Anton B. Lord Biography This biography appears on pages 86-87 in "History of Dakota Territory" by George W. Kingsbury, Vol. V (1915) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at ANTON B. LORD. Anton B. Lord, the popular and efficient cashier of the Citizens State Bank of Eagle Butte, Dewey county, is a native of Sweden, born in Linkoping, July 3, 1880. His parents, Peter J. and Christina (Peterson) Lord, were also natives of that place. The father, who was a carpenter by trade, emigrated with his family to the United States in 1887 and located at Garfield, Kansas, where he spent eighteen months. Subsequently he took up his residence in Hutchinson, Kansas, where he remained until 1891, when he became a resident of Chicago. He was there employed at cabinet work in the Pullman shops until 1904, when his death occurred. He served in the regular army in Sweden. His widow is still living in Chicago. A. B. Lord, who is the youngest of a family of four children and the only one surviving, received the greater part of his education in the public schools of Chicago, from which he was graduated. When fifteen years of age he began learning the painter's trade and followed that line of work until he was twenty-three years old, when he entered the employ of the Roseland Bank in Chicago, where he remained for eighteen months. He then took charge of a paint store in that city owned by A. Nehring and remained in that connection for two years. He next came to South Dakota and entered a claim near Eagle Butte, residing upon his land for one year. At the end of that time he became assistant cashier of the Citizens State Bank and in 1912, after serving for a year in that position, was made cashier, his advancement coming in recognition of his ability and integrity. The confidence placed in him has been justified by his conduct of the bank. He gives the closest attention to all phases of its work and is recognized as one of the most capable bank officials of his county. He has other interests, as he owns considerable farming land in this state and is engaged in cattle raising. Mr. Lord was married August 20, 1903, to Miss Marie De Bruin, who was born in South Holland. Illinois, a daughter of Henry and Helen (Van Drunen) De Bruin, both natives of Holland. They resided in Chicago, Illinois, for fifty years, and the father passed away in that city in 1900. The mother is now living in Chicago. To Mr. and Mrs. Lord have been born four children: Marie A., whose birth occurred in 1906; Bernard J., born in 1909; Anthony H., in 1911; and Helen Anna, in 1914. Mr. Lord is a republican and is stanch in his support of the principles of that party. He is at present serving as treasurer of Eagle Butte and is proving an excellent official. Fraternally he belongs to Eagle Butte Lodge, no. 172, A. F. & A. M., of which he is secretary. Although he is yet a young man, he has gained a measure of success which many a man much his senior might well envy. He takes justifiable pride in his material prosperity, but values yet more highly the respect and esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens.