Neal C. Hall Biography This biography appears on pages 585-586 in "History of Dakota Territory" by George W. Kingsbury, Vol. IV (1915) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at NEAL C. HALL. Neal C. Hall is county treasurer of Lawrence county and makes his home in Deadwood. He was born at Eau Claire, Wisconsin, May 24, 1881, a son of Frank A. and Nancy (McIntosh) Hall the former a native of Boston, Massachusetts, and the latter of Farmington, Maine. In early life the father engaged in the lumber business and on leaving New England went to Wisconsin. He left home at the age of fourteen years and began work in the lumber camps and sawmills near Eau Claire. In that locality he married and established his home. He became superintendent for the Empire Lumber. Company and continuously acted in that capacity until 1904, when he retired from active life. In business connections he worked his way steadily upward and won a substantial measure of success which was the legitimate reward of his industry, perseverance and fidelity. He is now enjoying well earned rest in his home at Russell, Minnesota. His wife passed away in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, in 1905. In their family v ere two children: Earl L., who is living in Russell, Minnesota, where he is engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery; and Neal C. The latter attended school in Wisconsin, afterward became a student in the Minneapolis Academy and still later attended the University of Minnesota. When twenty years of age he put aside his textbooks and made his initial step in the business world, becoming an employee in the Simmons hardware store of Minneapolis. He there remained as a salesman for four years, at the end of which time he came to South Dakota, settling in Lead, where he entered the service of the Homestake Mining Company, with which he was connected for four years. He then received the appointment of deputy treasurer and has been connected with the office since, devoting his entire time to the duties of his position, which he discharges in a prompt, capable and loyal manner, making a creditable record in office. On the 15th of August, 1906, Mr. Hall was united in marriage to Miss Daisy O'Brien, a native of Minneapolis and a daughter of Burke and Flora (Lovejoy) O'Brien, both of whom were natives of the state of Maine. The father, who was a merchant, ultimately became a resident of South Dakota, settling in Lead in 1905. There he embarked in business and is still proprietor of a store at that place. He served as a drummer boy in a Minnesota regiment during the Civil war, joining the army at the age of fourteen years and remaining at the front for a year and eight months. Mrs. Hal}is the youngest of a family of four children and by her marriage has become the mother of three children: Elizabeth Lucille, who was born July 17, 1907; Frances Estelle, August 21, 1909; and Neal Chester, November 19, 1911. In his political views Mr. Hall is a stalwart republican and has been a recognized leader in party ranks in his section of the state. He represented Lawrence county in the state convention at Pierre in 1913. He served for two years as deputy county treasurer and was then elected to the office of county treasurer of Lawrence county, in which position he is now serving for the fourth year. His father-in-law served for four years as an alderman in Minneapolis and in 1910 was elected a member of the South Dakota legislature from Lawrence county. Mr. Hall is well known in fraternal circles, holding membership with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, the Workmen and the Yeomen. He has a wide acquaintance in Lawrence county and the esteem of many whom he has met from other sections of the state. In his home locality his friends are many, for all who know him entertain for him warm regard.