Although some of them had already froze As sure as people have corns on their toes." October 14 "We had a bed in one corner a place for to lay 3rd The roof was built out of Pine boughs and marsh Hay And just as sure as an egg is without bone The. fire place we built was made out of stone." October 15 "And we all three made out to be boss 4th So we stoped up the cracks and corners with moss And the chimney we built without any codd We dug up the marsh and made it of sod." October 16 "It smoked very bad George swore like a curse 5th And cut a hole through the roof which made it smoke worse One morning we got up at the break of day Got breakfast and cleared the dishes away." October 17 "George went out a little ways back 6th To watch on a runway from off a Hay stack While the Old man put some brush on the fire to see To put on his mocassins to go out with me." October 18 "When lo ! the fire caught in the moss on the wall 7th And the old man was scared and loud I did call I had such a cold I could not call loud And the smoke from the roof made such a dark cloud." "The old man went to work like a boy at play 8th while I got on the roof to throw off the hay But the more I raised the hay the faster the flames rolled I could not work fast I had such a bad cold." "We had fur in the hut such as mink and muskrate 9th But the worst thing that perished there was the old man's hat The things were throughed out the logs were burned black When George had got back from off the hay stack. "Now my kind friends I have finished my song 10th I hope you will think I have sung nothing wrong! For writing poetry I never did care And I dont care a d.. .m for that old hut there. L.L. Fish And after the fire had ceased and everything was quiet on this solemn occasion we concluded to go up the little Elk some farther to see if we could not find some old lumber shanty to stop in for awhile but we wasent successful in finding any so we turned around and went back. It seemed that everything was agin us so we concluded to go back to Green prairie and stop for a few weeks. The task fell on me to go so I started about one o'clock and on my road I saw one deer and he was off so far that I would not shoot at him. I bent my steps onward and I did not reach Green Prairie until dusk. I went to Mr. Halls [the old man that I spoke about wanting us to husk corn) for the purpose of getting a team to moove back. But Frank was to Brainard with the team and would not be back until the next day so I stayed there until Sunday when I and Frank took the team and went after George and the old man and our things. We mooved our things down to the prairie and stoped with the old man Hall. He told us that we could stop with him for three dollars $3.00 per week. We wanted to trap some on the river so we told him that we would stop with him for awhile. Now he had got us just where he wanted us in the first place to husk corn. Well to get rid of the old man we come to the conclusion to husk for awhile at five cts per Bus. and three dollars per week for board. We worked a few day and found that we could not more than earn our board so the old man went to trapping and I and George went to work at one dollar per day. October 26, 1872 Saturday about dusk the old man shot a doe with both shot and rifle and went up and put his foot on her while he reloaded his gun but he had not got it loaded before she began to crall off so he just drawed his old Navy and shot her through the head, but this dident seem to stop her much. Well, he said if you can go with that go and he commenced calling the dog, but he was so far from the house that the dog couldent hear him, so he come up to the house fretting and foaming Well sez he boys I have shot a deer down in the brush and she has got away from me and I want you to go down with me and help find her she cant be a great ways off for I shot her twice with both shot and rifle and then I see she was bound to run I pulled my old navy and shot her through the head but still she run and I run after her but she out run me. Well after hearing the old man's pitifull story we went down with him expecting to find her soon, we tramped around considerable through the hazel brush and grass but no signs of the deer, so we give up the chase until morning. We wasent long at the house before the dog come up all wet and we supposed that he had chased her to the river. But the worst of all is the old man said well boys I will tell you the truth about it. When the deer began to get up I pulled out my old Navy and shot at her head and missed it not holding the muzzel more than six inches from her, after gabbering away for some time we dropped the thing until morning. In the morning we took the team and went down to the river for we was pretty sure of finding her on one of the islands. George thought that we could make a boat out of the wagon box but we failed in that for it leeked so bad that we couldent do nothing. So George got on the pony and forded the river expecting to find her on the island, but while he was looking around I espied her on another island a few rods from him so I called him and he forded across and hitched the line to her and toed her over. We pulled her out on shore and examined whether the old man had missed her or not, but we found by examination that he had shot her through the head right below the ear. Sure enough there was the bullet hole that you could run your finger in easily enough and she had run a mile with all them shots two shots through the thighs and one through the head and we bore the old man until this day about missing that deer. Well to finish my story. we loaded her in the wagon and went up to the house and skined out the fore shoulders and took the saddles to Little Falls and sold them to N. Lafond for 8 cts per lb., weighed 72 lbs. We sold the shoulders to the old man Hall and his brother. That week the old man had caught 13 rats and 2 mink. The next week ending Nov. 3 the old man shot one deer and caught 3 mink and 7 rats. (on the night of November 1 we had our first snow storm it snowed about an inch deep and went off the next day.) The next week we thought we would try our luck out on Fish Lake so on Tuesday we went cut there, and built us a brush shanty on the bank of the Lake and it was a most awful disagreeable place for the wind blew a perfect gale all the time and we burnt out [or come pretty near it) two or three times and we camped there until Sunday and caught 3 mink. On Monday we concluded to go back up on Hay Creek. So we got Halls team mooved our things back up to cur old burnt out place. We carved some shakes and put on a new roof and fixed it up pretty comfortable. On Tuesday November 12 it commenced snowing and on Wednesday the snow had fallen 2 foot deep on the level. Wednesday George come back from taking the team home and I tell you he was a goner pretty near for he had trudged 12 miles through that deep snow without a soul but Frank Hall to cheer him on his way. The very next day he went out and shot a deer the first one that had been shot since we went back. On the following Monday I shot a deer and on Tuesday I and Frank went back to the prairie and on Wednesday November 20 1 went with Frank to Little Falls and we crossed the Mississippi river on the ice ....... But I have left out some which I will now relate. While we were down on the prairie we got acquainted with a man by the name of Sanford Sperry from Michigan he was an old buck about 40 some odd number of years old with a fair complexion and a rather mild disposition and an Atheist in sentiment. He come out in this western wilderness (for such I call it) for the purpose of hunting and sporting a little and we surmised from his conversation that he was midling wealthy. And we also got acquainted with another stalwart Gentleman (as we supposed him then to be but found out since different.) by the name of Andy Hart. He was a rather a tall man for common six foot and two inches in his stocking feet with very long hair and a sandy complexion with very heavy mustache, but light whiskers. You could see at a glance that he was very quick tempered, and he was called by some Kit Karson junior for he was here in Minnesota through the Indian massacree. And we also come across another young looking chap about 26 I guess, with midling dark complexion blew eyes and dark hair and smiles like moon light, his clothes looked rather worse for ware. He had been up on the North branch of the little Elk river setting pole traps for the purpose of catching mink he pretended to know all about trapping especially setting pole traps and snares and at this time that I speak of he had just come from Little Falls. He had an old sack with 3 or 4 pounds of crackers in and a couple of pounds of pork. He stopped with us over night at the Lake and told us some of his love stories and his plan of building snares and trappers huts and the next day he went on up to his old camp. And as I have said before we went up on hay creek and these two former Gentlemen that I have spoke about accompanied us up there. but the long lean gaunt looking ran did not stop long with us at this time. He went back and stopped with some more gentlemen that he was acquainted with. But Mr. Sperry stopped with us for a few days and told some pretty good stories. But he soon got sick of the cold weather (for it was then very cold) and concluded to go back to Michigan where he could be more comfortable, he sold us his traps and powder and blanket, and at this time that I spoke of going to Little Falls he accompanied us and took his leave for a warmer clime. Well we hadent been camped long in the old shanty before this young chap that I have discribed before (Joseph Edge by name) come back and wanted to stop with us. Well we took him in for friendship sake for the poor fellow was nearly starved he had been nearly a week without any thing to eat except a few crackers. And the way he eat was a caution you would think that the poor fellow hadent had any thing to stay his stomach for a whole year. Well days passed on and we became like friends of olden time but Joe thought he would run the shanty by having something to say about every thing . So one morning George thought he would stop him by swearing a few mild oaths and so he did. Joe was a well read man but rather quick temper an Englishman by birth. But the most fault I found with him he had most to say about other folks bussiness. Well the winter passed off very quietly and we had considerable fun hunting except the coldest weather which was very cold. The thermometer was the day before Christmas 55 deg. below zero at Little Falls. One day we thought we would try an experiment so we got an icicle and placed on the wood in the fire. The icicle was not more than 18 inches from the fire at the farthest, and in less than 20 minutes it was froze fast to the wood so that you could pick the stick up by it. Well the winter passed off very quietly as I have said before until the last of Dec. when we began to get tired of hunting and made up our minds to strike for Nebraska and see if we could not get into a warmer climate. But this stalwart man Hart that I have spoke about before by considerable soft sodering managed to pursuade us to go up to his place which was 55 miles west of St. Paul and go a trapping with him out on the Pomme de Terrreriver out in the western part of Minnesota in the spring. So on the morning of Dec. 28 we packed up our duds for the journey. We got Freeman Halls team this time to moove us. We went down on the prairie and stopped with the old man Hall again expecting to go to Minneapolis on the next Thursday with Freeman Hall. On Monday Hart come over to Halls and said he could not stay any longer and he wanted one of us to go home with him a foot so the old man and him started on Monday and I and George stayed to go around with our trunks and venson. We had six deer which we thought of taking to Minneapolis as the season was nearly out for selling venson and we also had 8 doz. partridges to sell. Well Thursday come and we were dissapointed. Freeman Hall could not go to Minneapolis But he was going to Little Falls and we were tired staying around so we just packed up and started, but sure enough dident get any farther than Little Falls. But as I have left out a little I will put it in now. When we started away from the Old man Halls he was very anxious for to have us come back to take our claim on the prairie we had already codeded (?) him up that we wanted to take a claim there and went so far as to survey it out. But I had no intentions of taking a claim any of the time, and I dont think the Old man or George had. Well we stopped at Little Falls as I have said before and staid over night. Mose Lafond was going to have a team go to St. Cloud the next day and he said that we could go with him by paying him .25 cts per hundred for our luggage. We told him all right. That we would go. Well we put our Partridges with his'n and took them to St. Cloud. He said he would send us the money for our share when he got the returns from them (but we have never seen any thing of the money). In the morning we started, got as far as Swan river,there