Leonard Moeller Biography This biography appears on pages 1056, 1059 in "History of Dakota Territory" by George W. Kingsbury, Vol. V (1915) and was scanned, OCRed and edited by Maurice Krueger, mkrueger@iw.net. This file may be freely copied by individuals and non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. This file is part of the SDGENWEB Archives. If you arrived here inside a frame or from a link from somewhere else, our front door is at http://usgwarchives.org/sd/sdfiles.htm LEONARD MOELLER. Leonard Moeller is a resident farmer of Lake county, his home being on section 34, Chester township. His residence in the state covers a comparatively brief period, but in the five years in which he has made his home within the borders of South Dakota he has become well established as a representative agriculturist and reliable business man. He was born on the 22d of April, 1861, in Dixon, Illinois, a son of Augustus and Johanna Moeller. The father was a farmer and devoted his entire attention to that occupation until about four years prior to his death, which occurred on the 12th of July, 1903. His wife has also passed away. Leonard Moeller was educated in the public schools and to his father gave the benefit of his services in the work of the fields upon the home place until he reached the age of twenty two years, when he started out in life independently For one year he engaged in farming in Illinois and then removed to Benton county, Iowa, where he carried on farming from 1887 until 1890. At the latter date he removed to Larchwood, Iowa, and still later went to Lyon county, Iowa, whence he came to South Dakota in 1910. He then purchased his place of six hundred and thirty acres, which he now cultivates with the aid of his sons, and his farm is one of the attractive and valuable properties of the county. The work is systematically carried on in tilling the fields and in cultivating the crops and he also engages in raising fancy stock, having now on hand one hundred and twenty head of high grade cattle and one hundred and twenty hogs. The annual sale of his stock adds not a little to his income. In addition to his other interests he is a stockholder in the elevator at Larchwood and he owns land in Montana, Texas, Illinois and Indiana. In February, 1886, Mr. Moeller was married to Miss Margaret Coughlin, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Coughlin of Illinois, both now deceased. The children of this marriage are: Frances, now the wife of B. Tracy, a farmer; Elizabeth, the wife of B. Conley, who also follows farming; Florence, the wife of M. Huntimer; John, at home; Mary and Mabel, twins; Josie; Alvin; August; Clifford, Wilbur and Katy. The last named is now attending normal school. In his political views Mr. Moeller is a democrat and while living in Lyon county, Iowa, served as township clerk but has never been ambitious for office, preferring to concentrate his energies upon his well directed business affairs. Though deeply interested in other states, his home is in South Dakota and hers his activities center, so that he puts forth earnest effort to advance the welfare and progress of his community. He is a descendant of a very old Lutheran family and he has in his home pictures of his ancestors back through three hundred years. He possesses many of the sterling characteristics of the ancestral line from which he springs. His success in business has brought him to a position among the substantial residents of the county and his record proves what can be accomplished when energy and determination point out the way.