Olof Nelson Biography This biography appears on pages 278-279 in "History of Dakota Territory" by George W. Kingsbury, Vol. IV (1915) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://usgwarchives.org/sd/sdfiles.htm OLOF NELSON. Commercial activity in Yankton finds a worthy representative in Olof Nelson, who is engaged in merchandising and is also identified with other business enterprises. He has a high class grocery establishment, carrying a large and carefully selected line of goods, and his success in that field is the direct result of earnest labor, close application and a ready recognition of opportunity. He was born September 20, 1864, in Sweden, his parents being Nels Olson and Kersten Nelson. The public schools of his native land afforded him his educational advantages and in 1883, when a young man of nineteen years, he crossed the Atlantic to the new world, arriving in that year in Yankton. He was entirely without funds, but he recognized the fact that industry is the basis of success and he was not afraid to work. He began as a laborer, but his ability and trustworthiness won him promotion and three years later he was occupying a clerkship in a general store, in which he remained for four years, gaining his initial experience along mercantile lines. At the same time he was carefully saving his earnings until the sum was sufficient to enable him to embark in business on his own account. In 1891 Mr. Nelson established a grocery store, which he has now successfully conducted for twenty-three years and which is the only high class exclusive grocery in the city. The stock which he carries is large and carefully selected, embracing both staple and fancy groceries, and he is accorded a liberal patronage by those who desire the highest grade of goods. Moreover, he had the foresight to invest in farm property when land could be obtained at a very reasonable figure and he is now the owner of valuable South Dakota farm lands from which he derives a gratifying annual income. He has been identified with the promotion of many enterprises in the community. Energy and determination characterize him in all that he does and in his vocabulary there is no such word as fail. He pursues the course that he has marked out with diligence and when obstacles arrive he overcomes them by determined effort and thoroughly reliable methods. Mr. Nelson is a member of the Yankton Commercial Club and for several years has served as one of its directors, while for one year he occupied the position of president. His political endorsement has been given to the republican party since he won the right of franchise and he has served acceptably in some local offices, being a member of the city council for two years and treasurer of Yankton county for two terms. He has served for an extended period on the board of education and is much interested in the cause of the public schools, doing everything in his power to raise the standard of instruction. On the 17th of May, 1892, Mr. Nelson was married to Miss Karolina Carlson, a daughter of C. G. Carlson, and their children are: Albert M., Ernest L., Esther M., Edith A. and Clarence T. Mr. Nelson belongs to the Ancient Order of United Workmen, being one of its most prominent representatives in South Dakota, having served as grand master of the state. He also belongs to St. John's Lodge, No. 1, A. F. & A. M.; and has attained the thirty second degree of the Scottish Rite as a member of Oriental Consistory, No. 1, A. A. S. R. His religious belief is that of the Lutheran church, in which he has been a very active worker, and he has served in all of the lay offices of the church. Its teachings constitute his guiding spirit and the motives which make him so honorable and purposeful a man in all life's relations. He stands today as one of the city's prosperous and highly respected citizens, his success due to his sterling integrity in all of his business dealings and an early appreciation of the many advantages afforded by a new and growing country.