loaded up 26 fore shoulders of venison for Lafond besides all our venison trunks and boxes which made a load of about two ton. We got all loaded up and started down the hill on the river when the load tipped off and throwed the driver off (who was a cripple) and the horses began to run but it was lucky for no they turned around and tried to run up hill and got stuck in the snow. We reloaded but dident go far before we onloaded Mr. Lafonds venison beside the road and went on but on account of bothering so much did not get any farther than McNeals on North prairie that day. Next day we went on to St. Cloud, got there about 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Onloaded our venison in the depot and went up town and stopped at the tavern Peter Cramers Hotel venison was only 5 cts per lb. we concluded to ship it to Minneapolis. So getting a receipt for it we went up town and got our supper and as the cars would not run until Monday. We had to stop there over Sunday and it seemed an awful long day; two for it was very cold, and we did not go out doors much. Layed around until Monday morning, settled up our board which was very reasonable $4.00. Got on the cars again and started for Minneapolis. Mostly prairie all the way, arrived there about one o'clock in the afternoon stopped at the Reverie Hotel got our dinner. And there went around the city a little and inquired what mink was worth. Found out and then went down to the depot to get our furs but found that they was not there went up the American Express House but found them not there, went back to the depot and got the agent to telegraph to St. Paul to see if they were there found that they were. He said that they would be there at six o'clock in the afternoon. So we went back up town and waited until six o'clock. Went down to the Depot and got our furs by paying the agent 25 cts. We took them up in the famous city and sold them. Brought $42.00 took a check on the bank. The next day we went and shaved and then went and drawed the money on our check. And then we went to the Photograph Gallery and got a doz photographs taken $3.00 per doz. About noon it snowed a little, we went down to the depot in the afternoon to see if our venson had come but it hadent and wouldent until the next Thursday morning. Wednesday Jan 8, 1873 It commenced snowing and blowing a perfect gale there was not much stir around town except the hack drivers. We did not go up town but once and then my hat blew off and did not stop until it went two or three blocks, It continued to snow and blow all the next day. The thermometer was down to 25 deg. below zero, the snow drifted so the cars could not run from Minneapolis to St. Paul only 9 miles, the next day the wind went down and it stopped snowing the thermometer was only 15 deg below zero. And now as the storm is over I will attempt to discribe the city of Minneapolis. Although I did not have a very good chance to go around much as it was so stormy. Minneapolis is situated on the west side of the Mississippi River nine miles above St. Paul. St. Anthony is on the opossite side of the river from Minneapolis. There is about 22 thousand inhabitance in the two places. Minneapolis has several large saw mills besides a number of very large Grist mills. It is one of the most important lumbering places there is in the state. There is also a nice suspension bridge between Minneapolis and St. Anthony made of wire. And now as I have get through with my discription of this famous city, and our venison has not come yet so we can get rid of it at a good fair price 12 cts per lb which we was offered when we first went there. We will go and settle up with the land lord and take our leave for Smith Lake. The proprietor of the Reverie House only charged us the small sum of $10.00 dollars for 8 days board which we though was very reasonable ( if you dident care what you said.) We went dawn to the Depot and made arrangements with the Agent to ship our venison to Smith Lake when it come. And then got our ticket and took the cars again for Smith Lake, fare $2.25 apiece. The land along this road is somewhat richer than common a black loam about 2 and 3 foot deep with a hard pan beneath We arrived at Smith Lake about eleven o'clock, come out on the platform and looked all around for the town but could not see nothing except a few buildings on the north side of the track and a depot on the south side next to the Lake. Went into the depot and inquired for Harts, found the way and started, got there a little after noon. The old man was out to the stable feeding the cattle he seen us a coming and he started to meet us at the house and I tell you he was very glad to see us for we had been apart the longest time since we started on our journey. He took us in the house and introduced us to Mrs. Hart and the hired girl whose name was Miss Cacy. The first thing we had to have was a tune on the fiddle for we had not heard him play for so long. In the afternoon we went down to Crow river about 2 1/2 miles to help Hart draw some hay. And the next day we help him draw hay also. A few days passed off kindly lively. We choped what wood they wanted to turn and drawed up some wood to last while we was gone a trapping. One day Mr. Trumlie come over to get us to chop wood for him, but Hart told us that we might have all the wood we could chop on his place if we could get it drawed. Mr. Trumlie said he would draw for us for half. So we went to work. Hart said we could board with him if we would furnish what few groceries they wanted we told him all right and went to work as I have said. January 15, 1873 Chopped a few days and Mr. Trumlie come and drawed. The weather was very cold. We hadent chopped but a few days before the old man got the epizootic (?) and Hart cut his foot and I and George had to chop alone for a few days. Our venison and boxes come, the charges on them being $8.25. We got Mr. Trumlie to fetch them over, skinned them and used the fore shoulders up while we were chopping. Mr. Trumlies horses got sick and he quit drawing but we kept on chopping expecting to get it drawed. One night went to Smith Lake to a dance and oyster supper had a pretty good time. We kept on chopping until we got his road through which made about 60 cords of wood He wanted us to keep on chopping but we told him not much we wanted to get that drawed that we had chopped before we chopped any more. So one day the old man started to look for another job of chopping. Got a job of E. Studebaker, he come back and told I and George that he had found some work to do. But he wanted to set