Daniel Eliassen Biography This biography appears on pages 1202-1205 in "History of Dakota Territory" by George W. Kingsbury, Vol. V (1915) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://usgwarchives.org/sd/sdfiles.htm DANIEL ELIASSEN. Daniel Eliassen, a well known and representative farmer of Minnehaha county, is the owner of one of the best improved farms of his section of the state, equipped and supplied with all modern conveniences and improvements that indicate the progressive spirit that has nowhere been more strongly manifest than in agricultural life. A review of his life record indicates what all must acknowledge that the northwest owes much of her progress and improvement to the Norwegian element in her citizenship. To this class belongs Mr. Eliassen, who was born in Norway on the 15th of October, 1858, and is a son of Elias and Margaret Eliassen. The father was a driller and became expert in the mining of metals and in other drill work. While he always made Norway his home, he came to this country on a visit to his son, who was then living in Minnesota, and there he passed away in 1898. Daniel Eliassen attended school in Norway and even in his youth his time was divided between school work and employment which would yield him a living. After his textbooks were put aside he continued to work as a farm hand. He was but nine years of age when he crossed the Atlantic to become a resident of the new world, making his way to South Dakota to live with an uncle and aunt, with whom he continued until he attained his majority. After leaving their home he spent one year in Minnesota. He was employed at farm labor until he could save from his earnings a sum sufficient to enable him to purchase property. It was in the fall of 1881 that he invested in one hundred and sixty acres of land in Minnehaha county, this state, to which he has since added until he now has two hundred acres. His place presents a most neat and attractive appearance. The fields are well tilled and give promise of abundant harvests, and there are few if any better equipped farms in all his part of the state. Upon his place are to be found all the modern improvements in the way of machinery and of comforts. He has his own lighting plant in the home and other conveniences which one is apt to regard as features only of city life. He has built a large barn, which has the litter carrying system. He is acquainted with every modern method of taking care of stock as well as of cultivating the fields and handles and uses only high grade animals, having now thirty head of cattle and eight horses upon his place. It was on the 11th of March, 1882, that Mr. Eliassen was united in marriage to Miss Marie Tidemann, a daughter of Halvor and Mary Tidemann, both of whom are deceased. She represents one of the old time families of Minnehaha county, established there in 1875. To Mr. and Mrs. Eliassen have been born the following named: Helmer; Malenne, now the wife of L. A. Scott; Gertie, the wife of H. M. Hobson; Ole; Oscar; Dena, the wife of N. Nelson; Belva; and Joseph, who died at the age of thirteen years. The family attend and hold membership in the Lutheran church. Mr. Eliassen's study of the questions and issues of the day has led him to give earnest support to the republican party. He has held the office of school clerk for a number of years, but has never sought political honors and emoluments, desiring always to give his attention to his business affairs rather than to public activities. His close application and his energy have featured strongly in the attainment of the success which is his and which places him among the representative agriculturists of the state.