Harry Wentzy Biography This biography appears on pages 339-340 in "History of Dakota Territory" by George W. Kingsbury, Vol. IV (1915) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://usgwarchives.org/sd/sdfiles.htm HARRY WENTZY. Harry Wentzy, a banker and capitalist, well known in Rapid City, where he makes his home, and throughout the western portion of the state, was born in Alsace-Lorraine, January 26, 1874, a son of Henri and Nannette Wentzy, who were of French birth and parentage. The family came to the United States in 1884, settling first at Kimball, Dakota territory. The father engaged in the hardware business in connection with the Ochsner Hardware Company continuously from his arrival until his death, which occurred in 1911. His widow survives and yet makes her home in Kimball. Harry Wentzy was the second in order of birth in a family of four children, three of whom are yet living. He attended the public schools of Kimball until he had passed through consecutive grades and was graduated from the high school as a member of the class of 1893. His initial step along the line of his business career was made with the Kimball Graphic and for a considerable period he was identified with newspaper publications. In 1897 he purchased the Pukwana Press and later became proprietor of the Reporter, which papers he after consolidated under the name of the Press-Reporter. He conducted that journal until 1910, but in the meantime had come to Rapid City in 1907 and had founded the Gate City Guide, which he sold after three years. He then turned his attention to financial interests and became associated with the Security Savings Bank, of which he was chosen president upon its reorganization. He is also the president of the State Bank of Scenic, South Dakota, is president of the First State Bank at Farmingdale, is president of the Ranchman's State Bank at Fairburn and thus is active in the management and control of various financial institutions He is likewise a stockholder in the Dakota Plaster Company and he has large holdings in ranch lands. He has done much toward promoting ranch development and in this way has contributed largely to the upbuilding of the state. On the 14th of June, 1910, Mr. Wentzy was married to Mrs. Theodore Wuest, a daughter of Judge D. R. Bailey, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and they have one child. In politics Mr. Wentzy is a democrat and a recognized leader in party ranks, having served as state chairman of the democratic organization in South Dakota. He has done much toward shaping its policy in late years and in furthering its successes. He served as president of the State Press Association for one term during his residence at Pukwana. Fraternally he is connected with Elks Lodge, No 262, of Sioux Falls, with the Brotherhood of American Yeomen, the Woodmen of the World and the Modern Woodmen of America. He finds recreation in travel and has visited many points in America and abroad. He is a successful, self made man and his advancement is due largely to close application. He began with working his way through school and from the age of fourteen years has depended upon his own resources. Having confidence in the ultimate future of the state, he has taken advantage of his opportunities for judicious investment and has benefited thereby. He was one of the pioneers in the development of the creamery business and was one of the first to create an interest in farmers elevators and in the cooperative methods of marketing grain crops. He has studied the business situation from many possible standpoints and is one of the most prominent of the state's younger generation of men. With him opportunity spells success and his work has been a valuable asset in furthering the interests and welfare of South Dakota.