some otter traps and I and George might go and work a while. He promised to go the next day but we had to get our boots fixed and couldent go until the next day. We tried very hard for a week to get some teams to draw our wood, but could not find any. So the next day Feb. 12 we went and commenced chopping for Enos Studebaker. The following week was very cold the thermometer stood at 25 deg below zero. Wednesday Feb. 26 1873 The old man got a letter from B.J. Bryum stating that his woman was married to another man. The old man burned the letter up and appeared to rejoice in the news but along the next week he was very near wild, he was running all over the country to see what he was a going to do. And on the following Sunday Hart turned the hired girl off which the old man had been paying considerable attention to. The old man went with her over to her mothers. He promised to meet us at the Lake Wednesday night but on Monday as we was chopping wood we got word that he wouldent meet us at the Lake. Time passes on until Saturday, we went up to the shoemakers to get our boots which we had left there the week before. We was anxious to know what had become of the old man. So we just called at the window. And behold there. the old man was in all his glory, for he was married he said on the 5 of March, this being the last Wednesday. March 5 1873 And there his woman lay rolled up in a blanket (for such was the bed) on the floor. The old lady sat on a chair smoking her pipe and talking of the past while on the opposite side of the stove in the other corner of the house on the floor lay the other three children, one girl and two boys. To make a short story long I would say by adding that In one end of the house was a fireplace (or used to be) in which lay all the dirt which had been gathered during the winter. The floor was about half torn up and an old rickety bedstead stood in one corner which looked as though it could hardly stand, and on the opposite side of the house stood a bench and also some shelves on which were some dishes which looked rather worse for ware. No clock, no melodeon, no beauro, no nothing except an old dirty shanty with only one window and one door. And here the old man was in all his glory as I have said before. Married to a young damsel of sweet nineteen. Black hair, black eyes, red rosy cheeks and smiles like morning light. He strutted a bit and then said well boys, I have used you darned mean in not letting you know that I was going to get married. Well we told him it was all right the thing was did. And we wished him much joy and good luck hopeing that he would live in peace through the rest of his days. We give him all the dishes and blankets we had and told him to depart in peace. We went in after our boots and then went back to Studebakers chopping wood. Time passed on until monday morning March 17 the old man and Maggie Freeman (for such was her name now. which used to be Maggie Cacy, started for Green Prairie, Morrison County, Minnesota March 17, 1873 They took their leave on the noon train we shook hands wished them good luck and parted with a regret not because we were relatives but because we were friends and had been together so long we knew we would miss the old fiddle. We knew he would miss the jigs we used to dance and the pleasant times we used to have hunting, trapping and working together. He promised to write to us as soon as he got settled down. He wanted us to go with him but we told him, no sir we had got enough of Minn, we was going to a warmer clime. But wouldent start yet awhile as we hadent money enough to go with.Time passed on slowly, we managed to get $12.00 for the wood we cut on Harts place which was no less than 75 cords. Chopped wood for Studebaker and Wells until Tuesday March 25. March 25 1873 When we commenced building a store for E. W. Brooks & Close at Smith Lake for $1.50 per day. Got acquainted with Mess Studebakers sister in the mean time, Miss Griswold and also a young widow by the name of Mis Martin. Both very good looking and very mild dispositions with a pleasing eye and a fascinating way of gaining the love of others. We worked on the store until April 19 when we settled up with Brooks and Close, they paying us the sum of $77.43 for our work and some venison which we sold them April 21, 1873 Monday morning April 21, packed up our trunks, shook hands with our old friends Studebaker and wife and started for Nebraska. Arrived at St, Paul at 6 o'clock evening. Stopped at the Minnesota Hotel, got up next morning found it snowing and blowing and freezing and teasing to snow more. Took the 6 o'clock train for Sioux City. R.R. fare $12.50 the main towns we passed through were St. Peter, Mankato, St. James where we stopped for dinner 20 minutes and LeMars where we stopped for supper. Mostly prairie all the way from Mankato to Sioux City, is very beautiful. Arrived at Sioux City about 8 o'clock in the evening stoped at the Northwestern Hotel still snowing a very little. April 23, 1873 Got up next morning strolled up the street, met a young man and gentleman in appearance. But a thief, a robber and a gambler in profession as you will see as I go on with my story. I will first attempt to discribe his person as nearly as possible. I should judge him to be about 19 or 20 years of age tall and spare built, hazle blue eyes and a fair complexion, darkish brown hair with no whiskers or mustache on his face. He wore a grizzle gray & mil of clothes with fine shirt nectie & collar to suit with a half white plug hat on his head, fine boots on his feet and gloves on his hands His manners were gentlemanly in every respect but one. (And that is the manner in which he led us). He wanted to know which way we were going. We told him we were on our rode to Nebraska, that we was intending to take the train for Omaha. Well sez he I saw a man a few moments ago that had bought two tickets for Omaha and had given up going and would sell his tickets cheap sez he. He was over dere to this saloon a few moments ago les go over and see maybe he is there now. we went over. Sezs he to the saloon keeper where is the man that had them tickets to sell. Says the saloon keeper he has gone out he will be back in a few moments. And he led the way into the back room which was furnished with a carpet, a sopha and a gambling table & some chairs one of which was occupied by a man. A gentleman in appearance but who turned out to be a rogue & a gambler in the end. As we entered the room he jawed the time a day with us and commenced conversation by saying that it was too damd cold in this country for him [as it was then snowing a little]. He was going back to Texas where it was warmer and after talking of the weather awhile he turned the subject upon cattle. He said he had just taken a drove of cattle up in Nevada to Nevada City and they was a man up thare that swindled him out of three hundred dollars $300. With 3 little cards he said he dident care a dam for the money for he had lots of it. But he said he made the man larn him the trick so he wouldent git catched on it again. 