Ernest D. Ede Biography This biography appears on page 769 in "History of Dakota Territory" by George W. Kingsbury, Vol. IV (1915) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at ERNEST D. EDE. Ernest D. Ede, well known as a representative of the legal profession in Huron, possesses the studious habits and the analytical mind which are indispensable factors of success to him who would devote his life to law practice. He is now accorded a liberal clientage and handles his cases most ably. Mr. Ede is a native of Lynn county, Kansas, born in 1876. The removal of the family to Earlville, Iowa, led him to become a pupil in the public schools of that place and he afterward attended college at Dixon, Illinois, and continued his studies at Cedar Falls, Iowa. After spending some time in the Iowa State University he entered the Chicago University and thus his studies were continued along broadening lines, bringing him a comprehensive knowledge of general and professional questions. The year 1902 was that of his graduation from the Iowa State University. He read law under Allan Bogue at Centerville, South Dakota, and for some time he was identified with educational interests in this state. He was a teacher in the high school of Yankton in 1901-2 and from 1902 until 1906 had charge of the schools of Centerville. It was during this period that he devoted his leisure hours to reading law and thus qualified for the bar. In 1906 he located at Huron, where he has since engaged in the practice of law and in the intervening period of nine years he has made a creditable record as a strong and resourceful representative of the profession. He prepares his cases with great thoroughness and care and his ability is evidenced in his careful analysis and sound logic. On the 27th of November, 1912, Mr. Ede was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Manchester, New Hampshire, and they have a wide acquaintance in Huron, the hospitality of many of the best homes being cordially extended to them. Mr. Ede is a Mason of high rank, having attained the thirty-second degree. He also belongs to the Mystic Shrine at Sioux Falls and he is a loyal exemplar of the teachings of the craft, which are based upon the principle of universal brotherhood. In politics Mr. Ede is a progressive and upon the ticket of that party was elected to the legislature in 1913. To questions of government he gives careful consideration and his support of or opposition to any measure is the result of comprehensive study of the situation, its needs and its opportunities. He may well be classed among the public- spirited citizens and representative men of Huron