0 yes, says he, come to think I have got some of the cards here in my pocket now that he give me. And saying that he drawed the cards forth and commenced to shuffle them. Says he, I guess I have forgot the name of the trick. Says the other fellow (which appeared to be a stranger to him but turned out to be his brother gambler.) I guess they call it three card monty. Oh yes, says he and he began to double the cards up and wrong side up at that pretending that he had forgotton how the trick was done. But by the other fellows assistance he managed to get them rite side up. Now his object was to get us to keep track of one of the cards while he shuffled them. At first he wanted us to guess for fun and as the game become more interesting he wanted us to bet with him. And as he pretended to be very green most any fool would bet the small sum of 45 or 50 dollars which was the right card except he was short sited and hadent confidence in himself that he could see strait. Of course we dident bet any thing. But now a few words of advise to the rising generation old or young. Married or single, to home or abroad. If you ever meet a stranger that wants to know your business be sure that he is a man that you can trust before you tell him. Let him know that you know your own business and its a matter of indifference to him about it. Unless he is asking you for advise then treat him in a gentlemanly manner and give him the best advise you can. But as you go through the world study human nature. Learn to tell a mans disposition by his peculiar countenance. Judge his profession by his manners. See that he has no downcast look can look you strait in the eyes without changing the color in his face. Be upright and bold to every one you meet, assert nothing to be the fact unless you know it to be the truth. Hoping that you my young friend will profit by these few words of advise, I remain yours in truth. April 24, 1873 As I go on my journey to Elk Point which is on the D.S. R.R., we bought a ticket for this place [fare $1.25) and reached the thriving little town about one o'clock Stopped at the Elk Point House kept by Mr. Bovie. Here we concluded to stop and work if it was to be had but looking around town we found work to be very scarse. Stayed over nights got up next morning and made our way up the railroad track and finally reached Vermillion about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, 15 miles from Elk Point. Went in Ashlys Bakery and bought us a cup of coffee and a piece of pie paying 40cts. Now we must find work if it was to be found as we only had $1.75 left. Inquired for work, sent us to C C Maynard who was moving a hotel. The Maynard house, or rather was trying to move it but failed in the attempt, as we inquired of him if he wanted to hire any help. He said he thought not but to come up to his house on the hill about sundown and he would see. We went up and stated our circumstances and finally hired out to him for 75 ct per day to work at the carpenter trade. April 26, 1873 Went to work on the school house, worked a few days. But fared midling rough as we had to sleep on nothing but a buffalo robe for about a week. But we plucked up courage to stand it as he had a couple of pretty good looking girls who kept the piano in an uproar and whose melodious voices sounded through the house like the harp of a thousand strings. Worked some on Thompsons House and helpt some on the Maynard House. But as G C M failed to move it he let the job to W.R. Smith of Meckling for two hundred dollars $200. Then I and George went to work making rollers for him to move the house on. Made 20 eight inch rollers by this time. G C M concluded he dident want us any longer and paid us off with $18.00 with this we was to find another place to work so we struck out for W.R. Smiths to Meckling for we knew that he had the job of moving the Maynard House and would want hands. Reached Smith's about eleven o'clock, found a depot a store and a ware house with a blacksmithshop and one dwelling house that was occupied by W.R. Smith. He also had a frame up for an upright to his house as he was going to make a Hotel of it. May 13, 1873 He set us to work for 75 cts per day to finish his house, as we had no tools of course we had to go to work for what ever we could get. The weather being somewhat rainy it was very difficult to work but we mannaged to get to work in the black smith shop most of the time. And finally succeeded in getting the house done about harvest time. Through harvest we worked for W.R. Smith, John Smith, Sam Livingston, Sam Walton, F. Bromsson, A Falk & J, Welch at two dollars per day $200 bound after the Little Champion Reaper. And in the mean time would go to Sunday School once and awhile with Smiths daughter and hired girl. Oh yes I have left something out which I will here relate about moving the Maynard house. And as I have said before, Smith took the job of moving it for two hundred dollars but its being so very rainy it kept him from it for a few weeks after we come here but after some time it dried off and we went down and moved it in about five days, we also moved a jewelry store and a blacksmith shop. About the middle of June we had quite a shower of rain and wind which blew the black smith shop off of its foundation on Main Street in Meckling. The time passed off very pleasantly until the 25 of August and then instead of Dakota being near by or close to Heaven it was closer to Hell . As there were two ladies and two gentleman took a walk one evening to pass away the time. As they returned to their respective places of abode there was a rumpus made with one of the young ladies for being out after night with a young man whom she did not know very well. Her father told her that he would give her to understand that she belonged to him for a few years yet and he dident want her to be roaming round after dark with every young man in the country. And after lying silent in my bed for some few minutes and hearing a father go on to his respected daughter so. It aroused my ambition and I concluded that the next morning that I would settle my affairs with him and spin out. He paid us about one third of what was coming to us. And we made our tent and on the morning of the 28 of August we struck out not knowing where we were going. We made our way up the rail road track about one half mile and then took north for the bluff. It was very warm and as we were going up the hill on the bluff we sweat like a two quart tin dipper full of cold water in dog days afore we got to the top of it. We got to the top at last and turned and bid adieu to that miserable valley. And to those happy faces that we had left behind. And we wandered our way over the hills and through the mellon patches until we reached Lodi. A small town on the Vermillion River fifteen miles above its mouth we went up to the hotel there and got supper forty cts apiece by this time we had made up our minds to go up to Sioux Falls. We had heard considerable said of the falls and for curiosity more than any thing else we would go and see the place. After supper went to the store procured some crackers and cheese ( and George also paid the drugstore man a dollar for some medicine for to cure his warts) And struck out down the road and up the river towards Sioux Falls. We went about one mile and pitched our tent for the night close by a wheat stack. The musquetois were very thick and they bothered us some. And in the night it rained some. But we kept very comfortable considering everything. The next morning when we arose the sun was about two hours high. And there was a very heavy dew on the grass but we shouldered our tent and trudged our way across the Vermillion bottom through the high grass and weeds. Reached Centerville P0 about three o'clock. Took a good draw of whiskey and went on about two miles called at a nice little frame house for a drink of water and the lady of the house gave us a drink of milk which answered the purpose very well. We went on our way rejoicing, traveled about two miles farther and it began to get late. We made our way to a hay stack that was close by, pitched our tent and then we concluded to have something to eat. Went to the house and called for a dish of bread and milk got it and offered to pay the Lady for it but she would not take any thing, we thanked her and went to our tent to roost. Took a very pleasant nap considering our tiresome limbs and the pesky musquetoes. Saturday August 30, 1873 Went on our way rejoicing for Turnerville, reached the pleasant spot about noon. Went to the hotel (kept by Hr. Martin). and got our dinner, 40 cts apiece. We liked the lay of the country around there midling well. And concluded if we could find some vacant land close by, to look at it. So we procured a sectional map of Mr. Martin, And preceded to look up the vacant spots. Which we did at a very short notice as we supposed. As Mrs. Martin pointed out to us a mile distant on the hill to the west some vacant claims. We immediately went up and examined them and a deep feeling came over us that we must have those claims sure, as there was such nice building spots on them we took a little bit of crackers and cheese. And turned our backs to the promised land. Went back to the store and bought some more crackers and cheese and a tin pail to carry water in as they told us that there was no water between there and Sioux Falls. We concluded to have our guns and ammunition there to relieve us of cur burdensome load. So leaving them in safe keeping we strolled on toward the Falls. Night overtook us a little after crossing the Vermillion river and we stopped by a wheat stack close by. Pitched our tent and lay down to sleep in sweet repose. The musquetoes were bad in the night and George built a fire in his tobacco box and put confusion in their tormenting bills . We rested in peace until the morning light had come. Arose from our slumbers and opened the tent to look upon fair nature and behold the sun was hid from our eyes. The fog was intensly thick and the air very heavy. As I looked through the dim fog I espyed two fair damsels approaching our tent but seeing me they fled from before mine eyes, retreated as it were in the thickest of the mist. Folding our tent together we eat a few crackers and proceeded on our journey toward the North East. Although the grass was very wet with dew we reached Saddle Creek about noon 8 miles distant stopped and rested our weary bones and eat a lunch and went on over the flowing prairie on our journey. We saw one large crane and several wild ducks, some prairie chickens and some grouse. As the day began to dawn and the sun disappeared behind the horizon. the timber became visable on the Big Sioux River. We were joyfull thinking that we were again so near civilization. As we hadent passed a house or shanty after leaving Turner. After going on a half mile or so farther we stoped at a claim shanty built out of sod, or rather the foundation was laid. We found a few dry willows here and with them we pitched our tent and again reposed in silent slumber. Arose early next morning and proceeded on our journey to the falls. We reached the beautiful village about noon somewhat surprised to see such a nice village in such a place, as it is all surrounded by bluff or hill. We passed away the time as best we could, we hired out for about an hour for to carry some hay in a barn close by got 75 cts. In the afternoon we went down to what they called the falls. And sure enough they are the falls. As the river is lined with solid rock for full one mile. The river falls one hundred feet in about a quarter of a mile and all over solid rock. After viewing the magnificent scenery awhile we went back up town, took supper and then pitched our tent for the night. Tuesday, September 2, 1873 Went to the Land office and filed on our claims $2.00. Went to the Bakery and bought some dried beef and cookies. Then started on our way back to Turner. On our way Colonel Campbell & Silas Kidder overtook us. Treated us to a drink of Brandy and went on their way as happy as two Jay Birds. We reached Saddle Creek at sundown, concluded to put up for the night. Took a very comfortable nap, you bet your boots. Wednesday, September 3, 1873 Looked considerable like rain, was on our way again by sunrise reached Turner at ten o'clock. Stopped at J. S. Williams, found by inquiring of Mr. Williams that we had filed on the wrong claims. So in the Afternoon Mr Williams took his ox team and went with us to show us some other claims. Thursday September 4th, sent in declaratory statement to file on South East quarter of Section 21 & North East quarter of Section 28 in Town 97 of Range 52 East. Also helpt to Build Mr. Williams stable. Stayed over Night with Mr. Williams. (Here I will just say for the inquiring friends that Mr. Williams was an old bachelor at that time. But has since got married) Friday September 5th. Hired J.S. Williams to break 4 Acres on our claim $14.00. Took our leave from Mr. Williams to go back to Meckling about eleven o'clock. Got as far as Bakers Mill or rather his farm. Now known as the Morton House. Hired out to A. Baker to work finishing his house. Build store and farm. worked for him 2 1/2 months or until the first of December, took a yoke of oxen for our pay. Then went back to Meckling to spend the winter, as there was nothing to do out on the prairie. Went back to W.R. Smiths to get the remainder of our pay. But when we got down there found that we could not get any money out of him so we concluded to board it out. We then took a job of chopping of C.W. Taylor and boarded at Smiths. (Diary says [in original ink] Sept. 5/74---some where here the diary loses a year. This diary was probably written after the fact--leaving much out.) Chopped 67 cords of wood for Taylor at 75 cts per cord. After getting through chopping wood we went to work on the Section 7 on the D.S. R.R. for one dollar and thirty five cts per day [$1.35], mild winter weather most of the time. Feb. 28 [Think this is February 28, 1874] Writing school commenced, taught by L. M. Greenstreet of Sodi. And here I will give the eight principles which he taught: First was a strait line _____________ Second was the left side of an oval __________ Third was the right side of an oval ___________ Fourth was a loop either above or below the line__________ Fifth was the capital____________ Sixth was the latter part of the capital C Seventh was the first part of the capital U ________ Eighth was a capital stem __________ And he also gave me a specimen of his drawings which you will find on the following pages. (Drawings follow by Lovel Fish--Date on the drawing is Feb. 28, 1873.) (One drawing is of a turkey--- "Tis a photograph of the Turkey we had at our wedding." Oct, 8th, 1874. L. & M.A. Fish.) And as writing school closed every thing became quiet around Meckling. Worked on the section until the second day of April when I took my departure back up to Squire Bakers. Where George had already gone about two weeks before. We had worked for the Squire the fall before and as he offered us good fair wages I concluded I would work for him. And let George break prairie. As we had now raised a breaking team between us which cost us two hundred and twenty five dollars $225.00. Time passed off very pleasantly, the weather was beautiful. Harvest came & we had one hundred and sixty acres of wheat & oats to harvest. But here just let me state that the grasshoppers came also which made the harvest very light especialy in the number of bushels. I believe the Esq did have enough wheat to about pay the harvesting & threshing, harvest was over then came threshing. The squire thought he would save considerable in the way of threshing bill so he goes & buys an old threshing machine. Well we fooled away about two weeks on the old machine to get it in running order finally got it started at last. Run two or three days midling well especialy with the team as we had on two yoke of oxen. But it soon begin to drag. The horsepower began to jump cogs then the little pisszons began to break now and then. The bull wheel would snap in two until it broke in 8 pieces at last when we gave it up in despair. Well threshing was ended at last by paying 14 dollars per day for another machine. Now nothing must be done but George & myself must rent the Squires farm for the next season. But here let me state that through this long and beautiful summer, George had broke on our claims 30 acres of sod and about 40 acres for the Squire.And I myself became somewhat drawed over in the way of matrimony by the eldest daughter of the Squires. So I fancied within myself that nothing would be nicer than to rent the Squires farm to get married in the fall. So on the 21st day of August 1874 we drawed up a contract between us which reads as follows [as near as I can recollect) Know all men. That I Andrew Baker of the first part & George W. Filkins & Lovell Fish of the second part do hereby enter into a contract. The contract is as follows, That I Andrew Baker of the first part do agree to rent my farm to G. W. Filkins & L. Fish of the second part giving full posession of the same. The said party of the second part is to put in 80 Acres of Wheat 50 Acres of Oats. Harvest, stack and thresh the same delivering one third in the half bushel or grainery to the party of the first part. Here I will further state that we also bought 120 bu of wheat 100 bu of oats, a World Reaper & mower combined, an Esterly Seeder, one breaking plow, three drags, three pitch forks and two hoes of Mr. Baker; giving our notes of $441.50. But we was to do breaking for the reaper drags which amounted to $180.00 And Mr Baker sold the drags which he endorsed on the back of the $261.50 note which left it $223.00. Now our fall plowing commenced which consisted of only 40 acres or thereabouts. This we had all done up by the first of October or nearly all done. When the squire and family made up their minds to take their departure for central Illinois. The night of the 8th of Oct come & the turkey was roasted. And I and my intended became as one at the residents of the brides father by the Squire himself. Yes we were joined in the Holy bonds of matrimony, never to be separated always to live together and that to live peaceable. After we were married we danced a little and then came the tearing up of the houshold goods to prepare Mr. Baker and family for their journey. On the morning of the 9th at sunrise they were on their road towards the East and I and my chickabiddy were preparing for house keeping. Time passed off very pleasantly. The first of Dec or thereabouts froze up and winter commenced. George went to Yankton and spent two or three weeks, come back and hired out to Dr. Smitt to do chores. While I stayed at home to take cane of the oxen. And to keep my beloved one from freezing.................. The 8th of Jan brought on a Dakota blizzard and also very cold weather, the thermometer stood at about 20 deg below zero. The cold weather continued to come and the blizzards came also. I believe we had 6 blizzards in all, the last one was the worst which lasted two days and three nights. George went out to feed the oxen and in coming to the house got lost or nearly so for he missed the house by about ten rods. At the coldest weather I believe the thermometer stood 25 deg below zero at Vermillion. About the 24th of March it begun to break up, we had pretty nice weather for about a week then came a cold snap which lasted about a week with some snow. Then a few more days of nice weather and we commenced seeding. Seeded about twelve acres up to April 5th when it again commenced snowing which turned into a steady rain which lasted two days and two nights. This raised the Missouri river with the snow and ice from the mountains until it overflowed the town of Vermillion and also most of the Missouri bottom. We finished up seeding April 27th 1875. Put in 70 acres wheat & oats. We rented our breaking for one dollar per acre [$1.00] to Geo Peterbaugh 30 acres in all. Snowed quite hard April 20th, cold raw wind from the North & South. After seeding was finished we commenced plowing for corn; we also broke about three acres of prairie on the other side of the river on Mr. Bakers timber claim. We finally got in about 60 acres of corn, altogether broke about 50 acres of praire. Time passed off very fast breaking prairie and hoeing in the garden But here let me state that on the last of November 1874 Mr. Baker came back from the East. And in the spring of 1875 his family came back as they liked Dakota better than Illinois. They moved to Yankton where he runs a blacksmithshop as he is a blacksmith by trade. Well the summer passed off very fast as I said before expecting every moment to see those flying animals called grasshoppers. But the 26th of July came and harvest commenced and that to without any "Desert Locusts" (as they are termed by some) We cut our grain with a Marsh Harvester, we hadent out much before a heavy storm came up from the North - East which knocked our grain all down, which made it very disagreeable Harvesting. But by steady pecking we did manage to get through the 26th of August. Now here let me say for the inquiring mind that our harvest was a good crop, the best known in Dakota for a number of years. The grass hoppers done no damage this year to speak of, this being the year of 1875. Wheat will average about 15 bushels per acre barley 30, oats 40, corn 50 or 60 and potatoes about 150 together with an immense quantity of garden stuff such as beets, onions cabbage, tomatoes, etc. On the 6th of September 1875 George could wait no longer so he was joined in the bonds of matrimony to a sweet 16 by the Reverend S. Bridgeman living near Centerville. And we are now keeping house together. This being the 12th day of September 1875. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- One year has passed and gone since my old chum has bargained himself away. And still we go marching along. Quite a change has taken place. I moved to Yankton (The Capitol) to learn the blacksmith trade while Geo moved to the - timber to swing a backwoodsman's axe. Spring come and he went to the farm again to enjoy the coming harvest. But when harvest came, Lo the grasshoppers came also and away went poor old Grandmas care . (THE END) ******************************************************************************** ************* January 23, 1999 Footnote: This personal journal of my great grandfather Lovel Fish's was originally transcribed from his handwriting to a typed document, by cousin Laura D. Frame of Pierre, SD. Her pages were scanned & placed in an electronic document. Then some editing was done, only to the extent of adding a few commas, changing some capitals to lower case & creating a few paragraphs. No text was added or deleted. There are many misspelled words in this document by today's standards, however these are the spellings of Lovel's for the time period he lived in. Cousin Patricia Waiters of Atascadero, CA thinks some of Lovel's journal might have been written years after the occurrences & I would have to agree. There is some confusion as to some of the dates in the journal, also leading one to believe some of it may have been written, certainly partly, from memory. There were other items in this same personal journal, but not included in this text. Lovel kept a record of who he had worked for apparently beginning in LaGrange Co, Indiana. Mr's D.M. Gardner, J. C. Blanshed, J. Evans, E.D. Diehl, J.H. Gage & L. Foster. It shows he worked 70 1/2 days & was paid $95.77. No dates appear on this page. There is also a Family Register on two of these pages dated 1875. It lists the family of Lovel (1850) & Mary Ann Baker Fish (1860) on the first page, their twelve children being born from 1876 to 1904. Second page lists the family of his parents, Samuel (1808) & Elizabeth Leeper Fish (1814) who lived in LaGrange Co, Indiana, their children listed being born from 1832 to 1850 & Lovel being their tenth child. Then it lists the second marriage of Samuel to Julia Holly (1819) & their two children born in 1854 & 1857. Also in the journal as referred to by the transcriber are pages of bird & turkey drawings by Lovel. It was simply impractical to add the work record, family register, drawings & the aids from the writing school in this document. In another transcribed copy of the journal (unknown by who) appears this text at the bottom of the last page: On Aug 19, 1912, A Baker of Neville Saskatchewan, Canada wrote to Mrs Rosy Gilchrist, Academy S. D. The letter was hard to read but more or less told her he received her letters & pictures of her mother (his daughter). He was coming to the states and was planning to buy a car load of horses and wanted her to check on prices. He says it is 7 miles to Neville from my ranch. Unknown who the author of this addition is but we know it was not Lovel Fish as he died in 1907, likely his widow Mary Ann who never remarried but continued to reside on the homestead & raise her twelve children, until her death in 1937. Unknown when Squire Andrew Baker moved to Canada, evidently sometime before 1880 when his wife, Mary Jane Simpson Fish, married second, Jacob Stoffer Ingeldue. Lovel Fish's journal is a bit colorful in some places but it does give us an insight on what life was like in what was then known at the Northwest Frontier in the period he writes about. Also tells us some about the homesteaders & what they had to go thru to get started in their life. Even tho the crops were bountiful in the new broken prairie soil in South Dakota it appears the elements & the dreaded grasshoppers were always lurking over them. As of this writing Lovel & Mary Ann Fish's homestead near Platte S.D. is still owned by one of their descendants. Robert B. Fish Modesto, California Copyright 1999 Reprints only by permission.